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formulaic but has twists, more entertaining and interesting to watch than Mushishi but worse when it comes to thought (Spice and Wolf is better as well in this regard.)
Total - 6.66/10
Story - 7/10 (overall, just good)
Character - 5/10 (yes, the medicine seller is not as great as the majority say he is.)
Art - 7/10
Sound - 7/10
Value - 8/10 (this is why it's highly rated)
Enjoyment - 6/10 (too much of the same thing recycled in interesting ways)
7 TV 12 What makes this a good show is the presentation (mise-en-scene), this spin-off is arguably unnecessary. R
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 149.74, Mean Score: 7.0, Score Dev.: -1.42

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