Rei Taki has created a beautiful story with characters that so realistically reflect those of us in the real world.
Everyone should read this, it so wonderfully captured the experience of my journey of self-discovery and I'm sure it did for many others. Works like these are not only a wonderful read, they are educational for those that have differing views and can also be opening doors to those that have yet to figure out an undiscovered glow within them. I'm sure you'll cry for those that hurt and smile for those that find themselves, Rei Taki has brought these 2 dimensional characters to life, you'll see that for yourself.
Truly cannot recommend this manga enough. I hope that this can help those that need it the most, it's hard, it really is, it's not just about the view of others but a fight within yourself. You'll find that glow, and once you do, don't be afraid to proudly show it off.