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Actually watched up to 17, then dropped because I couldn't take the constant deaths, then came back and was glad since I loved the ending. I love how the two get together and Okabe manages to find a way to save everyone after failing so many times. I also like the love that develops between him and Makise Kurisu and found it rather touching.

I found Okabe's desire to save his best friend Mayuri so beautiful and sweet, time jumping dozens and dozens of times to find a way to succeed...and then when he finally does...he learns he has to sacrifice Makise Kurisu, the person whos been helping him the most in this whole ordeal. And this is just so touching and sweet when at the conclusion he finds a way to save them both. His best friend and also the person he loves most...I love the romance of time jumps (also why I loved Futurama at its best) and also the platonic but deep friendship with Mayuri. The sacrifices made were so worthwhile albeit sad at times, like Fayris not changing the past and having a dead father for ten years.
9 TV 24 Watched 17 episodes, hiatused for three years, came back and finished, and damn, that ending was so sweet. When everything finally works out after all the deaths, its so relieving. Rewatched again fully understanding and loved this (continued in comments) PG-13
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 93.53, Mean Score: 9.0, Score Dev.: -0.07

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