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# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags Genres Demogr. (reset filter)
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Saihate ni Madou Publishing
9 11/- 2/- This is some incredibly heavy stuff straight off the bat. Not sure where it'll lead to but it's very gripping depression fuel. 9/10 Drama Josei
Chapters: 11, Volumes: 2, Days: 69.01, Mean Score: 9.0, Score Dev.: 1.25

# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags Genres Demogr. (reset filter)
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10 252 50 It's hard to find something both as addictive and beautiful at the same time as this. 10/10 Award Winning, Drama Josei
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Kakukaku Shikajika
10 34 5 Winner of the 2015 Manga Taishō award, this is a rare case of an actual autobiography of the author herself in manga format. It's extraordinarily rare to find something which is genuinely touching to this extent. 10/10 Award Winning, Slice of Life Josei
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9 93 17 As someone who isn't interested in fashion whatsoever in real life, it's kind of funny just how much enjoyment I still get out of reading this. The author is just so much fun, even her bonus corners are brilliant. 9/10 Award Winning, Comedy Josei
Chapters: 379, Volumes: 72, Days: 149.68, Mean Score: 9.7, Score Dev.: 1.20

Chapters: 32194, Volumes: 3614, Days: 237.92, Mean Score: 7.1, Score Dev.: -0.31
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