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Dragon Ball
This show is incredible. All the arcs are pretty fantastic, with only a few exceptions. Those exceptions are mostly filler related (there's about 12 pure filler episodes that reallllly slow the pace of the show, especially since the show ends on a filler arc) and the Fortune-Teller Baba Saga drags a bit. Additionally, the show ending in a filler arc instead of being faithful to the manga's quality happy ending was a very poor idea.

Another issue is that some characters introduced from the Red Ribbon Saga on don't get enough screen time, namely Chiaotzu, Mr. Popo and Korin. Those characters could have used a little more spotlight outside of filler.

Overall though this show is fantastic. Unlike Dragon Ball Z, the action is almost always perfectly paced, if not a little short (but better too short than too long in my opinion). The humor is great. The adventures are great. This show is great.

Overall it should be more popular than its' sequel series, since it is a lot, lot better (unless we're talking Kai, then they're about equal).

Honestly, once the 2nd series of Dragon Ball Z Kai is done, I would love to see Dragon Ball redone, perhaps in between seasons of Dragon Ball Super perhaps. Reanimate the whole thing, fix the dub changes to be more faithful, cut out the filler, fix the ending, and tone up the show. That, to me, could fix all of the few issues this already extraordinary show have.
9 TV 153 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z
This show has amazing action, some great plotline outlines, some moments of great humor, and some amazing characterizations. Still, a sense of staleness and forced action keeps this shows going too often. There's missing heart in a lot of places, especially when filler is concerned.

The storyline for the Saiyan and Namek saga are great, and it felt like the prequel series was destined to lead to them. The Android saga had a great buildup as well, but it didn't feel "destined" as much as forced. Perhaps a better explaination for the Androids being so powerful was needed, or maybe it was the wrong story at the wrong time. Realistically, if the Buu Saga took place before the Android saga, and the Android saga had more technological buildup to it, the entire plot would make a ton more sense.

Overall this show's biggest issue is it stays in place too often, specifically after the Saiyan saga. Characters stand in place too often. The fights have way too many breaks. The action is far too drawn out. Plotlines are drawn out too much, sometimes to where you want things to just end already. There is way too much filler, especially when compared to the prequel series, which had about 8 episodes tops of true filler, and maybe a 6 episodes more that weren't anime-original storylines that were filler, but still was sort of filler. No, there's 3 mini-sagas of entire filler (Garlic Jr., waiting for Goku to arrive from Namek, and Gohan's High School Days), and well over 100 episodes of filler.

Fortunately, Dragon Ball Z Kai exists, and removes those issues. Too bad they couldn't reanimate the entire thing and make the series look visually on par with other action-heavy anime series, such as Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Bladework.
7 TV 291 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 01: Ora no Gohan wo Kaese!!
Not really canon at all and filled with some lacking logic, but overall the action sequences, animation, some of the story telling, and especially the action hold up really well.
7 Movie 1 1989 PG-13
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Majo no Takkyuubin
A good and enjoyable simple Studio Ghibli film. While the pacing seemed off on my initial viewing, subsequent viewings have made me appreciate how seemingly "non-advancing" elements of the story actually are huge character development parts for Kiki. Just little minor things in these moments are great.

That kind of little added character development with a great plot gives this Studio Ghibli film all the magic necessary to be a classic. That magical feel and exhilarating ride is ultimately why this is one of the the best Studio Ghibli's best outings.
10 Movie 1 1989 G
TV: 2, OVA: 0, Movies: 2, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 71.47, Mean Score: 8.3, Score Dev.: 0.50

TV: 172, OVA: 34, Movies: 103, Spcl.: 35, Eps: 5921, Days: 99.84, Mean Score: 6.4, Score Dev.: -1.03
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