Not bad, but not good either.
It is definitely a typical shoujo manga, but if you've been reading them for a while you will get tired of the same trope. I am, by no means, bashing the manga or the autor - that's just the nature of things (same as with typical movies/books/shows of any genre). Maybe it's just me seeking something more than just a typical romance manga or the fact that I am absolutely familiar with everything in mangas like this - they are very predictable. Also, I am definitely not a big fan of stories with a (somewhat) big age gap (especially since we are talking 17/18 and 22/23), it just doesn't make sense to me, realistically I cannot see that happen and if you are 20+ I think you'd understand. For me, there was nothing really exciting or really worth the read. However (!), I believe that people can easily relax while reading this, why would I have even finished it if I was so appalled by it anyway?
On the other hand, the style of drawings is amazing, I really enjoyed looking at it. Thta's definitely a plus since the style plays a big role in reading a manga (at least in my case).