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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
8 Movie 1 An epilogue of literally biblical proportions. Probably the most fucked up crazy ending there ever was but I'm glad it exists because the series would be very much so unfinished without it. Also its craziness alone makes it captivating. 8/10 R+ Action, Avant Garde, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense
TV: 0, OVA: 0, Movies: 1, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 260.83, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: -0.55

TV: 1070, OVA: 387, Movies: 192, Spcl.: 165, Eps: 17000, Days: 270.89, Mean Score: 6.6, Score Dev.: -0.74
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