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emperortopaz Yesterday, 11:45 AM
Figured you'd understand, and cool about the saving being the main point as I thought it was mostly for swapping game data easier xD. That makes sense, go mocking and spitting on him xD. That I did, though agreed the awards would be more interesting with Pokémon fights xD. Indeed and great nickname for the dance as I remember that meme so go Hitmontop's silly intimidation xD. True about being added in that order xD. No worries as I understand, I get confused a lot too but I can usually understand in context (though I haven't watched the video yet sadly). I did watch the train anime, go the good episode but hopefully they resolve it or get another season xD.

Great joke about his name and true about him liking Mint as I didn't think of that xD. True about HapiCha not deserving the hate (same with Blue), people need to hate GoPri instead! I see for the North Star remake, I knew about the Kinnikuman one but seems a lot of old series are getting remade xD. Certainly as most of my girls are like that, and I see about Reika taking from PriPara too xD. That's true about the first game not having as much of the thing it's known for, and great point about Final Fantasy 1 being AD&D xD.
emperortopaz Yesterday, 6:56 AM
That just seems excessive, but I blame people not knowing how the Famicom Disk System works xD. Indeed about the silly nickname, though I was thinking it was "Pittwo" instead and someone typo'd it xD. I blame power creep, though in VGA I think Hitmontop does well due to Intimidate though that was probably before Incineroar was everywhere xD. Good point about Ultimate adding many characters with more reach like that xD. No worries as I understand about the tech that fighting game players use xD.

Figured you'd agree xD. Agreed about Coco being awesome and not deserving the slander (I do like Natts more though), and same with Blue being overhated even if he's not the best but still better than ones from other shows xD. Right as I was mainly thinking of art style, but indeed about wanting to watch it eventually xD. True about Shion being the reason for that, no worries as I do that sort of thing a lot but go PriPara characters inspiring Yoshiko xD. Boo idiots! True about Sonic being more than that, and great comparison to Wario Land 2 not fitting Sonic's theme even if that's how it was a lot in the first game xD.
emperortopaz Jun 11, 7:00 AM
I see about that, go being able to do it in different sessions then xD. Exactly, great way to put it xD. Indeed and great point about "Pittoo" as I remember that being brought up with Dark Pit being added to Smash xD. Aye, go over tripling their Special Defense stat xD. Indeed, go her xD. Makes sense about "reach" being important in most 2D fighters I imagine, glad you liked the joke too xD. And no worries about the video either xD.

True about our favorite seasons having great Pinks as that certainly helps xD. And speaking of Nozomi I agree it's unfair that Coco and Blue are hated yet Kanata and George getting away with things, boo people's terrible tastes causing them to ignore good series and like only terrible ones! I can understand as it does look fun, kinda like early Jojo, so I do want to watch it eventually xD. Figured you'd agree and cool about Yoshiko the four idioms girl having pink due to Sophie xD. Right and boo uninformed fanboys indeed, and good point about Sonic fans all wanting him to go fast even in that disagreeable fanbase xD.
emperortopaz Jun 10, 11:54 AM
That I did, boo games making you play through them numerous times like Ghosts & Goblins xD. Certainly, no wonder it rhymes xD. Indeed for the silly complaints as it was funny xD. No worries as it's a silly name and it's been a while since SMB3 after all xD. True about Machoke fitting looks-wise but I meant more because the Hitmons had surprisingly high Special Defense after the split xD. Awesome then, go Akira being so great xD. Makes sense for Guile's reach as now I want to make a joke about MURICANs still "reaching" for outrage, and thanks and thanks for the video as well xD.

That's certainly true, not that it's hard but go Nozomi being good xD. That sounds funny, though a shame violence is pushed older because people are babying kids so much these days! Makes sense, go Sophie's design including hair! Boo the awful traitor xD. True about Komugi being an idiot, and boo "fans" as bet they haven't gone through all the seasons like we have xD. Boo idiots who argue against the main idea for PreCure, this is truly the worst fanbase!
emperortopaz Jun 10, 6:59 AM
Figured you'd understand, and go the All-Stars version not requiring you to clear it 8 times to see the non-numbered worlds xD. That makes sense, and you don't mean in VAs but in personality xD. Indeed about looking them up, and boo drunk Galarians as I imagine mainland Paldea already has them jumping off balconies and scolding headache medicine companies xD (I think that's what they were complaining about). Indeed for remembering Mario has more games, and indeed and go remembering the silly enemy name xD. That you did, which made things hard if you wanted the whole team to be at the same XP levels xD. I see then and great comparison to Gen 2, seems like Masaru is a Hitmon with Mimic or something xD. But of course for I think your favorite gamer girl, and cool about learning about it via a comment on that video xD. And true about Haruo approving of Guile being so good so no wonder his theme goes with everything xD.

True about Nozomi being the first pink, poor Cure Dream being patient zero xD. That makes sense about Berserk being aimed at older people as I understand xD. Agreed! Poor Sophie indeed, especially since she's portrayed as a sexy one! Makes sense to me, he deserves to be on that list xD. No worries as I understand, though I found Komugi being so dumb she runs into mailboxes funny, and agreed for the "action" being the lame part xD. Certainly xD.
emperortopaz Jun 9, 10:55 AM
Indeed about both and true about the original The Lost Levels looking prettier, though I blame All-Stars being made together while for the NES having extra time to design compared to the original xD. They certainly do, boo traps being crap! Good point about the Canary or Baleric islands I think you're talking about, boo Japan hating Spain so much :/. That's cool about Color Splash referencing SMB3, and being fair some of Piranha Plant's moveset in Smash is from there like the spiked ball xD. Aye since unlike with Strago you have to be hit and can't be immune to the spell (it also makes buff spells harder to get), and figured you'd like the idiot wrestler but true Akira gets left behind by the others too xD (though I hadn't heard about Masaru's buff). That is pretty amazing, great reference to High Score Girl's Akira xD.

Aye for the strange colors but it means Saki isn't "Pink" at least, and indeed for silly jokes xD. I feel the same way, though it's also very violent as well which I'm not too fond of (even if I don't know if there's any eye-related injuries). Glad you liked that, and great reference but poor girls xD. Makes sense for the silly glasses xD. Sounds goofy, but that would also be bad as that's the same type who complained about Sophie's shoulders and got it changed! Good point about the terrible character poll awful change, boo Nisio Isin being such a terrible author :/. Awesome xD. True about Lillian's "cool" debut being mostly boring, and true I don't see why people think this experiment of lacking fights was a good idea either so boo PETA and Toei xD.
emperortopaz Jun 9, 6:57 AM
Figured you'd understand and I was thinking of FE too but good point about Castlevania 2 also counting (and boo the Lost Levels being SMB1 Hard Mode xD). True for the Otome wa Boku OVA trap ruining things, boo soiling the good name of Chihaya indeed! Figured you'd agree and good point about Babi and villains apparently coming from Not-Spain for some reason; no wonder Paldea had to reference other places for DLC xD. Figured you'd understand about the bias, but go being mostly fair (and true about SMB3 and World not getting as much love as the original, boo Genwunners xD). True about FF5's Blue Mages being broken (even if the way to learn them can be painful) and true about Masaru who isn't bad but overshadowed by other characters xD.

Figured you'd agree, and I see about Saki and Mai and great Pokémon generation joke xD. Makes sense as I haven't either, but go realizing it maybe xD. Great nickname for the duo as they certainly are they've officially gone farther than Vivio's xD. Cool about not wearing silly novelty glasses like Meganii then xD. That as well, boo sex haters being so judgmental! I think I remember that, boo Medaka Box making something up because Nisio Isin is extremely overrated! Glad you liked me describing Kyouka like that xD. Agreed xD.
emperortopaz Jun 8, 10:55 AM
That's true, though I also remember the old NES sequels which seemed so different like Zelda 2 or Final Fantasy 2 (though fair about movie/book sequels muddling a complete story xD). Agreed, and go a name that's so good! True about Lemuria's silly origin, and I see about Golden Sun's map being like the world though having not-Spain makes me think of Drakengard now xD. Glad you agree too xD. True about Marx being remembered more though I blame Sakurai for that too, but true Kirby is a lot more fair compared to other franchises xD. Cool you agree, though both are excellent games xD.

Agreed for both dark-haired smart girls xD. Cool that the Buster Sword might be a Berserk reference as I hadn't considered it xD. Certainly and true about defending KiraKira when Maho is the far superior yuri season; if only they knew that Riko and Mirai kissed in the manga they'd probably like it more xD. That is quite funny, go her silly namesake as it's one of her most apparent traits xD. Agreed, but I suppose it's often hard enough to get people to appreciate GAR mecha in general but it's a shame they can't enjoy GAR mecha girls! Thanks for the Father's Day wishes xD. It's a shame more series don't mention them, but I see for the assigned family series with the lolimom who faces Santa xD. Certainly, I wouldn't want to compliment a terrible dog after all xD.
emperortopaz Jun 8, 6:57 AM
That I do, even if people tend to use it for movies or books more often xD. Agreed! Figured you'd agree and true about that making her seem like the Idolm@ster namesake xD. I didn't realize it was a real life concept too but glad you liked the joke, and boo Spain being more like Tolbi as you deserve better (boo the invisible log guy that made me look up what to do as he looks like a log laying down when you first meet him xD). True about sadly being forgotten, but go eventually being remembered xD. Agreed about Kitase borrowing good ideas, and fair about LAL which explains why it reminds me so much of FFV more xD.

Completely understandable, go both even if they're the worst only due to their partners being better xD. Great comparison as I almost called Fuu's weapon a Buster Sword too, and no worries as I understood about the yuri couple xD. Indeed about liking the brown-haired meganekko "oneesan" xD. Boo muscleheads indeed, Cross Ange deserves to be remembered fondly xD. That's a relief, and thanks again <3. Go remembering it by that moment indeed xD. Aye for Komuri being cool, and indeed unlike Komugi who is inferior in all counts xD.
emperortopaz Jun 7, 11:53 AM
Figured you'd agree, and great saying for this situation indeed xD. True about Nozomi having her hair down and seeming longer helping xD. Makes sense, Chihaya the slender cosplayer deserves more love xD. Figured you'd agree and great Golden Sun reference, hopefully Kraden isn't as excited about visiting Spain xD. Right and true about being in a least 3 games xD. Makes sense, go knowing me so well and cool about getting the battle/map sprite thing from Romancing SaGa 2 as I remember hearing one of the people behind the game also worked on FF6 as well (so go Yoshinori Kitase xD).

Great nicknames and true about Mirai and Nodoka who are awesome too xD. Figured you'd like that reference and great point for Fuu's big sword when Yuuna is the punchy one like the aforementioned Nodoka xD. Figured that was the case, and good point about having them go to the worst season even if Wonderful is getting up there xD. No worries as I understand, it sounds like a fun moment and maybe she'll get one this season too xD. Fair about mixing it with Cross Ange didn't help but great nickname as it's very fitting xD. I'm sure he will, though sorry if it feels like I'm bragging! Fair for the pun though I did remember the old OVA named that, and true about playing Shadows some time ago xD. Fair about Komuri being a surprising choice but it helps being a more-main character and being very cute helps xD. True about that, a shame for some VAs xD.
emperortopaz Jun 7, 6:56 AM
I blame it being a while since her series ended and FU Holder being awful, but go the other brown sniper indeed xD. Awesome and true about the older versions helping out for age xD. Thanks and true about Maya deserving better while Lucy needed less focus or other girls needed more fanart (hopefully both xD). Not just Japan but they certainly do have that problem, boo most MURICANs thinking that France is the only beret country too (and not just because they forget Spain exists either, boo that sort of person!). Certainly as I've played a lot of Kirby after all, and aye xD. Also speaking of games go the animation guy finally looking at FFVI, I was just thinking about it the other day xD. Indeed about liking the video and go praising the animation so much too!

Agreed including about Pinks usually being a terrible or the worst girl of their Cure team; no offense to good ones of course like Love or Tsubomi xD. Aye, she was one of the examples I was thinking of too xD (the other being Kaoruko from MahoAko xD). Agreed, boo Tsubasa bringing in alphabet people likely! Go Ajimi, and I think you told me about Meganee but I had forgotten so go her great performance xD. Certainly for Asuna for me xD. Boo SRW fans not appreciating the kids show as it does look great, boo hating SRW X due to the focus as people try to hard to be "adult" or "mature"! Thanks for the luck with Hiyori too, glad you enjoyed her blog xD. I did indeed forget her and Koharu's names making the Indian Summer pun, a shame (and a shame I forgot about all the silly fishing you can do in Shadows Over Loathing too xD). Glad you liked the blog, and glad you got Komuri as I was worried a little xD. Though true about her VA unfortunately being Komugi's as she deserves better!
emperortopaz Jun 5, 11:45 AM
That she was, and speaking of brown snipers I wonder if Mana from Negima was an inspiration xD. Makes sense for GoGo still being high, and go all the girls indeed xD. No worries as that was a joke for her, but boo both sides of the meganekko scale! Agreed and I blame France getting so much attention for them, boo Spanish erasure as if this was Love Live xD. Thanks and good point about Adelaide, true it seems to be an artist thing xD.

That they are sadly, and true about Toei hating Blue Cures back then but hating Yellows now; they need to see how awesome and punchy yellows can be xD. Unfortunate as he should be more like Takumi or others instead, boo Tsubasa xD. True about Ajimi the silly girl, and agreed! True about the two coming out around the same time, though the Aikatsu one may have needed to wait until DVDs as I think it was a movie xD. Fair but indeed xD. Exactly, go Asuna being a good girl officially despite fanart xD.
emperortopaz Jun 5, 6:57 AM
Exactly, great example xD. Makes sense as they're all great ones even if in a different order, and fair for GoGo being surprising but indeed about liking it and I'm sure that the six of them will be blogged eventually xD. Agreed, go remembering xD. No worries as I understand, and boo both problematic sides of the scale as Maya from Working is pretty much forgotten by the series xD. I agree with the train episode and fair about Akira wanting a beret to copy revolutionaries (though whether that's better than referencing the Fr*nch is questionable xD). If only she was a grandaughter with a paintbrush instead xD.

Agreed about that and nice comparison, and boo indeed! That's unfortunate, I was figuring it was because he was smart and listened, but I should have known better with how dumb PreCure fans are xD. Right! That's a relief, glad both wear their glasses unlike Love Live's trolls (as well as your girls getting trolled too, boo Superstar fail!), but true we still enjoy it xD. Thanks and cool you thought of Aikatsu too, and cool you understand xD. I suppose that makes sense, like with the various Dragon Maid spin-offs xD. True about only knowing the series through the naughty stuff, and indeed for the silly mobile game xD. Awesome xD.
emperortopaz Jun 4, 6:59 AM
Aye xD. Nothing wrong with that as brown girls are sexy, especially since a lot are assy xD. Indeed as both are in my top five, with Maho being #2 after Heartcatch and Fresh is with Splash Star with Yes 5 GoGo being the fifth xD. I agree with that, and I remember that episode so go Sheldon and his Grandmother playing together xD. Makes sense though I didn't realize until I looked it up that both are written by a woman, and indeed about the game creation girls show being better and not just for the meganekko as Lucy is so favored in her series xD.

I completely understand, though being a Mary Sue in Mary Sue the series is still saying something so boo her pandering and useless pirate curry chapters xD. Awesome then, and great joke though being fair I imagine Satoru fans in general aren't bad and the problem ones think he'll become a Cure xD. Indeed and right about it being too long since Maho, but hopefully their Otona PreCure series will be good xD. That's unfortunate, boo so many idols losing their glasses when on stage but hopefully she at least wears otherwise them unlike Love Live girls xD. That they did, much like Toei employees I imagine, though considering Aikatsu girls also did that in the latest movie maybe that's the only "adult" activity they can do that they can show off xD. Indeed, and boo it being so popular as a result! Fair he may not have written it, but great point of that overused phrase against mecha as that describes it well xD. That's fair about me being the only one who knows the game, and good point about Index being in SRW X-Omega xD. Indeed about things fortunately working out xD.
emperortopaz Jun 3, 11:45 AM
No worries as I don't mind xD. Right about being brown beauties too xD. I agree with both options, go Fresh and Maho being far better xD. Unfortunate for the long wait maybe, but hope you enjoy it! Makes sense as Working and SxS are written by the same woman, and good plan watching New Game among adult slice of life series instead xD.

Exactly, boo both! That's a great comparison so boo terrible fans indeed xD. Figured you'd agree, and glad you liked my Ayumu joke though great Metal Gear 2 joke and I hope that this hamster isn't poisonous xD. I blame Smile having a lot of episodic plots that they're able to grab without worry, and I had forgotten that episode of Maho but great reference and boo Toei's recycling too xD. Great reference to another series for young girls, and a meganekko in particular so go Minami from PriPara and her fitting catchphrase xD. That makes a lot of sense, poor girls but that makes me think of Otona PreCure xD. Sure seems like it from what you said, boo missing out on what makes Index fun and glad you liked it xD. Then again this is also the writer who wrote a mecha series that hated mecha in Heavy Object, so missing the point must be his gimmick xD. Fair as I imagine you don't hear a lot about the game but indeed about the game rejecting Sparkycrotch xD. Awesome and go the faster reply indeed, go everything going right today xD.
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