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TV: 21, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 20, Days: 0.32, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Started Date Finished Date Tags Air Start Air End
1 Ai Yori Aoshi
- TV
- / 24
04-11-02 09-26-02
2 Amaenaide yo!!
- TV
- / 12
07-01-05 09-16-05
3 Another
- TV
- / 12
01-10-12 03-27-12
4 Aquarian Age: Sign for Evolution
- TV
- / 13
01-11-02 03-29-02
5 Arcana Famiglia
- TV
- / 12
07-01-12 09-16-12
6 Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni!
- TV
- / 13
07-08-11 09-30-11
7 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
- TV
- / 12
10-07-11 12-23-11
8 DearS
- TV
- / 12
07-11-04 09-26-04
9 Dog Days
- TV
- / 13
04-02-11 06-25-11
10 Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun
- TV
- / 12
10-05-07 12-21-07
11 Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru
- TV
- / 13
01-06-13 03-31-13
12 Seitokai no Ichizon
- TV
- / 12
10-03-09 12-19-09
13 Sekirei: Hajimete no Otsukai
- Special
- / 1
03-25-09 03-25-09
14 Soul Eater
- TV
- / 51
04-07-08 03-30-09
15 Special A
- TV
- / 24
04-07-08 09-15-08
16 Tales of Zestiria the Cross
- TV
- / 12
07-10-16 09-25-16
17 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- TV
4 / 27
04-01-07 09-30-07
18 Tenjou Tenge
- TV
14 / 24
04-02-04 09-17-04
19 Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuuchou: Tou
- TV
2 / 14
01-19-07 04-20-07
20 Urusei Yatsura
- TV
- / 195
10-14-81 03-19-86
21 Zetman
- TV
- / 13
04-03-12 06-26-12
22 Zetsuen no Tempest
- TV
- / 24
10-05-12 03-29-13