10 - Something I consider to be a masterpiece; Life-changing; Impactful in a profound way. An experience I will never forget for as long as I live.
9 - Something that I consider to be very high brow. Something I appreciated and gave me food for thought. Something with good direction and storytelling. These are the shows that I would recommend to anyone.
8 - Of decent quality. Something that is good and I appreciated. However, it still lacks the universal quality I find with my 9's. Still very good though.
7 - Something I enjoyed watching, but in a much more superficial manner. These shows don't make me think too much, and they're great time wasters. I would still say that these are good shows.
6 - Something that was overall, not very enjoyable, but maybe I found a few laughs, or the premise was interesting but not executed in a way that hooked me. These are shows that I would very rarely recommend watching.
5 - Very average. Show that didn't move or have any punch in it. Forgettable. I wouldn't be able to name the shows I've given a 5 to. Otherwise known as mid.
4 - Something that I thought was bad. But not bad to the point that I hated every second. Maybe I found joy in how bad it was. Something that is bad but still retains some semblance of entertainment value.
3 - Very bad. Something that was not enjoyable in any way. Probably a show that I was forced to watch or chose to watch as a joke. Some of these shows I've dropped, and some I toughed it out and made it to the end. Overall, very bad.
2 - Not a number I use.
1 - Something that was offensively bad. Bad to the point that I stopped watching it. Some of my dropped anime fall into this category.
On your Little Busters review, I find it funny because Rin's arc was written by Jun Maeda. So if you like that part, you might enjoy Little Busters Refrain. I also hated the first Little Busters.
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