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TV: 9, OVA: 1, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 16, Days: 0.26, Mean Score: 3.0, Score Dev.: -4.01 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Another
- TV
- / 12
2 Beelzebub
also got boreing
- TV
- / 60
3 Deadman Wonderland
- TV
- / 12
4 Heroic Age
i got board lol
- TV
15 / 26
5 Katte ni Kaizou
1 / 6
6 Mirai Nikki (TV)
- TV
- / 26
7 MM!
it was interesting with the first couple of episode but then it just got weird and out of touch. I was really looking forward to how the story played out too.
3 TV
- / 12
8 Otome Youkai Zakuro
again sadly it lost my interest.
- TV
- / 13
9 SKET Dance
got bored of it ^_^;
- TV
- / 77
10 Tenjou Tenge
fighting and stuff is cool parts are funny but execution of the story and the story itself seem boring. :/
- TV
- / 24