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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated Started Date Finished Date Days
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White Album 2
seems slow at first and will require a lot of patience but one of the few shows that I could really feel the wiry tension, and, despite being predictable, it all comes together and is worth it in the end. 8.7 (edit: this show does the visual novel severe injustice and is paltry in comparison. Barely 1/6th the whole story. read VN instead -miles better and if you can handle [severe severe wholesome mental suffering and anguish] potentially was the most impactful to me personally of all visual novels and anime) wrecked me for months, had to take leave from work for months and ended up quitting. Requires extreme patience and monumental mental fortitude. 11/10 masterpiece
9 TV 13 seems slow at first and will require a lot of patience but one of the few shows that I could really feel the wiry tension, and, despite being predictable, it all comes together and is worth it in the end. 8.7 (edit: read VN instead -miles better) PG-13 09-08-17 09-11-17 4
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 166.47, Mean Score: 9.0, Score Dev.: 1.40

TV: 750, OVA: 17, Movies: 56, Spcl.: 10, Eps: 11301, Days: 182.58, Mean Score: 8.1, Score Dev.: 0.18
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