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Chapters: 422, Volumes: 36, Days: 2.53, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Started Date Finished Date Genre Publish Start Publish End
1 Boku no Hero Academia -
164 / 432
17 / 42
07-17-17 Action 07-07-14 08-05-24
2 Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun Publishing -
26 / -
- / -
Comedy, Supernatural 02-22-18
3 InuYasha -
88 / 558
9 / 56
12-24-15 Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy, Romance 11-13-96 06-15-08
4 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean -
82 / 158
- / 17
Action, Adventure 12-07-99 04-08-03
5 Karin -
10 / 63
2 / 14
Comedy, Drama, Romance, Supernatural 04-09-03 02-09-08
6 Medalist Publishing -
15 / -
4 / -
05-06-23 Award Winning, Drama, Sports 05-25-20
7 One Piece Publishing -
8 / -
1 / -
00-00-16 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 07-22-97
8 Shinseiki Evangelion -
6 / 97
1 / 14
Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense 12-26-94 06-04-13
9 Tokyo Ghoul -
9 / 144
1 / 14
10-18-15 Action, Fantasy, Horror 09-08-11 09-18-14
10 Vigilante: Boku no Hero Academia Illegals -
9 / 132
1 / 15
07-22-17 Action 09-20-16 05-28-22
11 Yubisaki to Renren Publishing -
5 / -
- / -
Romance 07-24-19