Sigh.... Yeah, it has a promising start, but in the end it's just a huge pile of kindergarden drama class, filthy ecchi for horny teenagers, and pain for the brain dialogues...
#1 Kirito is a real crybaby, the edgy kind.
#2 Asuna doing nothing.
#3 Eugou - or what is his name - also a crybaby and one of the worst written idiots. Yeah, that hooker realy talking no jutsued him against his will in 2 minutes, what a horny led!
#4 Alice the badass knight, copy of Saber, is also a crybaby when she has to do something important or brave.
#5 What a drama... my brain screamed for mercy, but i tortured it. I thought if i watched this far (23 episodes) i will not gave up on this shitty show. At least pain is gain. The one who realy could do something against the "administrator" just gave up on her life instead of find out something in that 200 years she had, retarded genius. Gayish Kirito+Eugou scene, wtf.
So this is the huge step up from the first 2 seasons everyone talking about? Nah, this was the worst one. The real pain is the fact that this series could be great, but nope... Let's serve our perverted teenage fanbase, with the all time fav sexual abuse and ecchi scenes, somehow they have to be in every freaking season, omfg...