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TV: 27, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 107, Days: 1.79, Mean Score: 3.8, Score Dev.: -3.40 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Started Date Finished Date DaysPremiered Tags StudiosLicensors Storage Air Start Air End Rated
1 11eyes
4 TV
4 / 12
Fall 2009
Doga Kobo Sentai Filmworks 07-10-09 23-12-09 R
2 91 Days
5 TV
6 / 12
Summer 2016
Shuka Funimation, Crunchyroll 09-07-16 01-10-16 R
3 Air Gear
4 TV
10 / 25
Spring 2006
Toei Animation, Marvelous Entertainment ADV Films, Funimation 05-04-06 27-09-06 R+
4 Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
3 TV
3 / 13
Winter 2010
SILVER LINK. Funimation 07-01-10 01-04-10 PG-13
5 Basilisk: Kouga Ninpou Chou
5 TV
2 / 24
Spring 2005
Gonzo Funimation 13-04-05 21-09-05 R
6 Busou Renkin
3 TV
3 / 26
Fall 2006
Xebec VIZ Media 05-10-06 29-03-07 PG-13
7 Clannad
6 TV
3 / 23
Fall 2007
Kyoto Animation Sentai Filmworks 05-10-07 28-03-08 PG-13
8 Erementar Gerad
3 TV
5 / 26
Spring 2005
Xebec Funimation, Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA 05-04-05 27-09-05 PG-13
9 Grisaia no Kajitsu
6 TV
6 / 13
Fall 2014
8bit Sentai Filmworks 05-10-14 28-12-14 R+
10 Hyouka
5 TV
10 / 22
Spring 2012
Kyoto Animation Funimation 23-04-12 17-09-12 PG-13
11 Ixion Saga DT
6 TV
5 / 25
Fall 2012
Brain's Base 08-10-12 01-04-13 PG-13
12 Kämpfer
4 TV
4 / 12
Fall 2009
Nomad Sentai Filmworks 02-10-09 18-12-09 PG-13
13 Koi to Uso
7 TV
3 / 12
Summer 2017
LIDENFILMS Sentai Filmworks 04-07-17 19-09-17 PG-13
14 Kurozuka
6 TV
6 / 12
Fall 2008
Madhouse Mill Creek Entertainment 07-10-08 23-12-08 R
15 Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan
6 TV
3 / 12
Summer 2015
Diomedéa Funimation 09-07-15 24-09-15 PG-13
16 Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai
3 TV
2 / 12
Fall 2013
Lerche Funimation 07-10-13 23-12-13 R+
17 Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!
3 TV
3 / 12
Fall 2011
Lerche Sentai Filmworks 02-10-11 18-12-11 R+
18 Mekakucity Actors
2 TV
4 / 12
Spring 2014
Shaft Aniplex of America 13-04-14 29-06-14 PG-13
19 Mugen no Juunin
2 TV
2 / 13
Summer 2008
Bee Train Media Blasters 14-07-08 29-12-08 R
20 Pandora Hearts
2 TV
2 / 25
Spring 2009
Xebec NIS America, Inc. 03-04-09 25-09-09 PG-13
21 Psycho-Pass
3 TV
5 / 22
Fall 2012
Production I.G Funimation 12-10-12 22-03-13 R
22 Rosario to Vampire
2 TV
2 / 13
Winter 2008
Gonzo Funimation 03-01-08 27-03-08 R+
23 Sora no Otoshimono
4 TV
3 / 13
Fall 2009
AIC ASTA Funimation 05-10-09 28-12-09 PG-13
24 Tales of the Abyss
3 TV
4 / 26
Fall 2008
Sunrise Funimation, Bandai Entertainment 03-10-08 27-03-09 PG-13
25 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
2 TV
2 / 27
Spring 2007
Gainax ADV Films, Bandai Entertainment, Aniplex of America 01-04-07 30-09-07 PG-13
26 Vampire Knight
2 TV
2 / 13
Spring 2008
Studio Deen VIZ Media 08-04-08 01-07-08 PG-13
27 Zero no Tsukaima
2 TV
3 / 13
Summer 2006
J.C.Staff Sentai Filmworks, Geneon Entertainment USA 03-07-06 25-09-06 PG-13