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Chapters: 3415, Volumes: 231, Days: 18.97, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 2.13 More stats
# Manga Title Chapters Volumes
1 Ajin
55 / 84
- / 17
2 Are You Alice?
49 / 74
8 / 12
3 Boku no Hero Academia
155 / 432
- / 42
4 Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen
13 / 86
- / 16
5 Chouritsu Soukou Zyklus;Code
13 / 22
- / 3
6 D.Gray-man Publishing
226 / -
23 / -
7 Drug & Drop On Hiatus
19 / 19
1 / 2
8 Flat
22 / 45
- / 8
9 Gate 7 On Hiatus
22 / 23
4 / 4
10 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Publishing
89 / -
- / -
11 K: Lost Small World
10 / 13
- / 3
12 Kagerou Daze
45 / 70
3 / 13
13 Kuragehime
81 / 93
12 / 17
14 Kuroshitsuji Publishing
132 / -
17 / -
15 Loveless On Hiatus
123 / -
11 / 13
16 Magi: Sinbad no Bouken
137 / 182
2 / 19
17 Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
90 / 96
7 / 15
18 Natsume Yuujinchou Publishing
86 / -
16 / -
19 Noragami
74 / 109
- / 27
20 One Piece Publishing
833 / -
73 / -
21 Owari no Seraph Publishing
62 / -
- / -
22 Pocket Monsters Special Publishing
531 / -
44 / -
23 Shokugeki no Souma
234 / 325
- / 36
24 Shuuen no Shiori
23 / 33
2 / 7
25 Super Lovers Publishing
30 / -
5 / -
26 Tales of Zestiria: Michibiki no Toki
4 / 19
- / 4
27 Ten Count
46 / 51
- / 6
28 Tokyo Ghoul:re
144 / 181
- / 16
29 Tsubasa: WoRLD CHRoNiCLE - Niraikanai-hen Shucchouban
1 / 2
- / -
30 Vanitas no Karte Publishing
10 / -
- / -
31 xxxHOLiC: Rei On Hiatus
56 / 56
3 / 4