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TV: 29, OVA: 2, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 337, Days: 5.60, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 AIKa
- / 7
2 B-gata H-kei
- TV
- / 12
3 Bleach
- TV
189 / 366
4 Boukyaku no Senritsu
- TV
19 / 24
5 Divergence Eve
- TV
- / 13
6 Gate Keepers
- TV
4 / 24
7 Generator Gawl
- TV
- / 12
8 Geneshaft
- TV
- / 13
9 Gintama
- TV
3 / 201
10 Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls
- TV
1 / 12
11 Inukami!
- TV
- / 26
12 Kimi ni Todoke
- TV
1 / 25
13 Kobato.
- TV
8 / 24
14 Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005)
- TV
9 / 26
15 Level E
- TV
5 / 13
16 Macademi Wasshoi!
- TV
2 / 12
17 Macross
- TV
7 / 36
18 Magikano
- TV
4 / 13
19 Mamono Hunter Youko
- / 5
20 Mezzo DSA
- TV
5 / 13
21 Okusama wa Joshikousei (TV)
- TV
7 / 13
22 Princess Princess
- TV
5 / 12
23 Project ARMS
- TV
10 / 26
24 Saki
- TV
19 / 25
25 Samurai Girl Real Bout High School
- TV
6 / 13
26 Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin
- TV
1 / 13
27 Sola
- TV
5 / 13
28 Tegamibachi
- TV
11 / 25
29 Tsuyokiss
- TV
- / 12
30 Turn A Gundam
- TV
12 / 50
31 Yumeria
- TV
4 / 12