
Aug 27, 2019
Yo, it's me, your friendly neighborhood birb, with another... review. Well tbh who gives a shit about me I'm just the reviewer.
*I'm probably spoiling some shit*

Story - 6/10
It's your typical harem anime, a highschool boy meets some girls and they fall in love with him but he's too dense soooo. The "twist" here is that they're quintuplets, 5 identical sisters, he needs to teach them because he wants money. They all end up falling in love with him after some time etc etc. Oh and also they have met him in the past I guess. This story is generic but fine, I still haven't got tired of these types of anime yet.

Art - 8/10
The are is pretty fluid and brightful, I am not really someone who watches anime because of its art tho so I can't rlly say a lot, I enjoyed it.

Sound - 8/10
Voice acting is good I guess, sdt is also pretty good, background noises are fine as well, no reason for me to give it below an 8, but the gap between an 8 and a 9 is pretty big in my book.

Characters - 8/10
MC is a dense mf who's kinda stupid but I liked him, can't say I liked most harem MCs so it's impressive, the sisters are also generic - Generic slut, generic best girl, generic hyperactive and cheerful girl, generic tsundere bitch and a generic 1st girl which probably has a hidden past with him. If it's generic, then why did I give it an 8/10? Well, the tsundere isn't extreme (which is a big plus IMO, fuck tsunderes) and I also liked the MC (which is rare in harem animes).

Enjoyment - 9/10
I'm a pretty simple anime fan, if I start watching a show, I'll probably enjoy it, and there's no difference here, the very good characters, the nice art, VA, sdt, and the ok story made me enjoy this show.

Overall - 8/10
Your "typical" harem show, but it's probably better than the majority of them, do I recommend this? Absolutely.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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