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Matt108 Sep 28, 2022 1:24 PM
Hey its been a while, how have you been?
azazel_lns Jun 12, 2022 4:04 PM
Happy birthday!! i hope u had a nice day :D

Matt108 Mar 18, 2022 1:58 PM
Yeah, they are really fun IDK why, just addictive to talk to although we did stop twice, so it wasn't all at once. I'm gonna do a call with them today, but they are late, I hope they didn't forget about it. Of course not, you're someone extremely interesting and very pleasant to talk to. Oh yes, I do. Yes! Exactly! Sometimes it does, but I'm an extrovert, so for the most part no. Though I sometimes need breaks, the last one was 3 months long, but I'm ok for now.

Yeah he is, he is really dedicated and determined, he is an inspiration. He is surprisingly emotional and affectionate for someone that is basically a scientist, he has his problems(he has a hard time knowing that what applies to him does not apply to other people for example) but I love him, all the same, he is my idol.

Oh, I see, I wish did lol. Oh, it's nice you're doing that. I plan on doing that. I see. Yeah lol. Oh NICE. I hope you can visit it someday. Oh nice, how was she? I will put those on my list! Oh, thank you I will take those into consideration if I get back on reading!

Oh, I see! So I was right lol. I understand.

Oh, nice! Oh, that is weird lol. Oh good then. Oh, that is so great! When I tried learning Japanese kanji was what broke me, how do you do it?? TEACH ME SENPAI. I see. Nice! YEAH, nice! Not at all, I have very little talent on Violin, maybe you are a genius though. That is a good way to think about it, lol. Oh shit, I never saw lectures for that long. I imagine it does feel that way lol. LOL I slept through most of my online theoretical driving classes, a Bad Idea I know, but I couldn't really help it, and well, I passed. NICE, I cook too, I make a mean lasagna. Oh, that is great. Do you live with your father or alone? NICE, that sounds delicious.

I woke up, talked to some friends, went to the driving range, did some loops, went up a ramp, and parked the car. Then I went straight for the gym since I had a call on discord at 3, walked my dog(his name is Zack) I'm really sore RN BTW lol. Ate and waited for the call, turned out the person had guests over so I couldn't do it. Anyway, I have another call programmed with the people from my Portuguese speaking group for MAL users, we are gonna roast each other's profiles. So that is gonna be fun.

Oh, I see, I did correct like 10 things though lol Oh LOL. Brazilian dances why as that the first thing that came to mind? I actually can't dance at all, I'm stiff as a board lol. My dad really loves frevo though, he had almost a tradition where he would twist his ankle every year dancing frevo on Carnaval. Lol no, yeah I did.

Yeah! You'd love him he is small and cute. Oh, I was actually thinking of giving you my discord for the past few days, and if I did I could show you pics of him. If you're interested here is mine: Matheus108#4325, If you're not interested, know that he is a 4-5 kilo black and white Shih Tzu, a tiny little fella, can't really protect the house but I love him all the same.
Oh, my friend has two cats, as well as my brother, I really liked them even though I was afraid of them as a kid. Oh IDK much about Cat breeds, but that one looks beautiful. Oh, that is cute, Zack doesn't really like hugs, I have to hold him in a very specific way or he complains. Oh, that is dangerous. Can't you train him to stop it?

I hope you had a nice day!

Matt108 Mar 17, 2022 6:22 PM
Oh I see, no problem I really liked the comment. I did't answer yesterday cause I met someone on discord that is downright addictive to talk to. We talked for like almost 12 hours yesterday in total. Today, I think 11 hours today, we stopped a few times, but still, it consumed a lot of time, but I told myself I would not let you hanging longer than today, especially after such a beautiful comment!

PS: if you notice a notable rise in gramatical mistakes, my grammarly suddenly stopped working, so it's not corrected I will re-read this to see if there are any notable mistakes, but if I let many slip, I apoligize in advance.
azazel_lns Mar 15, 2022 8:47 PM
Ok, then I start again: Nice to meet u キンヤちゃん! :D

The reason why I decided to learn hiragana and katakana? Well, one because I was on vacation and I needed something to study hahaha. Yes, it sounds weird, but there are times when I get a desire to learn anything. And second because there are times in anime that they put characters like あはは or ドーン and I always wanted to know what they meant. The sum of the two led me to learn ひらがな and カタカナ. Luckily it wasn't that hard for me to learn it. At first it seems complicated, but with practice it is easy.

Now my second goal is to be able to learn as many kanji as I can so I can read the titles of anime, or read song lyrics in Japanese. But I will do it when I have free time
( ◠‿◠)
Matt108 Mar 15, 2022 8:09 PM
Oh, that is an obligation, not something to be praised. Thank you though. I see, no problem at all, I think you were actually pretty fast for how long the message is lol. I see. Oh, I understand, Only talk to me when you're feeling in the mood, I don't want you to force yourself. LOL, I will go ahead and answer your last paragraph before putting the rest in a spoiler box, cause it's important, So, I was gonna tell you I was gonna shorten the length of the comments, But reading your final paragraphs a bit more I wasn't sure if you actually wanted that. so, I'm gonna keep up for now but do tell me if you want me to shorten it, that said I will try not to overdo it Oh you hate small talk? know that I will only ask "how was your day" or "how are you" if I actually care and nothing makes me happier than proper long answers to those questions, but I get what you mean. It is better. No not at all lol. Oh, I see I'm an ENFP, so anything that interests me gets me going, but if it doesn't I can't be bothered with it. Anyway..........

I'm very tired, I spent all day answering comments, how was your day?
Matt108 Mar 15, 2022 12:02 PM
Lol, your energy is contagious lol. Thanks, not all people appreciate that, but I always try to put maximum effort into it. Lol, I do that as well. don't feel! I love it. Thanks, I guess? Oh, that is fine I have learned to not expect that from people. And you do a pretty good job with that anyway. And I'm not perfect, sometimes I see no point in continuing the topic so I just drop it, or I see that the conversation as a whole is going nowhere so I try to end it but I'm sure that is not happening with you!

Oh, a lot of people are like that, the important thing is that inside you're a bright and cheerful person cause it's just better to live that way! Oh, I understand that I get overwhelmed by MAL comments sometimes as well, I, stopped using it for like 3 months last year if it's ever too much, tell me ok? I'll try to be as pleasant and easy to talk to as possible, and If you ever want me to shorten the messages just let me know.

Oh, I see. I imagined they were like that. I see. He used to say it was so I wouldn't get accustomed to special treatment since people wouldn't just give me things but I don't buy them, I think he was after the money, I didn't have any at the time so luckily my parents who thought he was being ridiculous just bought it for me since my last laptop had broken. Or rather I accidentally broke it, but that is another story. Anyway, it's a long story, but yes, many reasons, he was extremely toxic to me as a kid, and that affects me to this day, and though he spent sometime relatively better, when I was going through some hard shit he got a lot worse, and 2 years ago he did multiple things I deemed unacceptable, so I stopped talking to him for a year, and that mostly fixed things, I mean we have a lot of unspoken rules and lines we do not cross, and there is always a tension in the air, but I can drink with the guy so that is an improvement. He is still a jealous, narcissistic, cold, disrespectful elitist who only cares about himself and loves to humiliate other people and feel like he is better than them, but at least he doesn't show it to me too much anymore, and he is a really smart well-informed guy, for as much as he treated me badly as a kid I used to look up to him especially since he is 6 years older. If we don't like each other, well, you can guess how I feel already, he seems to look down on me, I don't know what he thinks of me, and I don't think I ever will fully, there is a wall between us and neither of us seem to want to show weakness to each other, why I don't is pretty obvious, be his side seems to because he always saw me as competition. I have another brother but he is 12 years older so there was always a really big gap between us, since I started drinking we started bonding over that, so it's lessened a little but we are still not close. His birthday was just last week, I bought him some nice wine. I'm glad I had brothers though for as much as I have problems with them it would have been lonely without them, and I had good moments with my middle brother, he got me into anime and we used to have a lot of inside jokes before our big fights, and somehow he just seemed to get me, even if he used the fact he understood me against me. It's complicated. I wish it was simpler, but beggars can't be choosers.

I would like to live in Japan for 3-5 years. I tried studying Japanese but Kanji broke me. Japan doesn't smell, most of the time at least lol, But I get what you mean. Oh, what you're getting your degree on? I plan on doing a history degree! Oh yeah, I suppose I want to do that as well. Oh, which sunnier place do you have in mind. I lived in London I have somewhat of a basis for what I'm saying lol, it's not always nice, but 20-10 degrees celsius is ideal for me, and we just don't get that here. Seasonal depression? I never heard of that, I did have depression till recently, in fact, I might still have it I'm not sure some days I think yes, some days I think no. But I am still taking meds for it, though I have a consultation with my psychiatrist in about 2 weeks. But yeah if you have that need, Japan is not a good choice. Yeah, I quite like autumn and spring as well, they hit my ideal temperature range, at least in London. I think the orange leaves falling is so beautiful, we don't have it here. I missed the beginning of spring in my stay in London so I didn't see the flowers blooming. I don't mind the lack of sunshine, on the beach it's depressing sure, but otherwise, I prefer rainy days. If you don't mind me asking why is sunshine so important to you to the point where, if I understood correctly, you get depressed without it?

Oh, I was under the impression they lost recently let me google it... they lost in 2001 so you were a kid. I see. Yeah, I guess. I have heard of it. Oh sounds like Hungary, I see, sorry about that. Yes, I mean, mine is opening back up next week, but some were open since a little before that. Yeah, twice. the next one is gonna be wild to compensate, I think I'll just stay at home cause I have a feeling it will be dangerous lol. Yeah, it was pretty bad a few months ago. Yeah, it's not. Yeah, Russia is so screwed. Yeah... But you're part of NATO it's honestly more dangerous. Honestly, you can't really. Yeah..... Good to know! Oh, you're welcome.

Oh little under a year, I think I came in March and left in the new year. I was 10, it was for my father's job. Oh yes, Lol I'm surprised that interests you. Lol sure. I guess I'm a fourth or fifth generation migrant, My father's grandparents on his father's side are both Portuguese migrants, but they came as children, so they are basically Brazilian, that is the most detailed side of my family history, My grandmother on my father's side is a similar case but IDK the details, all I know is that it's almost all Portuguese again, but my great grandmother used to say her grandfather or great grandfather was English, so that would explain her's and my grandmother's blue eyes. But we don't actually know for sure, so my father is either full Portuguese or Portuguese with just a little English. My mother is far hazier. It's definitely predominantly Portuguese, but my grandfather has the name Holanda as in Holand and given there was a policy to give that name to dutch descendants since they tried to conquer us, so I probably have some very distant dutch blood, very distant though, it would explain my grandfather's green eyes. My grandmother is the same, though there are rumours she might have a bit of Native Brazilian in her, she is definitely predominantly Portuguese. So I'm like, 85-95% Portuguese, so I just say I'm Portuguese. Yes I know you didn't mean it literally but I felt like doing it anyway.

Lol, I've never seen one though, luckily. I see. Oh, that is unfortunate, so you can't really go to the beach? Yeah right? YEAH! I really wanted to drink some cold white wine with oysters, but you can't really find white wine in beachside restaurants here. Oh, people here would NOT obey that law at all. I'm telling you it would be a bad idea to even try. Oh, that seems like a total troll move lol. I guess lol. Good to know.

Ok, the paragraphs are pretty long so you really don't need to respond to all of it. or else we'd here for a while lol. Anyway.....

Brazilian history:
The birth of Brazil goes back to the treaty of Tordesillas between Portugal and Spain, where they divided the world, originally Portugal was gonna get almost nothing of South America, but possibly already knowing about Brazil, they pushed the line of division and got all of the coasts of modern Brazil besides that of the Southern states. It was originally divided into the "capitanias hereditarias" basically they were organized into hereditary governance. Most of them are gone, but the Capitania of Peranbuco evolved into my home state. At first, it wasn't called Brazil, it was called the isle of Vera Cruz since at first, they thought it was an Island. then they found out it was a continent so they named it the land of Santa Cruz(or land of the Holy cross) but eventually it was named brazil after Brazilwood that was extracted from here to make a bright red paint. It comes from the word "brasa" or ember since it's said to have the colour of embers, so Brazil technically means the land of Ember. Okay so basically everything was going well except that time the French Invaded and founded Rio (Salvador was our capital), but they were driven out after 12 years 1555 to 1567. But after that but then between 1580 and 1640 Spain basically annexed Portugal. Today it's called the Iberian Union because technically Portugal still existed but it had the same king as Spain, a king that ruled from Madrid. It was an annexation in all but name. That had downsides and upsides, the upside is that the Treaty of Tordesillas was now null, so we could expand inland. By the end of the Union, Brazil had very similar borders to its modern borders, Minus Acre. but the downside is that Spanish foreign policy sucked, so we became the enemies of most of Europe. The Dutch took the North from the Portuguese for 20 years which at the time produced most of the world's sugar. My Home city of Recife was in fact made the Dutch colonial capital, renamed Mauritzstad and prospered during this time since we had a pretty good governor. But once he left even the capital's Portuguese speaking catholic population felt pressed, so we kicked them out. But in the process, they brought sugar-making techniques to their colonies in the Caribean and outproduced us. We would never again be that powerful until we Started cultivating coffee. After that not much more exciting for the Colonial area, the Paulistas from São Paulo helped colonize and extract resources from inland, we found a bunch of gold in Minas Gerais that nationalists that most people like to say that the British stole(I wouldn't though cause Portugal being stupid with money is not the same as the Brits stealing it) so to get a capital closer to the mines we moved it to Rio, which stayed our capital till 1960. There were also a bunch of revolts only regional nationalists care about. Then in 1807, Portugal fell to Napoleon and the king Fled to Brazil, he actually liked Brazil and wanted to stay there and even made it a constituent kingdom. But after Napoleon fell the Portuguese demanded he comes back. So he did and left his son in Brazil. Eventually, they demanded he comes back as well but he refused, and Rode to a hill(I forget where) and shouted "Independence or death" in 1822 or so the legend goes. There was a brief war of independence but the real challenge was actually being independent. also before the independence, Pernambuco lead a revolt but it went nowhere, only nationalists care about it. Back to post-independence. Basically, the government was fractured, there were multiple revolts which only ended around 2 years later. Pedro I our first emperor(we considered ourselves an empire since we controlled Uruguay,) basically was overwhelmed and when his father died and Portugal had a succession crisis he came back to Portugal and became king again, but they left the throne to his daughter who was overthrown and he came to take power gain but then died. During all of this, he left his son, Pedro II in power in Brazil who was just a baby. He is now broadly considered to be the best leader Brazil ever had, he had many accomplishments. He was an intellectual, brought the sciences to Brazil, spoke 14 was the first photographer in Brazil languages and ruled for 49 years, was a shroud politician. Banned slavery, made the British back down from a war with us, Crushed Paraguay when they invaded both us, Uruguay and Argentina. Was not power-hungry and was basically Brazilian Marcus Aurelian. He also made Brazil the biggest coffee producer in the world. Then there was the Republic the monarchy was peacefully overthrown in 1889. Our first president preside over an economic crisis so he dedicated, his vice president couldn't become president according to the constitution since he didn't fulfil some of the requirements, he was meant to call a new election, but he just became president. Pretty bad start. The next 40 years don't really matter, let's jump to Vargas: Basically, we had become an Olygachy, dominated by Minas Gerais and São Paulo, which formed factions who would alternate in power. Vargas was set to become the next president but they betrayed him and made someone else president. Then Vargas led a civil war to put an end to the oligarchy, which he won easily, causing the Oligarchic forces to defect to him. They only remained in São Paulo where he crushed them and São Paulo is bitter to this day. He then became head of the provisional government, then president, then dictator, even had a cult of personality, about WW2 he made a joke saying "we're about as likely to join as it's likely for a snake to smoke a pipe" but we did, so it kind of became a meme and the unit we sent to Italy called themselves the smoking snakes. He was deposed after WW2 and a real republic made, but in 1950 he came back to power ad a president this time but there was a major backlash IDK remember the details of, there were mass demonstrations against him and under so much pressure he killed himself in 1954. there was a mess for the next 10 years there was Juscelino Kubicheck whose policies probably created a major economic crisis down the line, and he also founded our new capital Brasilia which might have been a Vanity project. Also, Brazil was parliamentary for like 2 years but I don't know much about it. Janio Quadros who people kind of thought of as a communist, but if he was or not is kind of doubtfully though he did give a medal of honour to Che Guevara so I can't really fault anyone for thinking that. Anyway, he abdicated and by most accounts tried to use his abdication to rally popular support for a coup, but failed cause no one liked him. His successor got overthrown n 1964 and we had 21 years of military dictatorship, which I refuse to know the details of cause I consider it a highly shameful part of our history. But it was the standard, torturing dissenters, government agents everywhere, censoring music, banishing musicians and we still have a daft and lots of military schools because of that. If the US has anything to do with this is the subject of much debate. Anyway, our first civilian president was elected in 1985 but no one counts him since the senate elected him and he was kind of boring. In 1989 Fernando Collor was elected and he might have been our worst president. He was the guy who stole people's bank accounts and he tried several other measures to stop our economic crisis and hyperinflation but they all failed. He was about to get impeached over corruption but he abdicated. His successor was boring but in 1995 the finance minister Fernando Henrique Cardoso who had ended hyperinflation came to power, and besides treating the education sector pretty badly by most accounts, he was great, a moderate leader, presided over great economic growth, pretty good overall. Then there is Lula. look this guy is always really loved or really rated, and I don't know enough to judge, but he is a shroud leftist politician, who was amazing at external policy and made the economy grow. not to mention an amazing orator. But some of his internal policies are widely questioned and some ask themselves if he could have been as good with the economy without the great base Fernando Henrique Cardoso left for him. Anyway, his successor got into power riding off his success and although being the first female president of Brazil she is considered a Joke since she really had little tact, would say some very stupid things, the economy also crashed under her, which might have been the inevitable cause of the middle-income trap, but whatever. It was probably why she was impeached though, which some consider a coup since she was impeached on very shaky grounds. Crime of responsibility they said, which could mean anything. Her successor was boring and no one liked him. Bolsonaro is Brazilian Trump and in fact, he likes to be called that, so I might as well just say that and end it here.

Brazilian culture:
Brazil is a very family-based society and our traditions reflect that We have the same Christian holidays as everyone else, Easter is more religious than it is for the US, and you never eat meat in it, just fish even if you're not religious. There is São João which is the polar opposite, even if it has Christian roots no one cares and it is about drinking, eating lots of meat, eating traditional "sertanejo" Food like corn, a bunch of sweets made out of peanuts and other things, the term comes from "sertão" the interior of the country, e also set a massive bonfire in every house, and we lit lots and lots of fireworks. It's basically the Brazilian equivalent of if the US had a holiday around cowboy and hillbilly culture. I personally don't celebrate it since my godfather passed away, he always threw the best parties and it feels wrong without him. That to me is the big Brazilian holiday cause it's the only one that is truly ours, and no one else's, other people celebrate Sâo João but not as we do. Besides that there is Christmas which you always do with your family, normally the whole family gathers in the house of the eldest member on Christmas eve and we have a "ceia" or supper, but it doesn't really have the same meaning, The eldest reads the bible, and then everyone says some words and then at midnight we eat all we can. New years varies on how you spend it, the one rule is that wherever you go if you have a romantic partner you celebrate with then, it can be just the 2 of you, it can be with either one's families, it can be with friends but you always spend it with then and you always kiss at midnight. As for us bachelors, we just do whatever, sometimes nothing at all, but we gotta drink sparkling wine, which surprisingly I'm not really into.

Brazil is famous for its inequality and it shows. A person from a favela is very different from a rich person, I myself am upper middle class, but I'll try to give you a broad description that applies to us all. First off, family is very important, and it's uncommon for someone to leave their parent's house before they are 25 or when they have finished college, most people at least try going to college here since the best ones are public and free, but people from Favelas generally have a disadvantage in the Entrance exams since the best schools are private. But anyway, the rule used to be in my father's time that you left when you got married, and that says a lot about Brazilian social structure, it's very family-based, these rules are getting looser but still, my 30-year-old brother only moved when he had a relatively stable, long term relationship. That aside, as people know it's very dangerous here, we have a death rate higher than some countries at war, but it only really gets to that point in favelas and the surrounding areas, if you live far from one like me you're mostly safe. And of course, another thing we are famous for is partying and beaches, for males there is almost a social obligation to be popular with women between the ages of 15 and 30, and partying helps with that, but even for those like me who could give less of a shit about that, it's still a great way to socialize and unwind, and it almost always involves drinking, we have a growing part of our population that doesn't drink for religious reasons, but that hasn't damaged the drinking culture so far, and we are encouraged to start drinking well before the legal age. As for beaches, something like 80% of our population lives near or on the coast it is no stretch to say we are a beach culture, not like we go to it every day but you"ll hardly find a Brazilian beach near a city empty and from my own experience, though I'm not into swinging nothing beats cracking open a cold one on the beach, eating surprisingly cheap seafood and chilling out with your friends, I do that with my dad a lot. It's less convenient than living in a developed country, but at times I think we have a simplicity and happiness lacking in those societies, we also generally don't like hierarchy, besides those in the family, we usually call teachers by their first name for example, which makes us more approachable, you can comfortably walk up to most Brazilians and start talking to them for any reason since most of us are very sociable. But besides less safety and worse infrastructure, our lives are pretty normal, you wake up go to work, come back and chill out with the family when you're not fighting over something stupid lol. I think that is the best way I can describe it.

Brazil in General

We are a mess, but a beautiful mess. A great place to visit, not very good to live. We are very welcoming to foreigners, we have great, very diverse food, great beaches, you can get really cheap oysters here, like 5 for a dollar. Speaking of which our currency is pretty weak so you can get a pretty good exchange rate, and things here are pretty cheap relative to developed countries, so Americans used to go here a lot before our recessions. We are very diverse, there are Portuguese, Italians, Africans, mixed people, natives, even Germans in the south, Lebanese and Japanese people in São Paulo and a lot of others. We are a very outgoing people, most Brazilians love a good party, it's a country of extroverts really, not that there aren't introverts, but in most countries, it's 50-50 here I'd say it's more like 70-30 lol. We are a large, federalist country so We're somewhat regionalistic, especially in my state of Pernambuco. Point is, wherever you go will be somewhat different, São Paulo is very metropolitan, Rio de Janeiro is very Touristy, Recife is very old and filled with bridges, islands, and rivers so they call us "Brazilian Venice", we also have Dutch buildings from when they colonized us, Cutiba is very clean and organized. As for the people, we are all very proud of our states in our own way, there is a lot of inside jokes, Pernambuco jokes about being independent, Rio and São Paulo make fun of each other, everyone talks trash about São Paulo since it's the biggest state. Okay, now the problems: Our infrastructure is falling apart, we are in the top 10 most unequal countries in the world, our murder rate is higher than some countries at war, our politicians are corrupt, incompetent, and nepotistic, there are the favelas, the drug trade(though it's not as bad as Mexico or Colombia), Brazilan music has gotten very bad in the last 20 years, Brazilian humour, as far as I know, has always been crazy, overexaggerated kind of stupid and just bad, and most Brazilian entrainment in general except Football and literature, we have been in a 7-8 year economic crisis and our president is a total clown who can't wear a fucking mask and says if we shit only once every 2 days we can solve climate change.

Sorry for the length, I hope it was informative at least. I wanted to send this earlier but I kept getting distracted, hope your day was great!
Matt108 Mar 14, 2022 8:02 PM
You're welcome! It was my pleasure. Oh, I can relate I didn't talk to anyone on MAL for like 1 or 2 years after making my account. Oh, thank you so much! I love it when people read them, I try to make them funny as well, but sometimes I can't come up with a joke, but sometimes they write themselves, I just remade my tag for Nobunaga-sensei no Ozanasuma, and I think it turned out pretty funny. Oh, then it seems I hit the jackpot, cause I love long messages, energetic, proactive people, and people that take an interest in me or where I live. And you're ticking all the boxes lol.

Oh, I imaged you'd say that your energy is contagious, I might give comments and civ a break and actually start this clearly amazing series, I'm not used to fighting games, I haven't played one of those in years I mostly do strategy games, but Yakusa seems simple enough. Yeah, and IDK much about PCs but my laptop was originally from my computer nerd brother so it's pretty good. No, he didn't give it to me, he sold it, my brother is kind of an ass.

Welp, that was surprisingly detailed. Again, I like your energy. Oh I see, what country do you have in mind? Lol. I like European weather cause I like the cold, and I like having actual seasons instead of Brazil's 4 seasons of summer, summer, summer, and rain. I did hear that after Solidary lost power Poland went down such a path politically, which is said you're justified in lamenting such. Oh yes, that. I imagined as such Poland is very close to Ukraine culturally. I have a Ukrainian MAL friend, she is suffering a lot, I feel bad for her. Oh yes, all the time, my friend randomly sent me a message shortly after it started saying "my friend, what a situation" everyone here is worried about it, though people like my dad say it's not our war and we shouldn't get involved. Everyone here has an opinion on it, and don't worry the VAST majority of people in Brazil stand with Ukraine. I mean, the elections are coming up, and schools are opening back up, but besides that, we don't have much going on RN, even carnival was cancelled. So yeah Ukraine is very much in our minds. Well, my friend would argue we do have that mentality and I'll admit to some extent we do, and I mean I am European descended, so I guess I'll have it more than a mixed-race person like him plus I lived in the Uk and was famous for being an Anglophile, so maybe I'm not the best source for such a perspective, but I'll try. Regardless of the point of View, Ukraine and Russia are important cause it could turn into a world war, and even now it's having economic repercussions all over the world. That in itself is bad, but on a human level war of aggression is simply unacceptable these days and the excuses Russia gives are frankly ridiculous calling a country with a Jewish President with a father that fought in WW2 for the USSR a bunch of nazis is just insane. And it's all bad for Russia as well since as much shit as some talk the sanctions actually work, also it destroyed all influence they had over Europe, and they had a lot, so this was a bonehead strategic move. Now as a Brazilian, My country has no responsibility or reason to help Ukraine militarily, but I believe all diplomatic support and foreign aid should be given, it might not be our war but there is a clear right side. I refuse to believe we should do nothing, but the truth is we can do very little, even if we were willing to help militarily our military is not exactly world-famous. That was the best I could give you, But I get the feeling it was not what you were going for, sorry. Anyway, if you want to know more in-depth about the geopolitical implications I recommend this video: it's long but you can watch it in parts or on the gym or something.

So, answering the same points as you did, I like it, but I would still like to go somewhere else cause I know it could be better and also causes I love travelling. People are kind here, but often ignorant and you can't really trust anyone. The weather is generally considered nice by Europeans, but I really hate sweating and I only enjoy the heat when I'm on the beach. The beaches are nice BTW but my city has really polluted water and sharks, most other cities don't Natal's water is pristine, so it's better to sit on the beach. Brazilian politics is complicated, currently we have a conservative government, but we spent 14 years with a leftist government, our first president from that party was really effective, though he only could be because the last government left the country stable and with a surplus, but there were corruption scandals, our president got impeached, not for corruption but for "crime of responsibility" which everyone thought was pretty shady, and the current guy got in power by shitting on the old party, but he actually turned out to be pretty stupid, and constantly said shit, and though he has some rabid followers, he is overall pretty unpopular, and the first guy is coming back so he has no chance to win the new election. I also have a few paragraphs premade on Brazilian history, culture and Brazil in general, if you want I can send them to you. Oh, it is! Thank you for your curiosity! Yes, I lived all my life near the sea..... but I can't swim lol. Oh, I've heard of Gdansk! It has a pretty fascinating history. Yeah, it's pretty good to lie on the beach here and have a beer with some seafood, good times. Well, I guess I am but it really doesn't seem like it considering I can't swim lol.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep, it's midnight here, yours was my last comment for the day so if I seem tired it's cause I am lol. I hope you're having a great day!
Matt108 Mar 14, 2022 5:20 PM
Hi, thanks for accepting the request! you said you were looking for friends, so I thought why not? Also, 61% compatibility is pretty good. Also, I bought Yakuza 0 but I have been procrastinating on playing partially cause IDK if my laptop can run it lol. Also how is life in Poland?
azazel_lns Mar 13, 2022 9:41 PM
Nice to meet u too 欣也ちゃん!! (I hope the kanji of きんや is spelled correctly... O﹏o)

Yeah, these anime are culture. I also agree with FMA on the top; I have to make some time and watch it.

Scarlet_chwan Mar 13, 2022 9:02 AM

Thank u for the request!

I normally don't start the conversation but you can count on me for the replies.
I am a very straightforward person. (so don't mind me, ok! :)

Nice to meet u!

Thanks :v and yea T^T I got so many pending anime;-; I'll regret not finishing them

Scarlet_chwan Mar 13, 2022 8:06 AM
Nice list! :v try One Outs, Yona of the dawn, Owari no Seraph, Link Click, Classroom of the elite, astra lost in space :v you might like them
Hadion Jan 11, 2022 12:59 PM
Dziękuje za zaproszenie do znajomych :)
MisaoAino May 20, 2020 7:38 AM
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Hibbington Apr 14, 2020 8:30 AM
Greetings KinyaChan, I recently gave you an invite to a seasonal club called the Anime Guild.
But I do also like to interact with the people I'm looking to bring into the club.
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It would seem we watch a lot of the same shows, you only have 53 completed but we have 33 shared scores. Which is why our affinity is so high. Our biggest disagreement seems to be Golden Kamuy, which is an understandable one. There was a good amount of facial expressions I wasn't too fond of in the show which lowers my score.
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