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Feb 9, 2025
Though my personal rating for this manga is very low, I'm giving it a mixed rating because in this instance I can see how someone else with a different sense of humor could enjoy this series. Here are my thoughts on why it's a mixed bag:
Gag humor manga is always a hard type to recommend or not recommend, because people don't laugh at all the same things. That being said, this series is particularly divisive with its humor and caused a huge drop-off in readership by chapter 2, which probably instantly spelled its demise. The theme is creative enough and could work, and is honestly
a pretty strong concept to work with. However, its main weakness is that the female lead is (presumably intentionally) an extremely unlikeable and miserable person to be around for everyone that ever meets her, especially the male lead. Because of this, we as viewers have to see her misbehaving constantly and then receiving next to zero punishment for any of her actions. This is a pretty frustrating trope that I see people hate on quite often and I think is what turned the majority of the audience away aside from not vibing with the humor. If this trope doesn't bother you or you even like it, this could be a good choice to pick up. If it does bother you, then you're going to get burnt out from the manga very, very quickly.
The art itself is generally pretty solid if not a bit boring/nothing special, and I actually liked a pretty good amount of the (serious) character designs that weren't used for one-off gags. A few of them had me wishing the series was some other genre and hadn't exploded so fast! Unfortunately, most of the characters beyond the main duo are also pretty forgettable beyond their designs and don't have enough personality traits to be super notable. The main duo does have strong chemistry, though not always (or even often) positive, and I generally found the main character to be...fairly likeable? He has some lame moments. But a manga with only two functionally remotely interesting characters is pretty rough, since even romcoms aren't prone to going that far.
Obviously take into account the fact that this series got axed if you're considering giving this a go, because if you're looking for a satisfying story that gets smoothly wrapped up in a little bow at the end, you're not going to get it with how fast this ended. If you're okay with that, want to try out a gag manga with a very weird sense of humor, and have a little bit of time, it's worth a shot to see if your humor matches up with the series. I think this manga is a pretty good candidate for a three chapter test to see if you find it personally funny, and if you don't, just drop it and move on, because its sense of humor doesn't change at all throughout the series except to get more insane and rapidfire as each chapter goes on (likely because of the axe it got hit with).
Otherwise, if any of this review turned you off from it, I'd say just be on your hunt for something else.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Feb 6, 2025
I was genuinely shocked by how many people seemed to feel positively about this series. Honestly, nothing this series did was anything another series didn't already do, but better and less annoying.
The basic premise of the manga isn't bad. People with the power to summon a specific type of sweet commit terrorism and only a select few aren't terrible people who try to ruin the lives of others. It's nothing special, but it could be great in the hands of a good writer.
So, like, this may not surprise you considering I'm putting not recommended: It wasn't a good writer.
There are so many insane plotholes or
just weird decisions in this manga. Okay, at the start it establishes that there are only 100 sweets users because they only gave out 100 candies that gave people the sweets powers. This causes me so many questions right off the bat: How did they destroy such a large portion of Japan, and then like...why did everyone just collectively leave it? Nobody going to try to fix what happened at all with the destruction? No? Okay. Why did so many of these sweets users immediately decide to be evil? Not even one of them went "Hmm I could help the homeless" or ANYTHING? No? I mean I guess that's not totally unrealistic, honestly...but them almost all outright becoming criminals? How is there an entire army dedicated to capturing these 100 people-of which some of said 100 WORK FOR THE ARMY-and they can't capture them all? 100 isn't really that high of a number. A few of these questions are answered, most aren't. The ones that are answered are in such an unsatisfying way. The story also continues to have problems like this with almost every plot point that's brought up. (Also, I feel like "100 candies" is kind of way to similar to devil fruits from One Piece, but that may just be me)
Another early example: The main character says that there aren't supposed to be any doubles of a specific sweets user. For example, two different people can't use macarons. Basically within five pages she gives further information that means that that's untrue. So why even establish this as a rule when it's straight-up not the case? It just serves as a goofy vehicle to stop her from being able to use her sweets all the time, which she does anyway. Later, another character is addressed as using a specific *flavor* of a sweet. So you're telling me that of the 100 sweets users, at least two of them must've gotten the same sweet but in different flavors and somehow that's randomly okay? This whole thing is a mess.
The sweets powers are also just not explained very well. Looking at the main character, she uses lollipops. That's fine. She can also use them to other things, like extending the lollipop stick, and these alternate things she can do are...not explained. There's no insight into why she can do this, why she knows automatically that she can do this, what the limits of the power are...there's a particular egregious version of this for the ending, but I won't go into spoilers.
The characterization of the characters is pretty loosey goosey and not that interesting. A lot of them don't really have a solid personality beyond their single basic motivation (if they even have that), so they come off as very one-note and almost oddly gimmicky. A character even makes fun of another one at one point by saying that "your only attribute is that you're really serious" like the writer knows they've written slop and they just shrugged and went for it anyway.
Listen, making fun of your own faults can be funny, but when it's a serious flaw in your story and you just look at it and go "eh" and poke fun at it instead of fixing it, that's kind of bad. Of course, the joke was made when the series had already been put up to be axed, so at that point it doesn't matter, but that also doesn't absolve the issue that the characters are just poorly done and proves that the writer knew that they were and just didn't care.
These problems are furthered by the series trying to inject weird jokes into the story constantly, which always feels off-beat and done at at the wrong time. Most of the jokes do not land and feel awkward. Sometimes the awkward factor is done on purpose. Awkward humor, when intentionally done, can be pretty awesome, but in this case, it almost always feels forced and like the reader is being poked at like "Hey this is pretty funny right? Eh? Eh?"
I feel like the art quality also goes all over the place. The spreads are pretty nice, the combat is...okay, sometimes hard to follow, but man, the characters themselves. They are just not always cutting it. Especially the faces and facial structure, you can see them going all over the place in quality all throughout the manga. It's actually kind of funny how off-model they occasionally get, but that's not exactly a good thing since that's not really the thing I'm meant to be amused by.
It's a shame that this concept was wasted on this manga, because I feel like in the hands of someone else, it might've been able to shine. But as is, there's a pretty good reason this series got axed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 14, 2025
Another Jump series that got axed. It's extremely obvious why this one did, and it's the simple fact that it fails as a gag manga by outright not being funny.
It's okay for a gag manga to not be 24/7 hilarious, or even to have the occasional serious moments in it, but this is not a funny series in any capacity, and it's definitely trying to be funny and failing. The main characters aren't very likeable since they're so one-note and boring, and too many additional characters are rapidly thrown in with little thought to how they actually contribute to the manga. For example, very
early on, the main character captures three different yokai. Two of these are almost immediately forgotten and the third only occasionally gets referenced by being a pest and then immediately becoming unimportant again. This is kind of how most characters are handled, with them just popping up to have some dialogue, not really do anything to be funny or contribute, and then just disappear again until they need to have another line. But having loose characters that don't really do much isn't instantly a failure, if it weren't for the fact that the two main characters aren't any more interesting.
The oddly large cast (for a barely over 20 chapter manga) isn't helped by the honestly weak art style. It's not the worst ever, but a lot of the time it just feels serviceable at best and at worst it looks amateurish. The character designs themselves are nothing to write home about, and on occasion the characters will even insult other characters' appearances by calling them stereotypical or otherwise, meaning the creator knew they weren't really anything special. Fantastic.
Anyway, enough whining about the characters being boring and inconsequential, because there's something worse: It's just not good at all. Like I said, the humor is awful and every joke drags itself out for way too long. It gets a bit better about this towards the latter duration of the manga, but it's honestly too little, too late. Every joke is just one of two formats: Either one of the girls is weird towards one of the main characters, or one of the main characters defeats a yokai by basically telling it that it's a loser and it sucks. I actually like the idea of beating a yokai simply by being way too rational, but this is handled in the most boring and overly drawn out way possible. You see how long this review is of me complaining? Picture that length but some random guy telling a yokai that it's dumb for numerous panels. It's more likely to make you just tab out to something else.
tl;dr: It's boring and isn't funny, which is kind of...you know, not good for a comedy manga to fail at! It's the forgettable kind of bad that I'll probably not even remember I read by next week, too. Just don't bother.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 5, 2025
So, I had this on my plan to read tagged as "for when I want to laugh at something bad" and I have to say...it sure was bad. Didn't do any laughing though, so I guess I got half of it right.
This is a manga about a girl who is obsessed with her brother in an extremely sexual way. She has no idea how to communicate with him and constantly makes him upset by ignoring him and beating the hell out of him when she isn't ignoring him. The classic type of annoying tsundere. Because of this, she ends up getting "blessed" by a god
with the ability to turn into a cat when she sneezes, as a way for her to get closer to her brother without having problems with communication. Which is fine. It's almost kind of cute as a plot point.
Except. When he's interacting with the "cat," it shows panels of the girl in basically orgasmic joy over being touched, petted, bathed, wrapped in Christmas lights by mistake, you name it. If you can think of something wholly normal you can do with your cat, it is made into a disgusting spectacle. I'm no prude and pretty much stoneface through anything, but this genuinely made me deeply uncomfortable. I'm not sure if that's because I'm a cat owner or if it's just disgusting in general, but the constant switch between panels of the cat getting cuddles and the mental representation of the girl looking like she's about to pass out from horniness, it's...really creepy.
And then they make it worse by adding another girl. And then they make the actual cat that the family owns turn into a human and also be insanely sexual, which is about where I went "okay, no, come on, what are you DOING" and it really only spiraled from there.
The kicker: Typical ending where nothing is resolved and the status quo remains. So you're telling me I went through all those panels of misery for this girl to learn nothing and do nothing, except now her brother thinks she has a crush on a random classmate. Great. I legitimately have zero idea what the point of this entire series was. Please skip if you value your sanity. If you don't...I mean...sure, give it a go, but if you regret it, don't be shocked. And if you don't regret it, more power to you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jan 3, 2025
This is a hard one. See, I love the game this manga is based off of. But I think there's quite a few problems with the manga that make it really, really hard for me to recommend. I do want to say that if you're interested in Dangan Ronpa and you've never played one of the games, this manga will spoil both the first and second game for you, so I really don't recommend picking it up for that. If you're thinking it can be a replacement for the second game, at least, once again, absolutely not. It covers two and a half of the
game's six chapters, and the half chapter of 3 that is included is very mangled and probably not easy to follow if you don't have the context necessary.
Positives first! I really enjoy the art style. I think someone could probably argue that the style is lazy, I'd disagree. I think it suits the manga well with the exception of the occasional low effort panel. The style also lends itself well to making Komaeda look like a little freak, which is perfect.
The idea of having a manga that shows Komaeda's perspective on things is also really interesting to me. He's a really, really intense character, so being able to get into his head even a little bit is fascinating.
Now, with that comes the bad. I really don't think they focused on Komaeda's character enough in terms of giving his unique perspective on things. There are some portions, mainly in the first and third volumes of the manga, but it's really not enough when the point of this manga is "the story from a different character's point of view". So why, if it's another character's point of view, do I still feel like half the time I'm following Hajime around, like I'm just as clueless to things as Hajime would normally be when Komaeda should very well know them? Why are half the conversations between the two still just centered on Hajime's reactions to Komaeda instead of conveying what Komaeda is feeling and why he's acting the way he is? Sometimes, these things are genuinely shown, and it's really interesting when they are. So why isn't this done more?
As I mentioned earlier, chapter 3's segments are mangled and hard to follow, not even showing the trial. But I also have to keep in mind that this is a mystery series, and I would say a good chunk of the mystery for chapter 2's segments have almost impossible to follow logic due to them skimming details and only providing the bare minimum necessary. Again, Komaeda clearly solves this case in advance, so why can we not be allowed into his thought process? This is presumably a manga for fans of the series, so if you're not willing to explain the mystery properly for someone who is just picking it up randomly in a way that they can deduce it on their own, then at least have Komaeda just infodump explanations from his personal thoughts on what is going on instead of expecting the reader to follow along. I know Dangan Ronpa, gamewise, occasionally goes off the rails a bit with some things you have to assume (gravel swimsuit) but this is just gutting it.
Also, this is me personally nitpicking: Why did they make Kuzuryuu talk like that. What. That's not how he was officially translated at all in the games, but here in the official manga spinoff thing whatever he's going "dat dere thing ain't my problem...dis ain't the end" (not a real quote but that's how he talks) like...HUH. It's really great that he's a major character in chapter 2. Not at all a problem that he talks in a way that's really frustrating to read and completely takes you out of the story even when it's supposed to be really tender and heartbreaking. (Not that you would feel that bad or care that much, because again, story chopped up) Nope!
Lots of really strange decisions with this one. If you're a big fan, it might be worth skimming to look at the art, particularly if you want some really good shots of Komaeda, but otherwise I'd probably pass. This just isn't the look into Komaeda's psyche that it could've been.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 30, 2024
This is basically what happens when a mystery decides that actually, it doesn't need to be a mystery, it just needs to be plain bread for you to chew on and then go "wow, that tasted like plain bread".
What I mean by this is that the manga tries really hard to be something that is constantly dropping bombshells on the reader, which is fine and all, but none of the bombshells are interesting, the plot is intentionally unpredictable in a way that's just so you're often forced to be told by the characters what's going on, and overall it just leads to it feeling
like a waste of time.
The concept itself is interesting. Unreliable narrators in plots can be great-the problem is that the narrator actually isn't that unreliable. Sure, he claims to be lying quite a bit, and he does, but everything gets smoothly clarified so quickly it just feels like there's no point in him even telling the reader BS to begin with when it's just going to be corrected immediately. I think maybe this plot could work if the manga was longer, but because it's only five chapters long, it has to tear through the story quickly, and boy does it show.
It goes from "oh, these children were kidnapped and also there's serial murders happening" to "oh, the narrator and the main girl of the series were also previously kidnapped" to "oh, a detective is investigating the narrator because he's frankly kind of suspicious" to "actually, this random guy they showed a few times at the start was ALSO there for the kidnapping that the narrator and main girl were involved in, and he's actually been going around murdering people, so the narrator, who obviously is a genius and remembers this guy perfectly from when they were kids and has been following him around, is going to kick his ass now. Yay!" As a bonus, obviously the detective wasn't actually suspicious of him ALL ALONG! Yahoo!
If this sounds a bit too fast and off rails, that's because it is. Everything just happens. It doesn't feel like there's much of a point to it happening. It just...happens. There's also a lot of random melodrama, like the main girl stabbing the narrator in the hand with a fork because she's nuts, or the narrator jumping off a building because he's nuts (and he miraculously survives with essentially no harm)...Like, there is absolutely nothing to make me care about these characters or why they have done the things they're doing. They just exist as a vehicle to move the story forward, and unfortunately the story itself ain't all that.
It might be interesting for a quick skim if you're bored and want to read something weird with serviceable art, but if you're looking for a real brain-bender, I would go somewhere else.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 9, 2024
Do you like shows with a fun story? How about shows with good art? Shows with a memorable soundtrack? Shows that do anything at all whatsoever to hold your attention?
Yes to any of these? Turn away now. This is the most milquetoast, poorly put together show I've watched in a while. I'd like to mention that apparently many important scenes/plot points from the manga have been taken out, so you're already getting a chopped up experience.
But if you aren't already warned away, let me go a little more in depth.
The two big offenders about this show? Visuals and characters. Seriously, the visuals are bad. Like,
BAD bad. Characters are off-model more than on-model, close-ups frequently show characters with enormous noses or their eyes misplaced, the color palettes used make everything look way too shiny, and frankly, a show with such stiff animation shouldn't be trying to have action sequences. The action sequences are incredibly poor, with reused animation being a somewhat common occurrence, even in the very last episode.
The characters are much worse, however. The main character's gimmick is that he insists the supernatural don't exist. Which, this is fine and dandy, except when he's doing it constantly while staring at 50+ demons, watching inhuman creatures talk and move, etc. It's absurd and it's not even really played for laughs that much, he just constantly denies reality and substitutes his own. He is also incredibly selfish and never develops at all beyond that, making him a very frustrating character to have to put up with, especially because every other character is fawning all over him (usually for their own selfish needs). Speaking of, other characters are all one-note stereotypes, so they definitely don't develop. Their reasoning for their behavior is often incredibly shallow (when the show actually bothers explaining their reasoning, that is) and most characters seem to make decisions randomly on the fly. Another problem is that characters are always either super broken op strong or just get slapped around every time they try to do anything (even if the story claims they're strong). it does not make any interesting tension.
It's also hard to care for any of the characters due to how many there are. Later episodes just start throwing in more and more, and most of them have absolutely no personal details given about them. While a lot of the designs are unique and creative, it doesn't matter if none of them have any substance. Plus, with this only being a 12 episode series, most of them just feel shoved in to rush things along. Despite all the problems with the length and writing of the show, the creators still managed to somehow make a filler episode. I'd say it's impressive, but it's more depressing.
It's really not worth the time. If you're interested in giving it a try anyway, I'd suggest looking into the manga instead, because the anime is only really good if you need assistance with naptime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Nov 3, 2024
It's not the worst manga I've ever read, but if that's the best thing I can say about it, then you know it's not a good sign.
The story is generic at best and outright stereotypical at worse, and of course, due to having gotten axed, there's not really a satisfying ending. Because of the axe, the majority of the story, unfortunately, is setting up for things that will never and can never happen. There was definitely concepts that had potential within that setting up, but the story wasn't cohesive enough to prop itself up. Things happen much too fast, then another random concept gets thrown
in, explained too fast, replaced with another concept which is also explained too fast...and then it ends. The story also frantically jumps from bit to bit, almost feeling like it wants to be "monster of the week" but then going off the rails of that rapidly into weird in-drama between vampires which isn't totally properly explained.
The art is kind of below par. There are some segments that do look nice, but the majority of the manga looks surprisingly amateurish, with close-ups of characters often visibly looking rough and the monsters looking somewhat goofy.
I would say that the poor quality of this manga is definitely overexaggerated to a degree in online circles, but make no mistake: this is not a good manga. It's not the worst manga of all time, but it's absolutely a waste of time to read it unless you're trying to learn about what not to do when telling a story or just really, REALLY desperate to read everything that involves vampires ever. At its core, it's both boring and below mediocre. Huge skip.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 27, 2024
This is one of those manga which is hurt badly by its length. If you're just looking for something extremely short and fluffy, this may be up your alley, but otherwise, it might be best to look for something else.
The general problem with this manga is that it actually has several very cute concepts, but due to its length, it can't really go anywhere with them and all the loose ends need to be tied up so quickly that it feels mildly unsatisfactory. It's also your usual affair of romance where the characters are already throwing themselves on each other before it really makes
a whole lot of sense, plot-wise. I get it, you have to make it work quickly when you're putting out a short work like this, but it never really does get any less hard to believe people just suddenly speeding up into making out and then ten seconds later, they're again questioning if they like each other. Things like that are something I know are prone to either really taking people out of what they're reading or completely not bothering them, so I would keep this in mind if you're considering giving this manga a go. For the most part, I would say the majority of the plot ends up just being fluff with some necessary angst to move things forward. Basically: if you're looking for something plot-heavy, this is not it. If you're looking for very short fluff, you've come to the right location.
I will say that the art style is genuinely adorable and would be the main thing I would consider picking this up for if you're still interested despite the concept of a rushed plot. It's very cute, the kitten featured in this is adorable, the main characters are drawn very nicely and it's overall a very soft manga. If you're here for good art alone, I'd say it's worth it. If art can't hold up a manga solely on its own for you, then you may want to skip this.
Overall, this is a very short manga with a cute art style and a simple plot. People looking for something more complex will likely be disappointed. People looking for something with a plot that doesn't go very far with its themes and is mostly just cute and simple fluff will likely enjoy this. Because of that, it's hard to give this anything other than a mixed rating, because there are very little things this manga does to stand out in any way that would make it appeal to a larger audience than the crowd it will naturally gather.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 16, 2024
This is just straight-up bad. It's genuinely embarrassing as someone who really enjoyed the game this was based off of when I was younger.
Let's ignore how bad the animation is for a minute and just focus on the story: It's borderline incoherent. None of the characters really have any logical reason for any of what they do. Not only do they have nothing to do with the original characters from the game at all (because the plot mentions at the very start that the game characters are fictional to the world of this movie as well), but they're all completely forgettable. They have the personality
of cardboard, collectively, and it's not like you're ever concerned about what's going to happen to them. They exist, that's the best compliment I can give them. Because these characters "just exist", it makes the rest of the plot barely matter, because even though yes, they're driving the story forward by existing, the story doesn't MATTER. There's a huge plot twist I won't go into near the end, and clearly you're supposed to be like "Whoa! That's crazy!" except it doesn't matter because nothing about this show has any tension or anything to feel anything about.
But yes. The visuals. They are shockingly bad. Like, if you thought the Ao Oni shorts were bad, at least those were stylized and looked okay. This? This is like if someone went into MMD and forced out the worst product possible. It doesn't help that everything is pretty much the same color palette, so it constantly looks bland and uninteresting. There's certainly ways to use a limited color scheme to look interesting...this isn't it.
I like to try to challenge myself to see at least one good thing in shows I watch or games I play, and I just can't. There's nothing here. If you don't know the series, this is incoherent. If you do know the series, it's still incoherent. I can't recommend this for anything other than maybe to watch it and laugh at how bad it is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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