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TV: 71, OVA: 4, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 4, Eps: 712, Days: 11.72, Mean Score: 7.3, Score Dev.: -0.09 More stats
# Anime Title Score Type Progress Started Date Finished Date Studios Air Start Air End Rated
1 Aharen-san wa Hakarenai
- TV
2 / 12
04-02-22 Felix Film 04-02-22 06-18-22 PG-13
2 Air Gear
- TV
5 / 25
08-06-10 Toei Animation, Marvelous Entertainment 04-05-06 09-27-06 R+
3 Akudama Drive
- TV
2 / 12
10-21-20 Pierrot 10-08-20 12-24-20 R
4 Beck
- TV
1 / 26
Madhouse 10-07-04 03-31-05 R
5 Blassreiter
- TV
2 / 24
Gonzo 04-06-08 09-28-08 R
6 Blend S
- TV
8 / 12
01-01-18 A-1 Pictures 10-08-17 12-24-17 PG-13
7 Blood+
- TV
3 / 50
Production I.G 10-08-05 09-23-06 R
8 Bokura no

Downloaded Episodes: 24
- TV
1 / 24
08-08-10 Gonzo 04-09-07 09-25-07 R
9 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
- TV
5 / 25
Sunrise 10-06-06 07-29-07 R
10 Dimension W
- TV
6 / 12
01-10-16 Orange, Studio 3Hz 01-10-16 03-27-16 R
11 Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue.
- TV
10 / 12
01-09-19 Zero-G 01-09-19 03-27-19 PG-13
12 Dragonaut: The Resonance
- TV
18 / 25
Gonzo 10-04-07 03-27-08 PG-13
13 Durarara!!x2 Shou
- TV
4 / 12
01-11-15 Shuka 01-10-15 03-28-15 R
14 Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou
- TV
3 / 24
07-04-20 David Production 07-04-20 12-12-20 PG-13
15 Erementar Gerad
7 TV
23 / 26
Xebec 04-05-05 09-27-05 PG-13
16 Fairy Tail (2014)
- TV
2 / 102
04-12-14 A-1 Pictures, Bridge 04-05-14 03-26-16 PG-13
17 Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia
- TV
4 / 21
10-06-19 CloverWorks 10-05-19 03-21-20 PG-13
18 Fruits Basket 1st Season
- TV
1 / 25
04-07-19 TMS Entertainment 04-06-19 09-21-19 PG-13
19 Fumetsu no Anata e Season 2
- TV
1 / 20
10-23-22 Drive 10-23-22 03-12-23 R
20 Ga-Rei: Zero
- TV
3 / 12
AIC Spirits, asread. 10-06-08 12-22-08 R
21 Gintama
- TV
3 / 201
Sunrise 04-04-06 03-25-10 PG-13
22 Great Pretender
- TV
6 / 23
01-01-21 Wit Studio 07-09-20 12-17-20 R
23 Hachimitsu to Clover
- TV
18 / 24
10-06-10 J.C.Staff 04-15-05 09-27-05 PG-13
24 Hajime no Ippo
- TV
31 / 75
05-26-18 Madhouse 10-04-00 03-27-02 PG-13
25 Hakushaku to Yousei
- TV
1 / 12
05-18-10 Artland 09-29-08 12-24-08 PG-13
26 Hataraku Maou-sama!!
- TV
4 / 12
07-21-22 Studio 3Hz 07-14-22 09-29-22 PG-13
27 Hataraku Saibou
- TV
10 / 13
07-08-18 David Production 07-08-18 09-30-18 PG-13
28 Hidamari Sketch x 365 Specials

Downloaded Episodes: 1
8 Special
1 / 3
08-21-10 08-21-10 Shaft 03-25-09 10-25-09 PG-13
29 High School DxD OVA
1 / 2
09-11-12 TNK 09-06-12 05-31-13 R+
30 High School DxD Specials
- Special
1 / 6
03-21-12 TNK 03-21-12 08-29-12 R+
31 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- TV
5 / 26
07-02-09 Studio Deen 04-05-06 09-27-06 R
32 Id:Invaded
- TV
3 / 13
01-12-20 NAZ 01-06-20 03-23-20 R
33 InuYasha: Kanketsu-hen
- TV
1 / 26
Sunrise 10-04-09 03-30-10 PG-13
34 Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. 2
- TV
4 / 12
01-11-23 SILVER LINK. 01-11-23 04-20-23 PG-13
35 Jigoku Shoujo

Downloaded Episodes: 26
- TV
3 / 26
09-23-10 Studio Deen 10-05-05 04-05-06 R
36 Kaibutsu Oujo (OVA)
1 / 3
12-11-10 Tatsunoko Production 12-09-10 10-07-11 R
37 Kamisama Hajimemashita
- TV
9 / 13
06-28-21 TMS Entertainment 10-02-12 12-25-12 PG-13
38 Karas
1 / 6
Tatsunoko Production 03-25-05 08-03-07 R
39 Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
- TV
1 / 203
Artland 10-07-06 09-25-10 PG-13
40 Kemono no Souja Erin
- TV
37 / 50
Production I.G, Trans Arts 01-10-09 12-26-09 PG-13
41 Kemonozume
- TV
1 / 13
09-29-10 Madhouse 08-06-06 11-05-06 R+
42 Kill la Kill
- TV
1 / 24
10-04-13 Trigger 10-04-13 03-28-14 PG-13
43 Kimi to Boku.
- TV
1 / 13
10-05-11 J.C.Staff 10-04-11 12-27-11 PG-13
44 Kobato.
- TV
20 / 24
Madhouse 10-06-09 03-23-10 PG-13
45 Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
- TV
11 / 26
04-06-11 Production I.G 01-01-04 01-08-05 R
46 Macross F
- TV
16 / 25
Satelight 04-04-08 09-26-08 PG-13
47 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
- TV
18 / 23
05-16-20 Bandai Namco Pictures 10-05-19 03-07-20 PG-13
48 Mashiro no Oto
- TV
5 / 12
06-04-21 Shin-Ei Animation 04-03-21 06-19-21 PG-13
49 Minami-ke Okawari
- TV
6 / 13
asread. 01-07-08 03-31-08 PG-13
50 Mononoke
- TV
1 / 12
Toei Animation 07-13-07 09-28-07 R
51 Moyashimon
- TV
2 / 11
07-09-12 Telecom Animation Film, Shirogumi 10-12-07 12-21-07 PG-13
52 Mugen no Juunin: Immortal
8 / 24
11-13-19 LIDENFILMS 10-10-19 03-26-20 R
53 Naruto
6 TV
157 / 220
Pierrot 10-03-02 02-08-07 PG-13
54 NHK ni Youkoso!
- TV
16 / 24
Gonzo 07-10-06 12-18-06 R+
55 Pandora Hearts Omake
- Special
1 / 9
Xebec 07-24-09 03-25-10 PG-13
56 Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom

Downloaded Episodes: 26
- TV
12 / 26
08-18-10 Bee Train 04-03-09 09-25-09 R+
57 R.O.D: The TV

Downloaded Episodes: 26
- TV
21 / 26
09-02-10 J.C.Staff 09-01-03 03-16-04 R+
58 Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan 2
- TV
2 / 24
01-31-21 J.C.Staff, Egg Firm 01-17-18 06-27-18 PG-13
59 School Rumble Ni Gakki
- TV
19 / 26
Studio Comet 04-03-06 09-25-06 PG-13
60 Scrapped Princess
6 TV
21 / 24
Bones 04-08-03 10-07-03 PG-13
61 Senryuu Shoujo
- TV
7 / 12
05-11-19 Connect 04-06-19 06-22-19 PG-13
62 Serial Experiments Lain

Downloaded Episodes: 13
- TV
1 / 13
09-05-10 Triangle Staff 07-06-98 09-28-98 R
63 Shangri-La
- TV
16 / 24
Gonzo 04-06-09 09-14-09 PG-13
64 Shigofumi
- TV
8 / 12
J.C.Staff 01-06-08 03-23-08 R
65 Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul
- TV
18 / 24
04-07-17 MAPPA 04-08-17 09-30-17 R
66 Shokugeki no Souma: Shin no Sara
- TV
2 / 12
10-12-19 J.C.Staff 10-12-19 12-28-19 PG-13
67 SKET Dance
- TV
4 / 77
04-07-11 Tatsunoko Production 04-07-11 09-27-12 PG-13
68 Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
- TV
4 / 13
04-09-18 Madhouse 01-02-18 03-27-18 PG-13
69 Steins;Gate
- TV
8 / 24
03-08-12 White Fox 04-06-11 09-14-11 PG-13
70 Sweat Punch
1 / 5
Studio 4°C 03-02-02 07-01-06 R+
71 Tamako Market
- TV
6 / 12
05-26-20 Kyoto Animation 01-10-13 03-28-13 PG-13
72 Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra
- TV
8 / 27
David Production 10-02-09 04-02-10 R
73 Tegamibachi
- TV
23 / 25
Pierrot Plus 10-03-09 03-27-10 PG-13
74 Texhnolyze
- TV
4 / 22
Madhouse 04-17-03 09-25-03 R+
75 Toaru Majutsu no Index-tan
8 Special
1 / 2
J.C.Staff 02-07-09 05-29-09 PG-13
76 Tokyo Revengers
- TV
1 / 24
04-11-21 LIDENFILMS 04-11-21 09-19-21 R
77 Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! Double
- TV
2 / 13
10-07-22 ENGI 10-01-22 12-24-22 PG-13
78 xxxHOLiC◆Kei
- TV
12 / 13
Production I.G 04-04-08 06-27-08 PG-13
79 Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. (TV)
- TV
1 / 13
04-11-11 Production I.G 04-08-11 07-01-11 R
80 Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
- TV
1 / 13
Shaft 01-06-08 03-30-08 R