Comic Beam

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Comic Beam (137)
Manga, 2002Finished15 vol, 123 chp

Shuuichi Nitori is a 5th grade student who likes to bake and has always been something of a feminine boy. When he transfers to a new school, Shuuichi is mistaken for his 6th grade sister on his first day. Then he ends up sitting next to Yoshino Takatsuki, a tall, boyish girl who everyone calls "Takatsuki-kun." They both have secrets they can't let anyone know... The series deals with issues such as being transgender, gender identity, and the beginning of puberty. (Source: Kotonoha, edited)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2001Finished10 vol, 72 chp

It's the turn of the 20th century, and Victorian era England plays host to a poignant and emotional saga of love between two individuals of thoroughly different societal standing. Working class maid Emma and wealthy aristocrat William Jones find themselves falling for one another despite their allotted positions in life, and it is their persistent efforts to traverse the dangerous minefields of wealth, power, and staunch tradition, that provides the gripping emotional drama of Kaoru Mori's Emma. The rigid social structures of the time and the disapproving elite, including but not limited to William's own family, seek to keep the lovestruck pair apart due to their heavy condemnation of this breach of proper conduct. But despite their best attempts to resist one another, William and Emma's relationship deepens, and their feelings for one another prove to be stronger than the harshest of judgments. From the author of the acclaimed series Otoyomegatari, comes this impassioned tour de force of two individuals who strive to never give up on their love. But will William and Emma's relationship fall prey to the slew of unforeseen ordeals that rise up to challenge it, or will they get their happy ending after all? [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2001On Hiatus3 vol, 25 chp

In a world where all feeling is artificial and where everyone is a potential drug addict, nothing has really changed: the excess is near at hand and very few substances are considered dangerous and put under a strict control by a hygiene office, which has full power on the drug addicts, who are in extreme conditions. The main character is Kabu, a little peddler and heavy addicted. Used to any kind of hallucinogenic trip, he is able to feel the happiness through the ecstasy of the drug, while on the same time hypocritically hating those who gave birth to that society which has forced him to the excess. After an overdose caused by mixing two incompatible drugs, he spends his days looking for stimulants until he encounters an enigmatic man who offers him a new kind of illegal substance: Ultra Heaven. From that moment his incredible journey begins, where dream and reality are fused in an undivided world, causing him hysterical or joyful reactions and unrestrained pains. But what really is Ultra Heaven and who's really behind it? And who is the guru who is promoting the meditation as a powerful way to influence the whole universe surrounding us? With the help of a special amplifier helmet, Kabu starts a trip into the deep and hidden layers of his conscience, diving into a nightmare he would never discover... (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2002Finished6 vol, 37 chp

Two twins, separated by fatal illness and a selective cure. Kasumi and her sister, Shizuku, were infected with the Medusa virus, which slowly turns the victim to stone. There is no cure, but of the two only Kasumi is selected to go into a sort of cryogenically frozen state along with 159 others until a cure is found. At some point in the undetermined future, Kasumi awakens to find herself and others who were in suspended animation in an unfamiliar world with violent monsters. Resolving to unlock the mysteries of her current situation and the fate of her twin sister, Kasumi struggles to survive in a treacherous world. (Source: Tokyopop)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2008Finished6 vol, 38 chp

When Roman architect Lucius is criticized for his “outdated” thermae designs, he retreats to the local bath to collect his thoughts. All Lucius wants is to recapture the Rome of earlier days, when one could enjoy a relaxing bath without the pressure of merchants and roughhousing patrons. Slipping deeper into the warm water, Lucius is suddenly caught in the suction and dragged through the drainage at the bottom of the bath! He emerges coughing and sputtering amid a group of strange-looking foreigners with the most peculiar bathhouse customs... over 1,500 years in the future in modern-day Japan! His contemporaries wanted him to modernize, and so, borrowing the customs of these mysterious bath-loving people, Lucius opens what quickly becomes the most popular new bathhouse in Rome—Thermae Romae! (Source: Yen Press)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2004Finished11 vol, 90 chp

Something strange is going on in "Soil New Town." The sudden disappearance of a seemingly normal family leads the two detectives Yokoi and Onoda to the idyllic town in the middle of nowhere. What looks like a routine case at first quickly turns into a complex and deadly riddle where nothing is what it seems to be. Will the two desperate investigators manage to solve the mystery before it's too late? (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 1997Finished22 vol, 139 chp

In the future, Japan is a wasteland. In the Great Kantou Desert, scattered humans eke out a living in the hot sand. Among them, a short-statured man they call "Sunabouzu" makes a living as a bounty hunter. Like a demon of the sand, he seems unbeatable. Yet, like all men, he has a particular weakness for the opposite sex... (Source: ANN)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2016Finished4 vol, 25 chp

The story details the events of a disastrous expedition to the Antarctic continent in September 1930, and what was found there by a group of explorers led by the narrator, Dr. William Dyer of Miskatonic University. Throughout the story, Dyer details a series of previously untold events in the hope of deterring another group of explorers who wish to return to the continent. (Source: Wikipedia)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2007Finished1 vol, 8 chp

During the Meiji period, this story centers around an unsuccessful science fiction author who masquerades as the dead son of an industrial magnate. With his new family's riches, he creates a fantastical island to satisfy his desires. In his manga adaptation of The Strange Tale of Panorama Island (panorama-tou kidan), Maruo strays from his usual style of explicit gore while maintaining his trademark: elaborate, elegant art. Sprawling, overwhelming landscapes, a diverse range of uniquely designed characters, and even scenes distorted grotesquely for effect are captured with ease by the talented and experienced mangaka. (Source: MU)

Manga, 1999Finished4 vol, 26 chp

Unknown to the world aliens have begun to invade people's bodies. A young race car pilot named Toshio was won by a mysterious organization for a "test" for money. That test turned out to be a hellish training to become a Zombie Hunter. However, Toshio decided to return to a normal life but soon face the harsh reality of a Zombie Hunter. Surrounded by shallow figures and aliens Toshio accepts his new life as a Zombie Hunter ... (Source: MU)

Manga, 2009Finished13 vol, 89 chp

Geeko's weird, creepy, friendless classmate Nero has destroyed all of their mutual classmates, perverting them into her grotesque, monstrous minions. Now she's sending them after Geeko, the only survivor. However, Geeko is setting out, dressed in her skimpy school uniform and armed with a big chainsaw, to end Nero's mad science, no matter how many undead former friends she has to saw down on the way. (Source: MangaHelpers)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2015Finished1 vol, 6 chp

An unnamed surveyor from Boston, telling the story in the first-person perspective, attempts to uncover the secrets behind a shunned place referred to by the locals of Arkham as the "blasted heath." (Source: Wikipedia)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2011Finished3 vol, 29 chp

The story takes place in the 60s, in a city rather mysterious or mixture madness and lust. A detective, Sada (with a "certain" wound) pursues a woman accused of murder. But she happens to escape. In order to stop, Sada decide to put up posters of the woman in the city to find her.

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2016Finished1 vol, 4 chp

The story (which is based on the diaries of its protagonist) is set in Providence, Rhode Island, Lovecraft's hometown and a favorite locale for his fiction. The protagonist, Robert Blake—a young man with an interest in the occult—becomes fascinated by a large disused church set on Federal Hill in Providence's west—the Italian and migrant quarter—which he can see from his lodgings in Providence's Upper East side. His researches reveal that the church has a sinister history involving a cult called the Church of Starry Wisdom and is dreaded by the local inhabitants as being haunted by a primeval evil. (Source: Wikipedia)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2009Finished1 vol, 4 chp

芋虫 [The Caterpillar], is an adaptation of the 1929 Edogawa Rampo short story of the same name. The Caterpillar is a haunting psychosexual tale of Lt. Sunaga, a disfigured and limbless veteran of WWI who returns home to his young and beautiful wife. Sunaga initially is given a hero's welcome, but is quickly forgotten and shunned because of his injuries. Unable to speak or care for himself, he is completely at the mercy of his wife as she grows to loathe and toy with him. (Source: Same Hat! blog)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2004Finished4 vol, 39 chp

A recollection of short independent stories, taking place either in Japan or in an occidental country, either in the modern time or in the past, these short stories are themed about the expression of feelings. A city romance, a walk in the forest, the day-by-day life of a waitress in a bar or a medieval story, full of everyday-life details, feeling sometimes romantic or nostalgic... Check more info for details.

AuthorIrie, Aki
SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2014Finished7 vol, 46 chp

A story about "Deathco," a young girl who's good at killing, and not much else. She works for a secretive, international league of assassins known only as "The Guild," who infamously dress in costumes when they hunt their targets. (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2003Finished1 vol, 10 chp

A compilation of short stories by Keiichi Koike. 1. Knockin' on Heaven's Door 2. 3000 Leagues Searching For Mother 3. Lazaro Franco's Fourth Hour 4. The Fallen Samurai And The Sea 5. Loopa 6. Kenbo's Diary 7. Sponge Generation 8. By Plane 9. Horizon 10. Landed

SerializationComic Beam

What links together two bands of worshippers, one deep in the Arctic snows, one hidden in the bayous of Louisiana, is more than their shared practice of blood sacrifice. It is the inhuman phrase they both chant: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn—"In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." Now these nightmares will disturb the sanity of Francis Thurston, a young man pursuing an investigation into the cult of Cthulhu that leads to the most forsaken spot in the vast Pacific...and to Earth's supreme terror, the risen corpse-city of R'lyeh. First published in 1928, The Call of Cthulhu, rendered in chilling detail by modern manga horror master Gou Tanabe, is the most famous of all of H.P. Lovecraft's stories, and was the namesake of the acclaimed role-playing game system set within the Cthulhu Mythos. (Source: Dark Horse)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2018Finished6 vol, 42 chp

Clad in school uniforms practically breathing with life are the girls of Hoshimiya Girls' Academy, their hair long and luxurious. When a puzzling incident involving the ever-mysterious and elusive student Hoshimiya-san disturbs their peaceful paradise, the hidden feelings these innocent schoolgirls possess begin to entwine and overflow in unimaginable ways... (Source: Yen Press)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2020Finished3 vol, 134 chp

The wacky story of Nick and Lever, two foreign men living in Japan.

SerializationComic Beam
ThemeGag Humor
Manga, 2004Finished4 vol, 36 chp

Masahiko is estranged from his family and lives a dead-end life in Tokyo, working as a chauffeur for high-class call girls. When his sister dies under mysterious circumstances, he inherits an unlabeled CD from her possessions. Listening to the jazz music it contains, he is propelled into an out-of-body experience. As he repeats the experience, he begins to wonder if this was how his sister died. Masahiko is determined to find the cause of her death, and the mystery behind the CD. (Source: CMX)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2015Finished2 vol, 16 chp

Undertaker by day, biker by night, Kaido Wataru dreams of one day riding at an unsurpassed speed. But the moment he finally reaches 300 km/h, a terrible accident sends him into a 3-year coma. When Wataru awakes, he finds that the Japan he once knew is long gone. Now followed by an otherworldly creature and equipped with a mysterious transplanted eye, Wataru embarks on his very own road movie. (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 1997Finished6 vol, 50 chp

Follow the adventures of a punk girl with a pink gun as she rampages across the land. The word is out on the streets: a reward of five million dollars to the opportunist that wastes the courier calling herself Bambi and returns the kid called Bambi she leads around on a leash. Can Bambi's huge ego and formidable gun skills hold off an army? Featuring awesome art by Kaneko Atsushi and a story that's hard-edged, fast paced and loaded with action, chaotic courier Bambi delivers the goods. (Source: Digital Manga Publishing)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2008Finished1 vol, 9 chp

A boy who can see music... A man rescues an instrument from a museum... And a boy hears the first rhythm... These stories and more are included in this collection of music-related one-shots from the mangaka of Oh, My Sweet Alien! and Why Not Be My Dog. (Source: Antisense Scanslations)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2018Finished2 vol, 15 chp

In the small town of Asaba, two powerful families are known to be famous enemies: Mizuno's family patriarch is one of Asaba's mayoral candidates, while Chayama-en is a successful tea company, one that Mizuno’s family claims to be polluting the city's water. While, to the public eye, it seems that the daughters of the two families have their futures figured out, Mizuno finds the atmosphere of living in a tight-knit town intolerable, planning to leave once she graduates from high school. In contrast, Chayama is content with her life and is prepared to take over the family business regardless of their controversy. Although the two girls are not allowed to interact and have opposing worldviews, they find the gap between them close and start dating in secret. As the bond between Mizuno and Chayama grows stronger, outside forces threaten to destroy it. Chayama faces bullying from the daughters of her parents' employees; Mizuno deals with the increasing pressure of keeping up with appearances to help her father's campaign. Despite their troubles, the girls find comfort in each other's presence and become determined to find a way to stay together, no matter how hard their small town tries to tear them apart. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2014Finished4 vol, 22 chp

The manga centers on a set of twins with an older brother and younger sister. The twins were born with a set of odd matching birthmarks on their sides. After their mother abandoned them their stepfather sold them off to a freak show. The story tells what becomes of the twins afterward. (Source: ANN)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2019Finished3 vol, 18 chp

Working a part-time job, living without relying on his adoptive parents, getting paid by his flatmate to do his work for him—such is the daily life of Al Adley, a rather dry South Asian man in his 20s. His self-reliant and simple lifestyle changes on the day he realizes that a single event can change one's whole life: that day is when news breaks out that the mayor of London has been fatally stabbed while on a train through the Tube. Al just happened to be at the scene of the crime, and suspicions that he may be the culprit only grow when he finds a bloody knife in his jacket pocket later that evening. It is not long before Al gets a knock on his door from Lenny Ellis, an inspector for the police who is overly dedicated to his job. With the detective willing to give the young man the benefit of the doubt, Al and Ellis begin a race against time to find the mayor's true murderer. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2018Finished2 vol, 12 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2010Finished1 vol, 7 chp

1-2. Binzume no Jigoku (The Inferno in Bottles) 3. Sei Anthony no Yuukai (The Temptation of Saint Anthony) 4-5. Koganemochi 6-7. Kawaisou na Ane (Poor Big Sister)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2020Finished2 vol, 11 chp

In the winter of 1927-28, the isolated coastal settlement of Innsmouth, Massachusetts was assaulted by U.S. government agents—its waterfront burned and dynamited, its people taken away to internment camps. Yet that was neither the beginning nor the end of the horror uncovered by a young antiquarian who traveled to Innsmouth in search of rumors from the town's dead past, only to find them still very much alive...and find truths lying under water deeper and colder than any earthly grave! (Source: Dark Horse)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2021Finished3 vol, 17 chp

Twenty-three-year-old art school reject Miyuu Seno has a blue print for the future, but it's not her own. Instead, she's stuck on the "secure"path her mom has laid out for her—from her office job, to her clothes, to the guys she meets—and it's making Miyuu more miserable by the day. When things come to a head between them, Miyuu leaves home with a blank canvas in tow, holding on to the hope that painting can somehow undo the phony she's become... (Source: Yen Press)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2014Finished1 vol, 11 chp

Just before Saho Hanawa was about to matriculate into Seiran Middle School (her mother's alma mater), she meets a ghost girl, Chie, who's wearing the Seiran school uniform and standing in the rain. Saho assents when Chie asks to go to Saho's house, and they spend time talking and arguing with each other. Saho parents hear her talking to Chie and assume she must be talking on a cell phone—until they catch her talking to empty space in her room. Saho is forced to confess that she can see a ghost girl named Chie, which shocks her parents. They then reveal that Chie is the name of the stillborn baby that they had before Saho—Saho's dead older sister.

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2006Finished2 vol, 17 chp

A 21-year-old man, Shinkichi, is employed as assistant by the beautiful ageless shamisen player Toyoshiga. Despite the considerable age difference, they became lovers. But Toyoshiga is a jealous woman who can't stand the attention paid by her students to Shinkichi, in particular the young and pretty Ohisa. Her jealousy grew bigger and bigger and began to reflect on her face while the hourse's ghosts made more and more apparitions.

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2017Finished2 vol, 13 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 1996Discontinued1 vol, 10 chp

Shoujo Nemu tells the moving story of Nemu, a young girl who dreams of becoming a manga artist. Even though people couldn’t tell because of her shyness, Nemu possesses extraordinary talent, but it’s not until her encounter with Goro, a veteran manga artist plagued with self-doubt, that she begins to realize the true nature of her passion. What follows is an unusual friendship that ends up changing both their lives. (Source: Kotonoha)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 1997Finished7 vol, 56 chp

Chiaki Honda is a middle-school boy who neglects his studies. Furthermore, he smokes, and has dyed his hair a bright green. One evening at the arcade, a girl challenges him to a match. The girl, who straightforwardly introduces herself as Nanako Kikuchi, suggests a bet, nonchalantly wagering her body for Chiaki's watch. Chiaki is soundly defeated, and he goes home fuming. His life goes on, of course. The next day, he meets a strange young man on the train who looks an awful lot like him. And eventually he runs into Nanako again. (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2018Finished1 vol, 6 chp

It's the story of a girl. A girl who lives in the country. A girl encountering fragments, both bitter and sweet, of the world around her. It's the story of the shape of her world. (Source: Yen Press) 1. Arashi no Katachi 2. Hana-chan no Kusa Soudou 3. Takkyuu Therapy 4. Uta-chan no Shukudai 5. Ohisama no Ballad 6. Sekai no Katachi

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2017Finished4 vol, 32 chp

It's that time of the month, and you know what that means...a visit from Aunt Flo—scratch that—Little Miss P! This pink, anthropomorphized period's not so lean, kinda mean, and a gut-punching, butt- kicking machine! (Just ask Mr. Erection...) Follow Little Miss P as she traverses time advising, harassing, abusing, and comforting women on her (usually) monthly visits in this uniquely weird and surprisingly touching manga! (Source: Yen Press)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2013Finished1 vol, 8 chp

Circumstances have intertwined the fates of five strangers. As a team of five, they make their living running a freak show. As a family of five, they live on a small boat together. In the midst of a terrible war, they add to their number the kudan, a monster rumored to tell the future. (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 1969Finished1 vol, 11 chp

A "masterpiece collection" of 11 stories that were released from 1969 to 1973 by the father of the gekiga movement, Yoshihiro Tatsumi. 1. Namakemono 2. Ore no Hitler (My Hitler) 3. Kuroneko no Tango 4. Ana (The Hole) 5. Wakaremichi (Forked Road) 6. Chousou (Sky Burial) 7. Taihou 8. Futon no Naka 9. Hana Ijime 10. Michikusa Onna 11. Koppu no Naka no Taiyou

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2015Finished4 vol, 25 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2002Finished5 vol, ? chp

This is a 5-volume manga series comprised of individual short stories that all have to do with coffee one way or other. Each of them is bittersweet with a philosophical bent.

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2018Finished1 vol, 7 chp

1. Niwashi no Shigoto (The Work of a Gardener) 2. Suisou Yashiki (Mansion Aquarium) 3. Eureka no Niwa (Eureka Garden) 4. Watashi no Oniwa (The Garden of Me) 5. Niwa ni wa Ninin (Two Guys in a Garden) 6. Niwashi no Kyuujitsu (A Gardener’s Day Off) 7. Niwa Carnet (Garden Carnet)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 1995Finished9 vol, 70 chp

Six months ago, Karukozaka High School had vanished into the Underworld. Upon its reemergence, all 560 students and 28 faculty members remained missing. Treated as a bizarre case of mass disappearance, the entire ordeal was forgotten, but nobody noticed when two of the students had returned. These students are Nobu—a boy with an uncanny ability to sniff out demons—and Yumi Shirakawa. Wishing to move on from the trauma, Nobu and Yumi transfer to different schools and lose contact with each other, but they both remain vigilant of demonic activity. Unfortunately, the portal to the Underworld resurfaces at the location of their former school, causing two unique factions to seek out survivors of the Karukozaka incident. The Ring of Gaea seeks to enact martial law within Tokyo in order to contain the demonic threat. On the other side, the Order of Messiah sees Nobu and Yumi as threats to the new world they wish to establish. When his mother is killed in front of his eyes by a demon, Nobu realizes that he cannot run away from confronting his demon-infested past. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2010Finished1 vol, 9 chp

Anthony is a man with an American father and a deceased Japanese mother living and working in Tokyo. One day his son is run over and killed by Yatsu, the "The Metal Fetishist." Shortly afterward Anthony begins to transform into metal. He discovers that the work of his scientist father may be the key to his transformation. In his father's house he discovers a secret room with files and papers detailing the Tetsuo Project as a way to turn people into androids. (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2002Finished1 vol, 8 chp

1. Outsider (The Outsider) [Story: H.P. Lovecraft] 2. Chuunikai no Aru Ie (The House with the Mezzanine) [Story: Anton Chekhov] 3. Nijuurokunin no Otoko to Hitori no Shoujo (Twenty-six Men and a Girl) [Story: Maxim Gorky] 4-8. Juga


(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2000Finished2 vol, 12 chp

The year is Showa 74 (1999 A.D.) and the world has been through much turmoil. The streets are littered with destitute buildings, crime, and also Sex Machines... mechanical humans that can be used as motorcycles when charged with sexual energy. These Sex Machines have been in use since the olden days, however, when criminals began riding them, the police had to adapt, and began to use them as well. One of these officers is Suzuka Yoshimura, a rookie cop who doesn't play by the rules aided by the help of her Sex Machine "Ace." She recently heard of an exhibition that will show off a so-called "Legendary Sex Machine." What type of Sex Machine is it, and what is its goal? (Source: Jammin' Scans)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2001Finished4 vol, 28 chp

Shounen Shoujo is an assamblage of Satoshi Fukushima's short stories. The only thing the 28 chapters really have in common is that they revolve around the relation between male and female, mainly boys and girls. Each story experimates with completely new topics. There may be young musicians, football playing girls, aliens, popstars, samurai, yakuza, seniors or even caries bacteria. Anyhow some of the stories are continued. What one could call the main story (because there is one episode in each volume) is telling of the girl Yoshiko who has pushed her friend into a deep fountain. Unfortunately this boy dies in this accident and Yoshiko now feels guilty towards the boy's younger brother Goro. In some time steps the reader is following their uncertain relationship. Despite the name, Shounen Shoujo is not a book for children. Often the stories end abruptly and leave a lot of space for interpretations.

Manga, 2021Finished4 vol, 24 chp

Siblings Minato and Akira Lee have moved to a new town, and they're expecting things to be different— but not this different! Ghostly figures tower over and pass through buildings, drawing no reaction from the locals, some of whom appear far from normal themselves. When Akira spots a strange creature outside her window, she and her new friends organize a search. If no one else can explain the uncanny appearances, the investigation club will get to the bottom of it! (Source: Yen Press)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2015Finished7 vol, 38 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

AuthorIzu, Tooru
SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2013Finished7 vol, 50 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2016Publishing? vol, ? chp

Harada Takumi is not even in junior high and he's already the best pitcher in the region, although he's frustrated and ready to give up, because he can't find a catcher who is good enough to keep up with how he pitches in this backwater town his family has just moved to. Then along comes a kid named Nagakura Gou... (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2013Finished1 vol, 6 chp

A one-volume compilation of three stories meditating on work, identity, and purpose. 1-3. Esper Shuugyou (Psychic Training) 4-5. Bartleby 6. Yoru no Taiko

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2004Finished10 vol, 61 chp

Kidou Ryodan Hachifukujin is set in the near future where Japan has been subjugated by China and now fights against its former ally America under the Chinese banner. Fukujin, literally "luck god," are special armor suits that are impervious to most conventional weapons. The story follows new recruits in the army of Japan, in a war torn future. There's an eccentric girl, a pacifistic guy, an advanced suit of armor impervious to all weapons figure in a story about war, violence, and militaristic subservience. (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2003Finished3 vol, ? chp

Pelu, the Little Fluffy Playboy, is comic tale of a cute extraterrestrial creature that comes to Earth determined to find himself true happiness in the form of a human bride. Our hero's search takes him from the surface of his fantastic alien planet to an off-kilter modern Japan where Pelu meets aspiring singers, sassy girls, paint-sniffing bad boys, and the body-switching students of a mysterious high school. Artist Junko Mizuno unleashes her unique graphic storytelling sensibilities on a tale that's frequently adorable, sometimes grotesque, and surprisingly moving.

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2019Finished1 vol, 5 chp

1. Diabolic 2. Sensai Vagabond 3. Nenkorori 4. Olanda-san 5. Doutei Maria

SerializationComic Beam

In the isolated, desolate, decrepit village of Dunwich, Massachusetts, Wilbur Whateley is the hideous son of Lavinia Whateley, a deformed and unstable albino mother, and an unknown father. Strange events surround his birth and precocious development. Wilbur matures at an abnormal rate, reaching manhood within a decade. Locals shun him and his family, and animals fear and despise him due to an unnatural, inhuman odor emanating from his body. All the while, his grandfather, a sorcerer, indoctrinates him into certain dark rituals and the study of witchcraft. (Source: Wikipedia)

SerializationComic Beam

Who are the Darkstalkers? Are they supernatural beings who hunt for human blood and souls... monsters cursed to live in darkness... or just looking for a good fight?

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2020Finished1 vol, 7 chp

The wordless time a kidnapped princess and her fingerless caretaker spend together. The ten minutes an ordinary woman spends with her stalker. The six months a man learns is all he has left to spend with his beloved, terminally ill wife. These are some of the moments we have to share with the people featured in this collection of seven of Touryuumon Takeda's manga one-shots, including his highly acclaimed The Wife I Loved Dearly. (Source: Yen Press) 1. Sono Toki ga Kitara 2. 10-pungo ni Keisatsu wa Kita 3. Shoya wa Tsutsuganaku 4. Yokatta ne 5. Rakuen 6. Waruku wa nee kedo 7. Daisuki na Tsuma Datta

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2021Finished6 vol, 37 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2006Finished26 vol, 158 chp

The governing race, the Karma froze the planet Roon as a result of war and emigrated to a neighboring planet. Four-thousand years later, the ice covering Roon started melting and the Karma began migrating back to Roon. This is a heroic fantasy that portrays the young boy, Dulk, who gains the power of wonder sealed in the darkness of history, and comes face-to-face with his destiny. (Source: Japan Media Arts Festival)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2020Publishing? vol, ? chp

The dark hero manga centers on three young kids who attempt to take their own lives out of despair and hopelessness for the world, but fail in the attempt. In the hospital, they awaken to a power inside them that could allow them to be heroes. But the directionless trio, who feel there is no place for them in the world, begin an ultimate betrayal of humanity. (Source: ANN)

SerializationComic Beam
One-shot, 2010Finished? vol, 1 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2007Finished5 vol, 35 chp

Yorozu Genkurou, wandering warrior, possesses an huge sword which makes him redoubtable to his enemies. While he crosses a dark forest, he suddenly sees the fall of what looks very much like a spaceship. Since, he is constantly being attacked by strange ninjas and ambitous fighters. Indeed, he will soon realize that his assailants are nothing else than aliens landed on Earth to find 3 artifacts made of Orichalcum, an alien substance with powerful mystical virtues. And one of the artifacts is the sword he wears. The hunt begins. (Source:

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2021Finished2 vol, 12 chp

Born on the north coast of Taiwan, the girl Lu moved to Taipei for university. The big city offered many new experiences, but it was also challenging and lonely, until she met a boy playing in a band at the live house Kafka by the Sea. With his music, he helped Lu expand her horizons and find a new purpose in life. And as they spent time together, their feelings for each other gradually grew. But a musical opportunity for him caused a chasm between them that might be too wide to cross... (Source: Faces Publishing, translated)

AuthorGao, Yan
SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 1992Finished10 vol, 62 chp

The plot revolves around an intranet-based online game, D.P. (Danger Planet), which is played using a V.P. (Virtual Puppet). VP is literally an avatar which a person uses in the game. However, unlike avatars (characters) from current online games, a VP is allowed to be modified (modded) by a person if he or she has sufficient programming skills. Kirio Nimura, a normal high schooler who likes games. He and his friend Kurata always plays Danger Planet after school, one day they meet a very tough opponent. (Source: MU) Included one-shots: Volume 5: Last Stop, Yuusha Isetsu

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2009Finished8 vol, 50 chp

A young, unemployed, seemingly unmotivated young man is moving through his life. As a teenager, he and some of his friends formed a "Boyz 4 Men" club, which was based on a hatred of sex and women. As arguably the most opinionated member, his view of sexuality as an adult is far from normal. After a highly sexual encounter in a park at night, he has decided to attempt to draw perverted fetish manga. This brings him once again to the presence of a woman from the park, Sawada Kazumi. She's a manga editor and single mother with a perverted and intense personality of her own. What will happen when their worlds collide? (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
One-shot, 2007Finished? vol, 1 chp

Mikeyama has just become a Bakeneko, a monster cat with the ability to take on a human form to haunt households. What adventure will her first haunting job, a boy named Frederick, bring to themselves and those around them?

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2016Finished2 vol, 18 chp

There's a town atop a mountain in South America: a green place where the blue sky goes on and on. Chiro, a girl with strange abilities, lives there. This is the story of her experiences with the vast, deep and heartwarming world around her. (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2004Finished3 vol, 24 chp

Suzumori Ganjuurou is a swordless samurai wandering around with nowhere to go until he stumbles across a wanted poster in the woods. To his fortune (or ill-fate), he crosses paths with the very man that everyone wants to kill—the Sister Slayer. (Source: MediBang)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2019Finished2 vol, 17 chp

A little tapir boy comes from his planet to immigrate to the Earth. All of the things here are entirely new for him. Let's have a fantastic adventure with this brave boy! Baku-chan, a little tapir from the planet Baku, immigrates to Earth and comes to live with Hana, a human girl who has come from Nagoya to live in Tokyo. Baku-chan comes into contact with new and different things in everyday life and encounters discrimination toward immigrants. However, he also gets support from Hana and other friendly Earthlings, and also from his immigrant friends, and lives a cheerful and robust life. Masumura's experiences as an immigrant in Canada are reflected in a story depicted through colorful and fantastically designed drawings. While heartwarming, the story also depicts immigrant situations and feelings that could come about in the real world, including thoughtless violence, pressure to conform, and the difficulty of adapting to a new land. It is an adventure that poses questions for society. (Source: MU)

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A new collection of exhilarating adventure by the king of underground manga! "Bark at the moon", the tale of a terrorist stealing a mysterious liquid from a passenger; "Highway Romantic Vs. Sodomy Diner", evil picture of an American village hiding behind the veil of a peaceful routine a reality made of assassins and crazy men; "The Drifter", the tale of an uneven alien invasion; "Dead Skater", dark story of a crazy violent kid and a crazy scientist; "The Workers of Hamano Factory", a X-files like short story, filled to the top by mysterious objects and human-like aliens; last but not the least, "Dong!", the tale of a war for power inside a Mafioso family! If you think that "manga" only means "Goldrake" or "Dragon Ball", get ready for a shocking read!

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2013Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Satoru is an insomniac, stuck in his own night as the rest of the world keeps turning. One night he meets the peculiar girl Mikoto, who claims her eyes see just fine at night but don't work during the day. She asks him to help her find a picture book she'd once read, a simple request that turns into an unimaginable journey for the two of them. (Source: Lovely Strange Dark)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2010Finished1 vol, 6 chp

1. Toumei Ningen 2. Idol 3. Hebi-Ichigo 4-6. Amagi Yuiko no Tsuno to Ai

AuthorKuno, Yoko
SerializationComic Beam
One-shot, 2020Finished? vol, 1 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

AuthorShino, Ura
SerializationComic Beam
Manga, -Finished5 vol, ? chp

Kouzou Sanou is a famous mangaka stressed by the end of his weekly manga series isolates himself in a peaceful village, but a editor from his previous magazine wants to try to convince him to try a new series. Somehow they are involved with yakuza and murder cases.

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Collections of short stories by Kenya Suzuki. Loneliness is a common element in these stories, but they all espouse the secret hope that we can share warmth with other people. The stories are about: A college student starts dating a girl who may or may not be feeding him bugs, a painter is seduced by his patron so that he can create his masterpiece, a demon in training gets a crush on the human girl at the video rental store, and two boys bond over their love of movies. Gender doesn't matter when there's love involved, but love is never easy. 1. Suisou no Machi 2. Mushi no Aji ga suru 3. Gisèle to Ester 4. Roselyne Frau no Shouzou 5. Shukujo wa Dress ni Kigaenai 6. Shoujo to Iu yori Chijou datta 7. Tomodachi da nante Omotte Nai n da 8. Serizawa-kun to Kudou-kun

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2018Finished3 vol, 18 chp

An adaptation of the H.G. Wells novel.

Manga, 2018Finished1 vol, 7 chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2009Finished1 vol, 10 chp

Kentarou Ueno is a mangaka. He lives with his wife and their 10-year-old daughter in a small house that is also his studio. They are a happy family. Even though his wife suffers from depression, she is following the treatment, and all seems fine. One day, he found her on the floor, faced down and inert. Sayonara mo Iwazu ni is the story of what happened after that in Kentarou's life. (Source: Kana, translated)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2021Finished1 vol, ? chp

Set in the 60s, at the height of both Japan's post-war economic boom, and the protests against the US-Japan Security Treaty. In the midst of revolutionary underground Tokyo subcultures, such as avant-garde theater and the folk movement, a high school boy named Miguel Mizuki attempts to become a manga creator. (Source: ANN, edited)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2020Publishing? vol, ? chp

Satomi Oka moved to Tokyo from Osaka when he entered university. On his way home from a new year's party, he stops by a family restaurant and starts a part-time job... (Source: Kadokawa, translated)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2006Finished1 vol, 13 chp

1. Last Dance wa Odoriba de 2. Fushuu ga Me ni Shimiru 3. Neko de Tandem 4. Let's Do the Monkey! 5. Jabara 6. My Pet Robot 7-13. Utatane Hime

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2021Finished1 vol, 5 chp

Saudi Arabia, Morocco, India, and Japan. A series of stories of young girls across the world, who are told what to do, or not to do, "because they are a woman," either because of the religion or the culture of the place they live in. (Source: Kadokawa, translated)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2013Finished3 vol, 22 chp

Ayako is a young student in Tokyo, fashion school. Yet, little motivated, it does not find the inspiration to create satisfactory and original designs. But thanks to the amulet around her neck, an unexpected opportunity will open up to her: Hodja, a Turkish immigrant, will offer him to work as a waiter in Akşehir, his little restaurant strayed in the heart of Shinjuku.

SerializationComic Beam
One-shot, 2019Finished? vol, 1 chp

If the world were ending tomorrow, what would you do?

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2019Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2017Finished3 vol, 17 chp

In the near future, a premonition of war pervades alongside a government wielding strong state power. Young Ikeuchi Ginga is like a madman who has long sought to fly in the sky even in such times. Set in a world resembling a continuation of modern Japan, Ginga's idealistic acts that seem to transcend his hopeless-feeling reality are drawn with unique penciled textures that invite the reader into a heretofore unseen world. (Source: Japan Media Arts Festival)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 1998Finished5 vol, 43 chp

About a "unique" manga artist down on his luck. He finds a job where he meets another young otaku, and they manage to fall for each other. Unfortunately, she is a different kind of otaku than what he is used to. Cosplay, manga, hilarity, and some madness ensues as we follow the journey of two otakus falling in love. (Source: BakaBT)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2002Finished3 vol, 33 chp

Sachiko Usurai just wants an easygoing school life, and make some friends. But her head is inhabited by a strange being she refers to as "Neko-sama." A representation of her karma, in the form of a cat. These creatures that resemble animals, have been carried by humans for generations and generations; and are said to influence a person's fate. (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Beam

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2006Finished1 vol, 8 chp

1-3. Dutch Doll 4. Fuyuusuru Karada 5. Fukaku Usui Niku ni Yadoru 6-8. Nemuru Sora

SerializationComic Beam

Mari Yoshida, a girl that only becomes the main character for a brief moment, before situations go sideways and she becomes cringe. Meanwhile, the alien Nell has held a dream of wanting to do something on Earth. Also in the classroom are people wanting to hide their otakudom, people who act out their ideal life on social media, and people who have confidence in their special destiny. Every kid in the classroom has their own secret, and you can't even claim to understand the kid right next to you. (Source: Kadokawa, translated)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2012Finished12 vol, 73 chp

The gourmet manga focuses on the dining of cuisine. The protagonist Jirou Tamiyamaru is more obssessed with how to eat than most people, and the manga comically depicts how he agonizes over the differences with how others eat. (Source: ANN)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2022Publishing? vol, ? chp

Spunk follows Kana Kurita, a woman who has always freely pursued the things she likes and finds fun. Eventually, she becomes a lady of the night, and after meeting a yakuza head, she enters the world of S&M. (Source: Comic Natalie, translated)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2013Finished3 vol, 21 chp

For her professional learning, the young Nanami starts her internship in "Protect," a company specialized in digital media consulting. Her first mission is to put the career of a mangaka who's having hardships back on the rails.

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2021Publishing? vol, ? chp

(No synopsis yet.)

SerializationComic Beam
Manga, 2009Finished6 vol, ? chp

Yamane Akaneko and her classmate Tsujishima meet one day in the mostly deserted second school library and discover a supernatural secret. A demon that seems like an ordinary red cat possesses Tsujishima and insists that they help him in his task to protect the books of the library. Apparently, all books that are internally consistent enough have a world that exists within them. These books are plagued by "bookworms," which look like long cats, that eat up words and change the story until its reality is destroyed. The three of them, Yamane, Tsujishima, and the possessing cat demon, journey into the worlds of many books to track down and catch the bookworms before they do too much damage! (Source: MangaHelpers)

SerializationComic Beam