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Chapters: 792, Volumes: 60, Days: 5.57, Mean Score: 9.7, Score Dev.: 1.16 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Genre Priority
1 Ao no Hako Publishing -
188 / -
- / -
Romance, Sports Low
2 Bakuman. -
22 / 176
- / 20
Comedy, Drama, Romance Low
3 Bleach -
- / 705
18 / 74
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Supernatural Low
4 Fullmetal Alchemist 10
27 / 116
6 / 27
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy Low
5 Gintama -
2 / 709
1 / 77
Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi Low
6 Kuso Onna ni Sachi Are Publishing -
35 / -
- / -
Comedy, Romance Low
7 Mob Psycho 100 -
9 / 109
1 / 16
Action, Award Winning, Comedy, Supernatural Low
8 One Punch-Man Publishing 9
3 / -
3 / -
Action, Comedy Low
9 Shuumatsu no Walküre Publishing -
58 / -
- / -
Action, Fantasy Low
10 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Publishing -
3 / -
- / -
Drama, Fantasy Low
11 The Greatest Estate Developer Publishing -
150 / -
- / -
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy Low
12 Youchien Wars Publishing -
7 / -
- / -
Action, Comedy Low
13 Tokyo卍Revengers 10
Action, Award Winning Low
14 Chocolat no Mahou Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Award Winning, Drama, Horror, Supernatural Low
15 Diamond no Ace -
- / 418
- / 47
Award Winning, Sports Low
16 Fairy Tail -
- / 549
- / 63
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy Low
17 Kokou no Hito -
- / 170
- / 17
Award Winning, Drama, Sports Low
18 Sakamoto Days Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action, Comedy Low
19 Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria -
- / 40
- / 7
Action, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural, Suspense Low
20 Vagabond On Hiatus -
9 / 327
- / 37
Action, Adventure, Award Winning Low