Just like its older counterpart, the 2012 version is a masterpiece. I'm absolutely crestfallen that it was not finished, as the 4 episodes that were made are amazing. Could watch over and over
Hmmm.... bit of A strange anime, It's reverse harem but the whole romance aspect... there really isn't one. It has a great cast of characters but the plot really dragged the show down.
The first really old anime I've watched... not the best. The plot took so many different turns that it just came across as really unbelievable in the end. The main girl even made it onto my most hated anime characters list...score!
Such a sad movie, and yet its realism is also incredibly refreshing. Young love may seem great and all, yet the world matures and people come and go. A movie filled with symbolism and many hidden themes, a good watch but not for everyone.
Nothing I say could convey how truly amazing this anime is. It's been my favorite series for awhile, and nothing I've watched since has been able to top it. A show with an epic plot, epic characters, epic soundtrack, just an amazing watch.