In a world of Video game arcade fighters, High school, and young love... Comes a tale as old as the 90s...
Trying to balance school, work, and games in order to satiate your need for fun!
Join Haruo Yaguchi as he tries to understand the complexity, the fun, the drama, and the love between man and fighting games! Watch as he returns to his roots in order to master Street Fighter 2.
He is joined by Akira Oono. A Mute with a strong man complex. She will Grab, Grapple, and Suplex her way into getting what she wants.
Also there is Koharu Hidaka. A blonde gaming genius who has the mentality of a traffic light on yellow! While she has great dynamics and a well written character, watch as she decides to be indecisive!
These three must face the biggest challenge yet, in a 9 episode second season finale... Wondering what the hell is up with Shibuya Fashion?
There will be laughs, love, drama and of course... FIGHTING... GAMES!
Fighting games.
Art: 8. Same Bat Art. Same Bat Score!
Sound: 10. Can this soundtrack get better? Yes.
Character: 10. A large improvement of character and growth over season 1.
Enjoyment: Hella.
Overall: 9. If this bad movie trailer review doesn't make you understand just how fun this show was. Then just watch it. It is fantastic.