Sports Danshi: Sparkling Boys and Shippable Characters
-Sports Anime
-Male main character
-Majority of characters are males
-Showing lots of interactions between male characters
-non-canon but shippable male characters
> Not including OVAs and sequels, only first season listed.
> Ryman's Club and Taisou Zamurai main characters are adults, so might not fit for *boys* category but because both are sports anime and showing intriguing bonds between the male characters, so I include them here.
> Updated whenever I find something new
-Male main character
-Majority of characters are males
-Showing lots of interactions between male characters
-non-canon but shippable male characters
> Not including OVAs and sequels, only first season listed.
> Ryman's Club and Taisou Zamurai main characters are adults, so might not fit for *boys* category but because both are sports anime and showing intriguing bonds between the male characters, so I include them here.
> Updated whenever I find something new