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Chapters: 510, Volumes: 53, Days: 2.83, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes
1 Boku no Hero Academia
I still really enjoy it despite all of its flaws. First 11 volumes were great and MHA at its peak. I still enjoy it now but its flaws are very noticeable and All for One is a dumbass and might be my least favorite villain in the series. I could rant about how much of a fucking idiot he is and it sucks that he's the main villain so it brings down the series now that he's the main focal point.
339 / 432
34 / 42
2 Jujutsu Kaisen
I am genuinely surprised about how good this manga is. I was expecting it to not be as good as people say it was because of how overhyped the anime was but holy shit it is amazing. Easily one of the best shonen I have read/watched. Hopefully it sticks the landings.
171 / 272
19 / 30