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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Go Rush!!
May 26, 7:54 AM
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Dance in the Vampire Bund: Age of Scarlet Order
Dance in the Vampire Bund: Age of Scarlet Order
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Ao no Exorcist
May 10, 11:27 AM
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May 10, 11:26 AM
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Ashhk Today, 3:58 AM
Yeah I still need to read TWGOK, I'm starting with more classics right now, like Mob Psycho 100 I realized I haven't read it despite watching the anime several times, also by timeskip you mean they skipped elements from the manga they didn't want to adapt and just skipped to another part of the story?

The one I grew up with was the Beyblade next generation, I still own the DVDs to this day I think, this is what managed them to raise Beyblade's popularity so much and everyone had Beyblades at school obviously. I didn't know both Bakegyamon and Battle B-daman though. The only Cardfight Vanguard I watched was this one and it was very forgettable, but the 2011 version seems like a shorter version of Duel Monsters, though they just made way too many sequels I would never have the will to watch all of that, but why not trying the 1st season.

I think the motivation for anime is just random, right now I'm somewhat motivated to watch a few eps per day while I felt too lazy a few weeks ago.

Tbh it's just the worst feeling to not be interested in an anime/manga you used to love back then, or just rewatching it because you feel like it's still great and it ends up being meh...
I still like manga though, I just want to be way slower with them, I only read one manga at once right now, only 8 chapters per day, so it doesn't take much time but still takes me at least one month to complete when it comes to big titles, but right now I still follow some ongoing stuff, I just don't start ongoing ones anymore and I'm waiting for a majority of what I read to just finish, so many titles I enjoyed just ended recently (Houseki no Kuni or Yofukashi no Uta for example) so I don't really feel the same excitement as before.

If you refer to the huge age difference couple from my last message it's Brigitte Macron, french first lady lol who groomed Macron when he was 14 and she was 40.
chaosflame5 May 29, 3:02 PM
I think from Zenkaiger onwards, it really looked weird. I'm won't be surprised if there will be no PR adaptations from these series. PR is way behind anyway (haven't watched anything after RPM). Doomscrolling is really something on Youtube. Someone out there is trying to kill people's mental health. I never looked up anything depressing yet they suggest stuff that's sick to your health. Usually I get stuff from American news or China Post. And similar channels kept crawling back even when I put no interest in these channels. I wonder who is behind this dark deed...

I'm not into digital currencies at all. Idk if they are even safe :/ They just sound creepy to me. Not many people here talk about those things, so I assume they don't invest in digital currencies either. 1 Bitcoin = 62,344.38 Euros...yikes!

I've yet to watch Love Live series, but those girls are surely good as layout pics.
These ones look good. Maybe not the position of the cards on the layout but as a showcase, this will work. A wild layout would be bringing all the protags from Yugioh, Duel Masters and Cardfight Vanguard. Not sure if there are other card game anime out there but these three are the ones I know. The latter two I haven't even watched much. And a sub version is hard to find for DM.

Good luck with these :)

What were the gifts again? I sorta lost in this conversation ^^"

Same here, hope I don't get it. This country lives on sugar and salt...*sigh* packaged foods especially.

For me the "It's perfect, perfect. Everything. Down to the last minute detail" from The Boys is the best meme for rating something. Haven't seen an episode from it yet. The show is a bit too gory for me. Might watch it in future.

Still scary when thinking about AI. Even game mods has AI generated voice acting that sounds like real humans :s So yeah, it's hard to think what the future holds *continues to shiver*.
chaosflame5 May 29, 1:45 PM
Just noticed the word "old" in your comment! How didn't I notice it last time?! Maybe I am getting old o_o"
chaosflame5 May 27, 2:13 PM
Thanks man! :)
And I see you got a Gokaiger layout this time.
effy_ May 26, 7:19 AM
oh no, I am a teacher (primary and lower secondary) but honestly writing all these made me consider that maybe in the future, I would like to venture in other spheres. like either studying something else myself (still pretty much related to my actual work) or just finding a job in an office. I know people hate paperwork, I´m actually fine with that.

how are you doing these days? can you see the light out of your problems?

I cannot say life is bad at the moment, it is not treating me horribly. it is the thoughts that I wish could just go away.

tbh, I loved that song so much while growing up. definitely a huge thank you for reminding me of it.

I´m actually Ukrainian :D. but yeah I live in the CZ. yes, but I actually am albino. the result of it being that I have nystagmus which is often associated with albinism.
it´s not like I am just pale :D. my eyebrows are white, my eyelashes are white, my body hair is white :D. but I do have freckles so you could say I am a shade darker :D. Epigyne was actually fascinated with this so much that I sent him a picture of my arm and he overanalysed it :D.

I blocked MAL for a solid week. wow, I had time :D.
I actually asked the rewrite team if I have to use my account if I want to stay in the team and they said that not really so even if I leave, I can still write which made me reconsider coming here at all. but I probably will, because of like three people :D.

all the best
stay safe and healthy
hope things are turning for better.

hydro May 26, 4:15 AM
Those took a while to load for me and I'm not sure if everything loaded in for all of them, but overall I like the "blue" themed ones the most.

A new set of cards called Horus dropped in MD recently, loosely based off the 2004 Horus monster. They're more an "engine" than a "deck" and can be used with basically any archetype. Orcust is probably one of the best pairings for them. Meanwhile despite the aesthetic similarities using them in a Necrovalley deck would be very bad as they need GY movement lol.

The only 3 decks I've crafted in the past 18 months are Dinomorphia, Mikanko and Vanquish Soul. Every other deck I've ever talked about was made around 2 years ago or longer. Part of this is because I played a decent amount when the game first came out and then have had long breaks since.

I don't really know what Atlanteans do, but Mikanko's combination of Ritual monsters, equip spells and battle damage reflection is quite unique in YGO history I think. I saved a recent replay of Mikanko. At first I thought I was facing Sacred Beasts, but they were just using that to enable their Tearalament strategy. If you remember me talking about Tear it's the most broken archetype in YGO History, the only reason it's manageble now is it was nuked by the banlist. But even with the scraps Konami allows, each individual Tear card is so overturned they can still be dangerous. The replay is relatively long and hard to follow, but I also tried to show off the various newer MD features like paragraph text on the cards and the zoom in feature. So it's also a general-purpose look into MDs UI in 2024. Since the text is so clear you can also pause on any highlighted card to read what it does if you want.

They activated a fuckton of affects, had 35(!) cards in their GY and bodied me with Trishula (I turned their Trish into an equip with Spiritwalk but that doesn't negate its effect). But they didn't finish me off and were on low LP. So they knew I was about to summon Ohime and reverse battle damage them for 2k so they scooped.

I also have this much shorter Morb Mirror replay. I think this was the first time I ever had a Dinomorphia mirror match and it was funny to me. They went first which is an advantage, but I won mainly due to Ferret Flames, which is basically the best card in our deck lol. I drew it and they didn't. Then they maybe forgot about Rexterms effect and killed themselves (fitting for a Dinomorphia player, maybe they're the true Morber).

The Japanese scream went way harder imo. If you want to hear her actual character I timestamped one of here scenes here. But to me that boss attack was so cool thematically, and it's a neat bit of trivia that the VA for the character also did the scream. I probably should have linked this clip initially for the contrast.
3miL May 25, 6:48 AM
・・・・・・—---★ »•» ✉️ «•« ★---—・・・・・・

All quick replies to comments done up to here

Entity72 May 25, 6:25 AM
Nice to see another KoreZom fan
Big W for best Kuudere Hellscythe <3
Klefki_of_Awsome May 23, 2:41 PM
Love the new Mio pfp!<3 ^v^9
Are you also watching DAL this season?
Varelya May 20, 2:32 PM
Also, what of Musume no Tomodachi do you remember? What did you like about for it to be in your favorites? I recall reading a bit of it but never finished it

Varelya May 20, 2:22 PM
You say cage, others may call it a fortress, I simply call it the reward room, personally. A place meant for those chasing desires and are rewarded for such conquests. Life's full of obstacles, no?

hydro May 19, 4:45 AM
I've watched some Team APS vids and also some random President AI duels. But I mainly watched Master Saga on Dzeeff's channel as far as YGO YT content goes.

Only Love Live can cross the political divide! Do you wait until Christmas to use that theme each year?

Nurse Burn was much better when the game first came out than now. Not only have a lot of cards in my initial deck list been banned, but the other decks are also stronger now due to natural powercreep. This video is a decent breakdown of how the deck was at the start of the game, and as for my personal replays this is probably the best one. The opponent summoned a 6 material Rhongo which is basically unbeatable. It's not affected by card affects, and also you can't summon monsters (be it to start your own plays or even Kaiju it). If I had to rely on Nurse even I would lose, but I drew the perfect hand with Simochi and won the impossible duel. Rhongo is now banned for being unbeatable 99.9% of the time it's summoned with that many materials (the idea is you try and stop the combo before they get to him), but I snuck in a win against it. There also seems to be some Nurse Burn shenanigans in DL more recently based off a coinflip skill.

Orcust is pretty good, is it one of the best decks in DL? Harp and Dingirsu are strong even in MD.

I'd quit PvP too if I kept seeing Sky Striker lol. Though I guess I already quit PvP for many months at a time and then come back gradually for some events/chasing alt arts since I have nothing else to spend my gems on. It's crazy seeing youtubers desperately scraping for every bit of UR dust when I have more than I will ever need. I guess that's what happens when you build every new deck for "content" while I've built like 3 in the past 18 months lol.

Phantasm Spiral can be played two ways. Beatdown by equipping this vanilla with equips that have beneficial effects, or control by using this field spell to generate tokens when your opponent uses effects. Then there's trap cards you can use from your hand if you have no effects monsters.

Mikanko is an equip + ritual battle phase deck where the monsters have 0 Atk and you opponent takes all battle damage from every battle. Kind of like Sphreez on steroids. You can try and OTK, or you can do things like steal your opponents monster or get some protection form targeting effects. The deck usually wants to go 2nd, but it can do a bit more going 1st than most OTK style decks.

Nibiru is the HERO Rock, people joke the HERO end board is Nibiru since HERO combos summon a lot but don't put up any negates so is vulnerable to Nibiru.

Live a Live is a remake of a SNES game that uses pixel art so everyone looks a bit like Mario lol. She has a full art picture here. She's notable because she's an important character in the games most important chapter (the last one). I'm assuming you're not about to play this game so I'll spoil it and link a cool bit of her voice acting.

Ashhk May 18, 2:31 PM
Well for example I remember this vid

Lol, it's clear which part of the fanbase they want to attract with that, I mean they know the popularity of Dark Magician Girl and it helped the series I feel like, so they want to have more and more cases like that.

Eh, I think I had no idea they voiced one of the main girl from Hayate actually, we rarely hear about this one compared to the other tsundere she did, I guess that's one more reason for me to watch Hayate eventually lol.

This is kinda what I'm doing but with more mainstream kids shows I watched before... I mean I rewatched the whole Ojamajo Doremi 1st season because of that, I think things just switched to more "worldwide" shows with time, because our parents in the 70s 80s and even 90s just had more "local" shows like the ones you watched (like our co-production from French script/director working with Japanese animators and studios) but after that it just switched to shows like Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon etc.
So you didn't have Beyblade 2001 and 2002 back then? I thought Bakugan was older but 1st one seem to be from 2007 damn.

This is why recently I've been watching anime as I directly wake up just because I would be too lazy and demotivated when I get out of the bed, but that's also the reason why I'm not fully focused.

Tasogare's manga is even shorter than Sankarea's one so it doesn't add that much compared to the anime from what I remember, except for the actual ending but it was nothing too crazy, the usual happy ending, but as far as you like the anime reading the manga is still a very good addition to the content we already saw.

Because nobody cares, and that's extremely creepy, people need to wake up, she was his teacher and they started going out when she was in her 40s and he was 14 years old, imagine if that was the contrary people would explode.
effy_ May 17, 11:55 AM
I will! it won´t be perfect in the beginning, I am sure, but as long as it is fun and the quality doesn´t offend you :D.

I hope you are doing better btw. I am taking a notice you don´t want to talk about it and that´s fair to me, but I will never cease to make sure to send my support. sorry, if it comes off as too naive. in the end of the day, there is nothing we can do apart from at least try to lift each others up.

yes, those. I suppose they are more gothic than horror-like, a misused exaggeration on my part. sorry for that. but you got what I meant :D.

oh yeah, that thing. it was done for the Mother´s Day as to say that asschewer was their mum and some chosen users (the lowercase gang) participated and when someone in the games pointed out it was odd, they were told the typical FG answer - it is just for fun and no mums were hurt etc. :D I chuckled at the classics :D. it´s always the same; never to apologize, never admit a misjudgment). and I am not affiliated with asschewer, we don´t share the same sense of humour and I can hardly imagine we would have to have a lot to talk about, but who knows maybe I would be mistaken, yet I felt a bit uneasy about the whole thing.
but let me take the conversation away from the concrete users and just blurb out what it reminded me of and why it felt a bit ..meh.
you know how in each class there is always this "problem child" causing troubles. sometimes saying something rude to the kids, sometimes breaking a teacher´s vase. so the kids being angry at the naughty child soon learn (unconsciously though, they would never admit that) the game that connects them all, they place the problem child into the role of their common enemy. it becomes their little game to egg on the kid, doing everything to mock the kid, make the kid angry and soon the kid starts to see that trying to get better, trying to fit in is pointless. they absolutely grow into their identity. while I am certainly believing that a 30-year-old man (who can cross the line with his creepy comments) can built his own identity and wave the hand off (aren´t we all, aren´t we all, hah, let me laugh pathetically because of how many ruined days I have had throughout my life due to online arguments - my mistake entirely), I cannot help but feel sorry. this whole idea of mocking someone when it is done by many people at once is just against my beliefs in a way. I actually did feel sorry for asschewer, here I said it :D.

thank you, eventually I know the known. be yourself and don´t mind others. but the second part, not minding others is somehow an estranged feeling. the older I am, the better I am getting at this. but I am definitely not there yet. it´s a process though. it is as if the biggest discovery of my life was reading the words that other people´s opinions don´t define who we are and that our mind is not telling us that we deserve nothing good in life, that we should hate ourselves etc. but those are the words that were once said to us that we have taken for our own which is a big fat lie. it seems pathetic for many, but incredibly true for the others. some people just gotta learn later in life. at least I have started sooner than on my dying bed :D. I know my life won´t change significantly when it comes to what it looks to the outsiders but if I can be happier and at peace, that´s my only goal for myself.

that is true. I mean, I am not saying unnecessary attention is a pleasant thing, heck I even get enough of it for how my albino skin shines :D. but also you cannot go and call a racist someone is staring at you because they have literally never seen a black person in their entire life. plus most people, unless you are horribly unlucky are actually just curious and would definitely consider it an honour for someone travelling so far to visit their country. but I always worry about the bad guys and apparently the agency she is working for does too as they don´t want to allow you.

I have tried to send him a message on both Discord and his MAL account. last time we spoke, he told me his Discord got blocked (I thought he could get it back though???) and he has not been on his MAL account for about two months, but people come and go. so hopefully he comes back. I miss his analytical mind and talks about extinct languages. but maybe not being on MAL is like a sign that he is living the best of life and enjoying himself. hope, nothing bad happened.

there is always time for new things! and man, sleep, oof. this week was a bit busier but it kept me occupied so all is well. work was annoying though.

thanks for the tip about protectedtext! had no idea about anything like that. might be useful for many irl stuff as well.

all the best
have a good weekend!!!
stay healthy and safe
Varelya May 15, 8:20 AM
Now you can easily track when I’m online, how lovely! Rejoice!

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