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#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags
1 Cage
- / 22
- / 2
2 Daisy!
- / 10
- / 1
3 Eden: It's an Endless World!
- / 127
- / 18
4 Fire Fire Fire
- / 12
- / 2
5 Giri Giri♥Sisters
- / 10
- / 1
6 Greed Packet Unlimited Publishing
- / -
- / -
7 Kafun Shoujo
- / 30
- / 2
8 Kaichou no Iinari!
- / 9
- / 1
9 Lolicon Phoenix
- / 25
- / 3
10 Oretama
- / 41
- / 6
11 Watashi wo Ariake e Tsuretette!
- / 10
- / 1
12 Yomeiro Choice
- / 41
- / 6