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Chapters: 4271, Volumes: 11, Days: 25.93, Mean Score: 6.5, Score Dev.: -1.60 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Tags
1 8♀1♂ 5
41 / 100
2 Akatsuki no Yona Publishing 7
140 / -
3 Amentia Publishing 5
50 / -
4 Berserk Publishing 9
347 / -
5 Black Lagoon Publishing 5
86 / -
6 Boku no Hero Academia 6
136 / 432
7 Freezing Publishing 6
209 / -
8 Fumetsu no Anata e Publishing -
- / -
9 GE: Good Ending -
- / 158
10 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Publishing -
- / -
11 Grand Blue Publishing 7
34 / -
12 High School DxD 5
32 / 78
13 Hunter x Hunter Publishing 8
360 / -
14 Kaijuu 8-gou Publishing -
100 / -
15 Koi wo Shiranai Bokutachi wa -
- / 45
16 Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. -
- / 500
17 Let's☆Lagoon 5
55 / 68
18 Lookism Publishing 6
- / -
19 Magi: Sinbad no Bouken -
- / 182
20 Minamoto-kun Monogatari 4
- / 360
21 My Blasted Reincarnated Life Publishing -
43 / -
22 Noblesse 6
459 / 544
23 One Piece Publishing 7
1105 / -
24 One Punch-Man Publishing 8
190 / -
25 Otoyomegatari Publishing 8
61 / -
26 Shokugeki no Souma: L'étoile 5
7 / 50
27 Shuumatsu no Walküre Publishing -
72 / -
28 Song of the Long March Publishing 7
- / -
29 Spotted Flower Publishing -
- / -
30 The Archmage Returns After 4000 Years Publishing -
162 / -
31 The Breaker: Eternal Force Publishing -
56 / -
32 The God of High School 6
- / 569
33 Tower of God Publishing 8
- / -
34 Uchuu Kyoudai Publishing 9
295 / -
35 Unbalance x3 Publishing 5
57 / -
36 Vinland Saga Publishing 8
138 / -
37 Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii 5
- / 105
38 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. 8
- / 168
39 Yakusoku no Neverland 8
36 / 181