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Chapters: 453, Volumes: 76, Days: 3.82, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Magazine Publish Start Publish End
1 Ao no Exorcist Publishing -
73 / -
16 / -
Jump SQ. 04-04-09
2 Mashle -
84 / 162
9 / 18
Shounen Jump (Weekly) 27-01-20 03-07-23
3 Noragami -
60 / 109
15 / 27
Shounen Magazine (Monthly) 06-12-10 06-01-24
4 Owari no Seraph Publishing -
48 / -
12 / -
Jump SQ. 03-09-12
5 Spy x Family Publishing -
55 / -
9 / -
Shounen Jump+ 25-03-19
6 Yakusoku no Neverland -
133 / 181
15 / 20
Shounen Jump (Weekly) 01-08-16 15-06-20