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Dragon Ball Super
The 1st 2 arcs (Battle of Gods, Resurrection of 'F') are generally mostly recaps of the movies. The movies are generally better (especially the Battle of Gods stuff; the movie is fantastic and the battle episodes of the saga... mostly sucks), although there are still a few great episodes (namely the more filler-heavy non-fight episodes).

The 3rd arc on (Universe 6 saga) is generally very, very good. The show really gets going in the 4th major Saga, the "Future Trunks" Saga.
9 TV 121/131 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, Not Known End Year PG-13
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 19.77, Mean Score: 9.0, Score Dev.: 1.54

TV: 172, OVA: 34, Movies: 103, Spcl.: 34, Eps: 5921, Days: 99.84, Mean Score: 6.4, Score Dev.: -1.03
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