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Tiger & Bunny
Continued from Tags: when all the other heroes were brainwashed and Kotetsu had to fight him while losing his powers (he started at 10 minutes and was down to 1 minute or so of power at that point I think). Also loved Origami Cyclone and Lunatic and Lunatic saving Kotetsu. Fricking brilliant.

Also I wish they went further with the subplots of antiNext hate and people who were split between killing criminals and keeping them alive.
8 TV 25 best superhero anime I've ever seen, though I have some issues with the drama between Tiger and Bunny. I also think Tiger should've stayed dead at the climax, as that fits better than his regression in The Rising movie. But fave moment was when all the ot PG-13
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 93.53, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: 0.16

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