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# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags Genres (reset filter) Demogr.
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Kusuriya no Hitorigoto Publishing
9 72/- 11/- Unusual setting and story in general but very charming, and the protagonist is just so incredibly likeable. 9/10 Drama, Mystery Seinen
Chapters: 72, Volumes: 11, Days: 69.01, Mean Score: 9.0, Score Dev.: 0.39

# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags Genres (reset filter) Demogr.
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20th Century Boys
10 249 22 Now this is how you create an eerie atmosphere for a series. Talk about intricate writing, and what's with the crazy Illuminati vibes absolutely everywhere? The writing is just superb, most addictive and all-round best manga I've ever read. 10/10 Award Winning, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi Seinen
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21st Century Boys
9 16 2 Not sure why this needed its own entry since it's literally just the conclusion of the whole manga, but for what it's worth it manages to close the lid on the unbelievable rollercoaster as well as you could possibly ask for. 9/10 Award Winning, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi Seinen
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8 27 3 One of the most artistic and unorthodox reads you'll ever find. Very inspiring. 8/10 Drama, Mystery, Romance Seinen
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Billy Bat
9 165 20 Never ceases to amaze me the kind of complex narratives that Urasawa is able to come up with time and time again, whilst still maintaining a red thread throughout. Abstract in a lot of ways but always captivating. 9/10 Drama, Mystery, Supernatural Seinen
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Death Note 13: How to Read - Shinsou
8 2 - A pretty good example of how to properly build hype for a series. 8/10 Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural Shounen
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Death Note: Tokubetsu-hen
7 1 - Still definitely has the familiar Death Note atmosphere, though this is obviously nothing more than a silly what-if scenario. 7/10 Mystery Shounen
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9 78 12 Perhaps the only truly interesting zombie apocalypse story I have ever read. Must be the power of moe girls. 9/10 Horror, Mystery, Slice of Life, Suspense
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8 11 1 A highly unorthodox pseudo-romantic murder mystery with some really interesting characters in it. 8/10 Comedy, Mystery, Romance Shounen
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Matsuribayashi-hen
9 35 8 Eighth and final arc. Although it doesn't feel entirely probable from a logical standpoint, it's still provides one of the most satisfying and well-deserved happy endings you'll ever find. 9/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Meakashi-hen
9 21 4 Fifth arc. Probably contains the most disturbing torture and death scenes I've come across in a manga. 9/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery Shounen
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Minagoroshi-hen
10 25 6 Seventh arc. Provides all the remaining pieces of the puzzle and gives a great sense of satisfaction. 10/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Tsumihoroboshi-hen
10 16 4 Sixth arc. This was definitely my favorite arc from the visual novel, and although the manga version doesn't manage to deliver the same level of creepiness, it still gives a fantastic insight into the mindset of insanity. 10/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Himatsubushi-hen
8 9 2 Fourth arc. A prequel story entirely, but it provides a new angling on the puzzle as a whole. 8/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery Shounen
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Onikakushi-hen
9 7 2 First arc. Even after experiencing both the visual novel and the anime, Higurashi never ceases to amaze me with its unmatched level of creepiness, especially the Yandere eyes. 9/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Tatarigoroshi-hen
8 13 2 Third arc. More on the cruel side than the creepy one but good lord does it give you a ton of things to think about for the future. 8/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Shounen
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Watanagashi-hen
8 12 2 Second arc. Not quite as thrilling or creepy but the foreshadowing is excellent. 8/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery Shounen
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Liar Game: Roots of A
8 6 1 This has basically nothing to do with the real Liar Game manga whatsoever but it's still surprisingly interesting. 8/10 Mystery Seinen
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Liar Game: Roots of A #2
8 1 - Showing off Akiyama's detective skills from way back in the day. 8/10 Drama, Mystery Seinen
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Pandora Hearts
6 107 24 If you want to explore Wonderland, you'll end up finding out just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Sounds interesting and all, but unfortunately I can't really make myself care for it very much. 6/10 Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural Shounen
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9 65 8 Very reminiscent of 20th Century Boys in a lot of ways, albeit on a much smaller scale and nowhere near as captivating. That being said, it's still way better than most. 9/10 Action, Award Winning, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense Seinen
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch
8 23 4 First arc. While reading this without the godlike soundtrack of the visual novel is a bit of a downer, you can always turn it on manually when you read it so it's okay. In any case, a solid adaptation all-round. 8/10 Comedy, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Episode 2: Turn of the Golden Witch
8 28 5 Second arc. Still in the introductory stages but slowly starting to delve into the essence of what Umineko is truly about. 8/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Episode 3: Banquet of the Golden Witch
9 22 5 Third arc. Cruel yet oh so rewarding. Really knows how to play with the readers' expectations. 9/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery Shounen
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Episode 4: Alliance of the Golden Witch
9 29 6 Fourth arc. A bit slow to start off, but with a climax of this level you can't really say it leaves you feeling unsatisfied. 9/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 5: End of the Golden Witch
10 27 6 Fifth arc. This truly showcases what Umineko is all about. If only all kinds of duels were this intricate and fascinating. 10/10 Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense Shounen
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch
9 26 6 Sixth arc. While a bit quirky at times, it still keeps up what makes the series as good as it is. Erika's trap is one of the most awesome things I've ever read. 9/10 Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Shounen
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
8 48 9 Seventh arc. More of a prequel than anything else but it fills in almost all the missing pieces, plus sets everything up for the upcoming grand finale. 8/10 Drama, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense Shounen
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 8: Twilight of the Golden Witch
10 42 9 Eighth and final arc. A truly remarkable wrap-up of one of the most complex and brilliantly written stories you'll ever see. 10/10 Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural Shounen
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Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria
10 40 7 A linguistic masterpiece not quite like any other. Surely this must be the best light novel ever written, the level of depth to be found in-between the lines is just on a level of its own. 10/10 Action, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural, Suspense
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Yakusoku no Neverland
9 181 20 Never thought I'd see something this fascinating coming out of Weekly Shounen Jump of all places. Incredible worldbuilding, very intelligent story and great immersion. Eventually it kinda runs out of ideas though. 9/10 Award Winning, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense Shounen
Chapters: 1332, Volumes: 201, Days: 149.68, Mean Score: 8.7, Score Dev.: 0.50

# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags Genres (reset filter) Demogr.
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Rokka no Yuusha
8 30/46 4/6 Somewhat unusual fantasy/mystery combination, though the execution could be better. Gets better over time however. 8/10 Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery
Chapters: 30, Volumes: 4, Days: 12.16, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: -0.26

Plan to Read
# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags Genres (reset filter) Demogr.
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7 Seeds
- -/178 -/35 Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Suspense Shoujo
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- -/94 -/5 Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance
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- -/22 -/3 Mystery, Slice of Life, Supernatural
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Ore ga Doutei wo Sutetara Shinu Ken ni Tsuite
- -/22 -/4 Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural
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Shounen Shoujo
- -/16 -/3 Drama, Mystery Shounen
Chapters: 0, Volumes: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

Chapters: 32194, Volumes: 3614, Days: 237.92, Mean Score: 7.1, Score Dev.: -0.31
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