
Feb 16, 2019
Katanagatari is an anime that it came to surprise me, not to discredit, but the other animated works of Mr. Nisio Isin have seemed very mediocre, under this prejudiced thinking, I present myself before Katanagatari

Oh, and there will be spoilers

The story of Katanagatari is not surprising at all; A long time ago, a sword-maker called Shikizaki Kiki forged 1000 swords, of which 12 are said to be the swords that Shikizaki could perfect; the Shogun wants to recover those swords (after innumerable failures) and for that the Shogun sends the young Togame to speak with the current head of the Kyotoryuu clan, Yasuri Shichika.

The story, as I said, is simple, but the author knows how to captivate us with the stories of the 12 swords that Shikizaki Kiki forges, I say this because stories are told at the beginning of the story and epics; that a person possessing one of the swords can defeat only 100 soldiers (or more), that the swords are worth more than a country or that many times the government has been betrayed because of the value of the swords. Everything is exaggeration makes you have immersion, it assumes that Katanagatari is not a realistic series, since that would take away the essence to the way it narrates the majesty of the swords, with this point I would like to make clear that all the stories that are told on the swords they help immersion (many will say that I am exaggerating, but later I'll go deeper into that).

In spite of what I told before, about how the main focus of the story develops (which is the story that the swords and their users keep), now it's the introduction, being honest, the introduction seemed mediocre; the introduction of Togame and Nanami's meddling in situations was pretty bland. Togame explained almost the entire synopsis in about 10 minutes to the protagonist of a very poor narrative, as if they wanted to vomit the whole plot from one moment to another without pauses to reconsider everything heard, not even Shichika came to wonder why Togame told him all, it is true that the introduction gives way to ironic comments by Togame (ironic and cynical comments abound in the work), the reasons that Togame gives Shichika to fight at first are ridiculous, but also try to parody one of the most used topics in stories of adventure or action, shoveling for love.

The rest of the first chapter (which would be the introduction) after the 18th minute or so, achieves its purpose, you can appreciate the good animation, the oriental soundtrack that is wonderful in several scenes (special focus to the soundtrack that it sounds when Shichika uses his "special technique" to Koumori), he introduces himself to the first enemy dynamically, creating a formidable design for Koumori, besides having many extravagant scenes, like when he takes the sword out of his stomach, if we put all this together we make an introduction that can be very pleasant, the explanations were mediocre, but this is compensated by some ironic comments, the intrusion of an enemy that is not boring, fluid animation and pleasing to the eye and even more pleasant soundtrack.

The characters of this anime are in my opinion a strong point along with the battles, I would like to clarify since each character feels unique due to the characteristic design that each character has besides the exaggeration that they put on many scenes.

With that clarified I would like to talk about the chemistry and dynamics generated by our leading duo; Shichika has an evolution throughout history with Togame, not only can you get to understand a little more about her romance (we must take into account that at the beginning Shichika said that he loved her in a very empty way, but in the end Togame's death caused a great mental shock in Shichika). but is the Shichika evolution well achieved? I would say yes, after Shichika has faced death so many times with Togame it is normal to assume that evolution is credible, this sounds superficial, but let me dig a little deeper.

Shichika knows practically nothing of the outside world, he has not even experienced love as such (it is true that he obviously loves his sister, but it is not the same kind of love, logically), the impact of knowing that Togame is the descendant of the person who was killed by Shichika's father causes him to generate a strange sense of duty with Togame, normal taking into account the values ​​that his father taught him, precisely from there arises the seed of a love that at first is superficial and very soso, but through actions and dialogue you can see that their relationship progresses well (take for example chapter 2, Shichika says that a plan to make Kinkaku leave your room is causing the death of Togame, obviously this happens, but then in combat Shichika jumps in Togame's face to defeat Kinkaku, Shichika says that this is necessary, but then does not use Togame in the same way, not even when Shichika is in great danger (in chapter 8, when they face the doll, Shichika never approaches Togame despite that it would do him good to buy time, or in the chapter where he faces Nanami, he gets mad when Nanami cuts his hair). Outside of that Togame at times talks about how he wants to defend Shichika or prevent him from dying at all costs (as in chapter 2, where Togame says that Shichika is not allowed to say his "last words" or chapter 9, where many misunderstandings and Togame realizes that he has to act quickly to continue with Shichika). At the end the relationship progresses through the 2 protagonists are knowing more about each other, which is clearly seen in chapter 10, the last cusp would be the last chapter, where Togame speaks to Shichika without fear, without pretense or masks, telling him unpleasant things that would normally be annoying, just to end up saying, can I fall in love with you Shichika? So showing all the feelings of Togame, this is not a deconstruction of their relationship, is what makes it so real, Togamr says absolutely everything to Shichika, but even with that, she could not help telling Shichika that she wanted it, The last thing he wanted to say to Shichika was a demonstration of love, that's in my opinion one of the best-achieved scenes of the anime.

Beyond that the protagonists evolve in a good way, Shichika goes from being a sword to being a true man and Togame becomes a woman who knew how to obtain her goal in life and knew to know the true meaning of love, achieving that the evolution of the characters complement very well with their relationship, in this section I like the series very much.

Relevant secondary characters there are not many; Emonzaemon seems to me the most wasted, having a decent personality and a potential promising past is only relegated as the princess Hitei's doll, which would be acceptable for the plot, but this fact totally oats the personality of Emonzaemon and makes him a disappointing character , it is not explained why he wants Princess Hitei so much or what happened to his clan a long time ago or because he knows Houou, it is true, Emonzaemon does several tasks to move the plot, but otherwise it turned out to be one of the things disappointing anime, a character with potential and a design that I think is great, at least his death and combat is one of the best in Anime, causing him to die in a successful way.

Now let's talk about the characters that added points to the anime; the first to be Houou, the Maniwa within the story is simply a joke, at first the esñectativas are high because the first member of the Maniwa had a sword, but in the second and third chapter a member of the Maniwa is shown only to be killed by the person who has one of the 12 swords, but this is unnecessary because you already know in advance the power of those who own swords, so this does not have much use to the plot (although it must be said that these 2 Maniwa were assassinated quickly had good design accompanied of an abnormal charisma, taking into account that they appear very little), although it sounds like a negative point, in reality the Maniwa are something good that has the anime, it is true that the first seem a waste, but they all have such unique designs, such unique movements and they make them so extravagant approaches that, although they die fast, they manage to be a visual delight, but not only that, I liked the Maniwa, as well I like the jump they have to chapter 4, where Maniwas are shown more human without becoming boring, 3 members are killed by Nanami (the protagonist's sister) and the way he cheered on stage was accurate, beyond being good it was precise, it was played with the unpredictable and they made the 3 most human Maniwas so far are killed in a brutal way, in order to feel sorry for them, the Maniwa won a certain recognition in that chapter, presnetado very well and in a way He needs 3 characters (I love how they used the approaches well to not show the ability of the Maniwa Chouchou and thus hit) that at first glance would seem pathetic, because the Maniwa had only been a punching bag, an excellent demonstration of the Maniwa; similar cases occur later with the Maniwa in chapter 6, 9 and 11 (I think those chapters are) where Maniwas are shown again that if they serve for something and manage to keep the audience entertained.

Talk about the Maniwa, but what about Houou? It is assumed that he was going to speak, Houou is the typical character who does not go for a fixed side and has no clear objective, his actions throughout the history show great determination and the moments in which he seems the plot of he moves in an exact way, his personality is not overshadowed, his struggles are not either, the ironic and intelligent dialogue (for in most of his dialogues he talks about strategies with the other Maniwa) that are used to promote events in a natural way, especially end of the anime, where he gets the 11th sword and causes the complete destruction of the village of the Maniwa (although his combat is not the big deal), Houou seemed to have a past with Emonzaemon, but on Houou's part it is known that he destroyed Much of the village of Emonzaemon, but not much more, on Houou's part this is forgivable, since Houou's motivations are very distant from having to do with his past with Emonzaemon; In short, Houou is a very curious, extravagant character, the character that for me has the best design, one of the characters with the best dialogue and one of those who moves the plot, a character that undoubtedly fulfills its objective in the anime.

Another character that caught my attention was the Princess Hitei, it may be that some consider her as the antagonist or something like that because practically his fault died Togame (I take to say that the construction to get to the scene of his death is impeccable), but his role would say that it goes beyond simply being that, the presentation of the character as such is for me a nod, Togame had talked about Hitei a few chapters ago, but had not been seen (also served to get an idea of ​​what kind of life Togame had before and thus generate more immersion, because not all people can talk to a princess), I would say that Hitei's dialogue is one of the best, his ironic dialogue reveals important parts of the plot in a way in which the spectator is going to take him by surprise (however they are not badly executed or abused situations), a clear example of this is chapter 9 (I think) where Hitei reveals that he is descendant of Shikiza Kiki Kiki ironically and engages in a conversation with Emonzaemon where the interactions are so peculiar that they left me a bit dislocated, but then I immediately realized what was happening, which is quite intelligent on the author's part; also it is worth noting that Hitei is like Houou in the sense of boosting the plot, one of the positive things about this anime is how the vast majority of characters serve to drive the plot, but with Hitei she felt as if she had planned the majority of the events from the beginning, it was very interesting how they explained all this in the anime, even in the end she seems a new person, because she does not have to be tied to the government's mandates and it shows that she pays homage to Emonzaemon (you just have to note that he wears his mask), so I feel that Hitei was a very well-carried character.

Speaking of technical issues this is for me a wonder, the scenarios, the changes of planes (special focus in chapter 4), the animation, the color palette and the soundtrack is simply amazing and all this together is even more incredible , everything combines and highlights the right parts.

The comedy had me a bit doubtful at first, it is true that the dialogue contains comical and ironic moments, but some jokes that are not funny as the joke of the cherio, who never graces grace and when Togame discovers wrong stat the joke is lengthened about 5 minutes, in chapter 9 the sudden approaches in Shichika can cause a bit of grace, since he does not know how to use a sword well and take advantage of that to make jokes about him in chapter; What made me "funny" (the quotes go because it was a very special moment) was chapter 4, with the battle against Sabi Hakuei, Sabi is probably the character that has the most baddas design, scenes were dedicated to him in the chapter 2 and 3 where it showed a little of their personalities and skills, all this combined with the fact that it was known in advance that he was the strongest swordsman in all Japan caused me a hype (especially seeing the progress of the chapter 3, yes, here is the special that looks at the advances), to finish off it is said that he can cut the moon, all very epic and if, the battle does not happen, all the stage prepared to make that joke, many got angry, but when I went to capitile 5 the only thing I did when I remembered chapter 4 was to laugh and say "what trolling took place there", the joke was planned in a spectacular way, everything prepared just to do that, the best thing is that throughout chapter 4 There is little talk about the protagonist's sister and they are in charge of showing us how powerful she is, in this way they make such a brutal and surprising turn that makes you easily forget the epic combat between Shichika and Sabi. The second best chapter for me without a doubt.

And finally I would like to talk about some issues, from the beginning it seemed that history would repeat the formula of a chapter we get a sword and ready, without much depth, but having such incredible designs, scenarios so colorful and varied (besides that most of the swords are different, that is, by God, a sword is a doll and the other an armor), but what I loved was how the different people were different: Past, Personality or simply the way the combat; all that makes the fighting seam unique and fresh (especially the capitilo 2, 3 and 9, which leave a great lesson in Shichika and will serve to mature), so the anime knows how to handle his formula in an ingenious way, it would be stupid resume the series in "a chapter a sword", because it ignores all the rest that makes the fighting great.

I would like to leave a short dedicated space talking near the end, it sounds weird, but Shichika in the final chapter reminded me a lot of Gon from HXH in the chimera ant saga, Shichika is someone if I evolve, but it took away something precious, that I caused a shock so big that it clouded the mind, I lost my mind, so I say that is equal to Gon, both lost something precious and then reconsidered and returned to act normal, but with very remarkable psychological sequels, Shichika was angry and showed everything that he learned in his trip with Togame, is even poetic, Shichika ended up in the Shogunate (I think that's what it's called) to lose his life, being that Togame left in that place, who gave him life and to finish in that place he uses all the techniques that he learned with her, I am glad that Shichika has not died and the end is left with that feeling of melancholy for the trip of "vagabond" Shichika that (and returning with the comparisons) reminds me a lot of Ken shin by Rurouni Kenshin; the
The narrator's words at the end are beautiful, I have to say that they moved me (especially when Togame is seen next to a tree).

In conclusion it seems to me that this anime is spectacular, it was a great surprise; he fulfilled expectations that he did not even have (that in itself only makes some sense), he has a few mistakes, but they are compensated in a phenomenal way, an anime I would recommend to friends and remember, not only for all the positive points I mentioned, but Because I will remember the laziness that gave me to see the 50 minutes of the chapter and in the end I always wanted more, that's all
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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