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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated
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Shingeki no Kyojin
conflict between story-driven and character-driven and inconsistent pacing in the 1st half, subpar execution and misuse of music
Art/Animation: 8/10 (lacks consistent fluidity/animation and quality isn't consistent great throughout)
Sound: 8/10 (good choices but loses impact due to repetition/spamming, voice acting is good althroughout)
Content: 6/10 (good premise and characters for its setting but conflict of direction resulting in inconsistent pacing, timeskips, flashbacks, etc. that reduce excitement of whatever is happening atm and cause unnecessary confusion/mystery even though it can be implied. some events are really predictable from an omniscient POV., cast is surprisingly balanced with clearly defined roles, pros, and cons)
Value: 6/10 (well this is better than current state of some shonen and it is fun to watch if one is not critical)
Enjoyment: 5/10 (deserves the hype for its elements but it is a disappointment due to conflict(Creative Differences maybe?) about how the adaptation should be)
6 TV 25 tries too hard to be more than what it actually is, might have actually worked out if it had 52 eps of non-filler material R
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 149.74, Mean Score: 6.0, Score Dev.: -2.55

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