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So Ra No Wo To
The soundtrack is exceptionally good (esp. Ooshima Michiru - Servante du Feu Sora no woto OST) and the plot is fun. It reminds me of countless other Anime favorites. Noel = nemu and haruhi suzumiya; Rio = rakka/Reiki; Felicia = Alicia (ARIA).

wingless recommended due to "Beautiful soundtrack"

Archaeon's review: "The plot, which is more on the episodic side for the most part, is far more reminiscent of Haibane Renmei, and although there are a few points that deserved more focus, the story is actually very well crafted. The pacing is extremely good throughout the series, and the seemingly slow progression promotes a feeling of relaxation rather than boredom in a manner very similar to Aria." Two incredibly strong points for my interest in anime.
7 TV 12 Great OST - part Spice & Wolf, part Elfin lied. Beautiful French song in middle. This Anime has many elements of ARIA and Haibane-Renmei: the mysterious dark aspect, the European city aspects, war/Post-/Apocalypse aspects, lots of cute girls, and episodic PG-13
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 119.35, Mean Score: 7.0, Score Dev.: -0.53

TV: 1390, OVA: 275, Movies: 587, Spcl.: 96, Eps: 8673, Days: 145.57, Mean Score: 7.4, Score Dev.: -0.05
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