Jersey Girls aren't trash, trash gets picked up.
That should be the description for Hanayamata. When I first heard that this show would feature a character from the greatest state in union I was incredibly excited. However, that was short lived. I soon realized that like with many shows, the Japanese depiction of a foreign land is far from accurate. Seeing a blonde haired girl who speaks fluent Japanese in Princeton, NJ is rarer than finding one in Japan. Luckily the depiction was not along the lines of a Jersey Shore parody, but at the same time I felt that it would have been a more entertaining depiction of the first New Jersey native depicted in anime. What is even more strange is this New Jersey resident's love of “yosakoi”. Now you may be asking: “Ayyy yo Tony – what the hell's a yosakoi”, yet after a dozen episodes I still do not know the answer to it. Is it singing, is it dancing, or is it some weird mix of both that only a small minority of Japanese would even understand or care about? I am guessing it is the last option. It truly is a baffling subject matter for a foreign resident to be infatuated with which only leads to the overall mediocrity of this show. Let me straight with you, Hanayamata is the biggest disappointment of the season for me. A show that could have had terrible, but charming “engrish”, funny character interactions, and a pleasing story failed on all three fronts. If you are a fan of Kiniro Mosaic and were expecting more of the same, you will be in for quite a disappointment. Frankly, this show just comes off as being rather dull. It does not stand out among the many other “cute girls doing X” shows. If anything, it seems to be a cash grab by Madhouse on this popular genre. They have not cashed in on it and had to pump something out in hopes that it will break sales records like the many other shows that have used this formula.
In regards to story, Hanayamata is only unique due to the subject matter. As I have previously stated, the whole idea of Yosakoi is something that isn't explained well in the show and since they hardly focused on it for 12 episodes, I am not sure if the viewer is even supposed to know what it is. The show's formula where several girls do a certain activity has been done and redone dozens of times. For someone to create a story about girls creating a club about some obscure Japanese organized dancing; it really shows that the industry is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Then again, I don't think anything can top girls in a tank driving club so everything else really does pale in comparison. In addition, the show suffered from absolutely terrible pacing. While you cannot expect and you do not really want a show to rush the story along, it has to move at a pace in which the viewer remains entertained. I felt that the pacing for Hanayamata really made the show feel dragged out which added to my overall dissatisfaction. Regardless of the subject matter or pacing, the story itself is rather cut and paste – the girls have issues creating their club, there's drama involving some of the members, and they spend little to no time each episode practicing and instead do other various activities. This is not particularly a problem since this same formula has worked well in many other shows, it's just that Hanayamata lacked the magic of character cohesion. While the characters in the show were not any less generic and cookie cutter than any others, they just lacked chemistry with each other for some reason. There were many cheap attempts at making the viewer feel emotion towards the characters, but since they were not charming enough that ended up being a failure. Even New Jersey's pride and joy could not carry the weight of the show on her back. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely like “cute girls doing X shows” and I mainly watch them for the character interactions since they can be amusing and relaxing, unfortunately for Hanayamata they just either felt forced or just plain boring. I am not sure if it was poor direction or just poor writing, but it did not feel up to par in terms of either story or character interaction.
In regards to art and music, I found yet another problem. Style over substance is common theme in many shows, which can work if properly executed, but unfortunately for Hanayamata this is not the case. The art itself is put through a myriad of filters, much like No Game No Life which aired in Spring 2014. Hanayamata shares a director and she likes doing that to her work so I am not going to really fault her for it, but at the same time it felt off putting for a show like this. It was very out of place for a slow paced slice of life type show. It almost seemed like a distraction so that the viewer would focus on the vibrant colors instead of the dull plot. In regards to music and sound, it was nothing extraordinary. The voice acting was adequate and the singing was also typical and unremarkable. I will repeat my gripes over the lack of English used in the show since it did feature an American main character. They could have done something similar to Kiniro Mosaic was both entertaining and charming with the poorly done English. It could have been a bright spot in a show that was lackluster in many other aspects, but unfortunately I wasted my time watching 12 episodes for nothing.
If I could sum up my entire experience of Hanayamata in one word, it would be “disappointing”. I expected an enjoyable and fun slice of life show. Instead, I got a dull and boring show that quickly became a chore to watch. The cause of this was many different factors which all ended up working against this show. I would personally put the subject matter at the forefront of my disappointment. The actual subject of yosakoi was not thoroughly explained and it seemed to be somewhat of a joke with the characters who were just as baffled by the activity as the viewer. If anything, this show does prove that the “cute girls doing X” formula does have its limits. They have to either be mundane enough to bring a sense of familiarity to the viewer or outlandish enough that you just can't help but want to watch it. Unfortunately, Hanayamata falls in between that and comes off as a half baked and lackluster product that has to be a cash grab by the declining Madhouse. It feels like they had to make something to fit this current trend and went with whatever they could find, which unfortunately turned out to be this show. I expect more out of Madhouse and I expect more out of the staff behind it since their other works have been relatively good for the most part. Hopefully Madhouse either quits attempting this formula if it is going to be mediocre like this or at least picks a subject matter that is interesting and entertaining to the viewer the next time they try it.