Nov 15, 2023
Its not common to get an excellent anime adaptation, let alone one that's made by Netflix. This adaptation is one of the rare cases where the animation servers only to elevate an already excellent storyline. Having read the manga sometime ago, I watched the first episode expecting Netflix to butcher this title, taking into account its somewhat lack of popularity, compared to other manga at least. A relatively old manga that's focused on story and not on fighting or fanservice is rare in todays market, so I had really no hope that this anime was going to be any good, and by some miracle, I was extremely mistaken. The animation is incredibly clean and looks pretty all the time. This anime asks the ages old question of: War, huh, what is it good for? A nice reflective anime that doesn't try hard to come off as deep but still manages to shake ones brain in the process. Full of mystery, suspense and good psychology (for an anime at least). The story is convoluted enough to the point where mystery abounds yet it isn't unnecessarily hard to follow, if you liked Monster, then this anime is a must watch. In my humble opinion, this is an instant 10/10. I'm not really into thrillers yet this series is one of my favorites, I think that says a lot about this entry.
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