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TV: 5, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 64, Days: 1.04, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Started Date Finished Date DaysPremiered Tags StudiosLicensors Storage Air Start Air End Rated
1 Hunter x Hunter (2011)
- TV
33 / 148
12-06-21 1209 Fall 2011
Madhouse VIZ Media 10-02-11 09-24-14 PG-13
2 Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S
- TV
5 / 12
12-06-21 1209 Summer 2021
Kyoto Animation 07-08-21 09-23-21 PG-13
3 Made in Abyss
- TV
2 / 13
Summer 2017
Kinema Citrus Sentai Filmworks 07-07-17 09-29-17 R
4 Non Non Biyori
- TV
5 / 12
08-05-21 1332 Fall 2013
SILVER LINK. Sentai Filmworks 10-08-13 12-24-13 PG-13
5 Ore Monogatari!!
- TV
19 / 24
Spring 2015
Madhouse Sentai Filmworks 04-09-15 09-24-15 PG-13