I love martial arts. It's in my blood. When I first read Teppuu, I did not know what to expect. Some crappy story about a person "wanting to get stronger"? Some lame quotes like, "I want to protect my friends, and I want to get stronger!" (Valiant, but cliche')
Teppu is about a girl. A girl named Ishido, Natsuo. It just so happens Natsuo is an ace at every sport, and rarely fails at what she does. But here's the trick; Natsuo is a jerk and a bully and every kind of person you DO NOT want to have as your friend. Which may be a reason why she has few. The story basically focuses on Natsuo's loneliness and wanting to pound Yuzuko's (Her main rival) face into the ground.
Art, in my opinion, is great. Sometimes comedic, sometimes serious. Fits the manga perfectly. There IS quite a fair amount of blood in this series, so if you don't like that...you probably won't like the theme of the stories...
Okay! Now we're getting into the good stuff. It's simple and very well portrayed. Natsuo's a jerk. Yuzuko is cheerful. Ringi is competitive, and Sanae is die-hard stoic and hates Natsuo's guts (for a good reason.)
I mostly liked this series as it is a fairly realistic approach towards MMA and martial arts, but I did not really appreciate Natsuo jerkass approach to everything. Some moments you will laugh, some, you'll cry, but if you enjoy martial arts, hate romance, and like muscular girls with bare midriff, you'll enjoy this series...