Anime & Manga News

US Forces Makes Manga For the PR of US-Japan Alliance

by dtshyk
Aug 4, 2010 1:41 AM | 58 Comments
Headquarters US Forces Japan has made a manga for the promotion of the US - Japan Alliance in commemoration of its 50th anniversary.

In the manga titled "Watashitachi no Domei: Eizokuteki Partnership (Our Alliance; A Lasting Partnership)", an American boy Usa-kun (USA) lives off a Japanese girl Arai Anzu (pun of alliance) and he gets rid of a cockroach from the kitchen. He says "I'll protect you because you are like me."

Our Alliance Manga webpage

The main author is Hirai Yukio ("Magical Marine Pixel Maritan"). The first chapter was posted on August 4th. The rest of the chapters will be available within this year.

Sources: US Force Japan, Maritan Nikki, BBC

20 of 58 Comments Recent Comments

One Big Joke

Aug 7, 2010 4:33 PM by sakR9

vlasic said:
I haven't seen anyone comment or note the fact that there tends to be a lot of unfair anti-American sentiment floating around especially in anime. I know America isn't perfect, it's a gigantic shopping mall that involves itself in conflicts with questionable importance but in the big picture, America has done more for the entire world than any other country and will continue to do so for the next 50 years at least.

i've always wondered why the Japanese have looked down America. G.I.T.S had Americans as an antagonist, depicting them as foreign powers intervening in Japan's domestic affairs. Kana in minami-ke mentioned something about doing things the wrong way because they followed the americans. code geass was just a big anti-american rant and the series was quite nationalist. japan gaining independence from brittania (america). i started watching sekirei: pure engagement and saw immediately American (presumably) forces getting mowed down by women with swords, (maybe some revenge in ANimated form?). 99% of series I watched that mention America animate it in a way that basically says, "America sucks, it's inferior, oh and they suck." It's subtle and sometimes it's blatant. May I point out, who was it that attacked first?? Who was trying to keep neutral?? With all the negative comments about America in animation, i wonder is that the general attitude of Japan or just frustrated writers?

You've got to be fucking kidding me? Anti-American sentiment in anime? HA! Why don't you complain about the thousands of crappy American movies first that always sport the Russians and Muslims and others as the bad guys?

So one could argue then, America snobs the world, so the world snobs America. Hmm, I think it's a very valid point of argument. But it's not true! If there's just a handful of anime, that depict Americans as idiots or blood thirsty, it doesn't mean anything at all. Especially, it doesn't mean that the guys who wrote the story feel hate against USA.

But even if they do, does this come off as a surprise? I mean after everything you did to them? But Japanese don't hate Americans. And Americans if anything, should be feeling grateful for it instead of complaining about non-existent Anti-American sentiments in anime.

Aug 6, 2010 11:43 PM by kodial

Well, since I'm already in the political talk... I'll add some more.

I wouldn't say America sucks or anything, but we've done too many things that we shouldn't have done. We need to calm down and realize we're not the world police. I recalled that when former PM of Japan, Hatoyama called for an East Asian Union (like the EU), Obama said to him that the US insists on being a member of every major world organization (or something like that). Now, with attitudes like that, I can kind of understand all the anti-Americanism. Plus, American troops are reportedly misbehaving in Okinawa (the only place in Japan where there is strong anti-American sentiment).

Finally, I agree that Japan lost the war, and Japan has to pay a steep price. If Germany is not relinquished from the aftermaths of WWII, I don't see why Japan should as well, especially since Japan has done very little to make up with her Asian neighbors.

Aug 6, 2010 11:09 PM by guyklc

Do people forget how horribly Japan acted to warrant the occupation? They attacked American (and therefore neutral) vessels because America was against the invasion of China. People always talk about how horrible China is, but the Chinese themselves have horror stories of the Japanese. If a country, when left to it's own devices, is prone towards isolation (perhaps even something more than isolation, if one considers the propaganda the Japanese government made depicting Americans as monsters who one would be better off dying than facing) and striking out without provokation, should it be allowed to amass a xenophobic army?

Aug 6, 2010 5:06 PM by blankscore

I haven't seen anyone comment or note the fact that there tends to be a lot of unfair anti-American sentiment floating around especially in anime. I know America isn't perfect, it's a gigantic shopping mall that involves itself in conflicts with questionable importance but in the big picture, America has done more for the entire world than any other country and will continue to do so for the next 50 years at least.

i've always wondered why the Japanese have looked down America. G.I.T.S had Americans as an antagonist, depicting them as foreign powers intervening in Japan's domestic affairs. Kana in minami-ke mentioned something about doing things the wrong way because they followed the americans. code geass was just a big anti-american rant and the series was quite nationalist. japan gaining independence from brittania (america). i started watching sekirei: pure engagement and saw immediately American (presumably) forces getting mowed down by women with swords, (maybe some revenge in ANimated form?). 99% of series I watched that mention America animate it in a way that basically says, "America sucks, it's inferior, oh and they suck." It's subtle and sometimes it's blatant. May I point out, who was it that attacked first?? Who was trying to keep neutral?? With all the negative comments about America in animation, i wonder is that the general attitude of Japan or just frustrated writers?

Aug 6, 2010 3:24 PM by vlasic

TurnipKing said:
Someone's abit of an optimist. You mean you *didn't* expect anti-American statements in a site that's a haven for weaboo waste-of-space? Well... surprise. Just ignore them, even idiots have a claim to freedom of speech I suppose.

Sadly, you are correct. And yeah, it's really annoying to see weaboos defending Japan without even knowing anything.

Jonijonh said:

North Korea is the bane of the entire Eastern Hemisphere (and perhaps the western too...) so only a complete idiot wouldn't know how much of a threat NK represents. Just look at how many "Innocent Missile Tests" they perfom per month. Yeah, innocent my ass. Hey, I got nothing against North Koreans. But if they start launching nukes at me, I'll be inclined to change my opinion.

I agree, but you should tell that to all the idiots who think American troops staying in Japan is some form of "American Imperialism", and not to me...

Aug 6, 2010 1:09 PM by guyklc

I think it's a good idea...and I'm quite interested to see how will this turn out.

Aug 6, 2010 6:46 AM by MysticHrist

guyklc said:
Thirdly, apparently the anti-American people do not know the threat from North Korea.

North Korea is the bane of the entire Eastern Hemisphere (and perhaps the western too...) so only a complete idiot wouldn't know how much of a threat NK represents. Just look at how many "Innocent Missile Tests" they perfom per month. Yeah, innocent my ass. Hey, I got nothing against North Koreans. But if they start launching nukes at me, I'll be inclined to change my opinion.

Hell, between Iran, North Korea and China we're pretty much screwed. Anyway no point in dwelling on these things... What is to come, will come, no matter how hard you fight it I guess...

PS: I know this isn't a politics forum, I'm sorry about this, but I really had to express my opinion.

Aug 5, 2010 5:47 PM by Jonijonh

guyklc said:
What is up with the anti-American rage here? I honestly feel you people who make pointless and ignorant comments actually research some stuff before making ridiculous claims.
Someone's abit of an optimist. You mean you *didn't* expect anti-American statements in a site that's a haven for weaboo waste-of-space? Well... surprise. Just ignore them, even idiots have a claim to freedom of speech I suppose.

Aug 5, 2010 2:17 PM by AugmentedTurnip

Those pages...were epic.

"Shove it up your ass! You slimy French slot!!" "I like you. Come around to my house and fuck my sister."

I also like how there was a point to explain the work "fuck".

Aug 5, 2010 12:30 AM by no-thanks

What is up with the anti-American rage here? I honestly feel you people who make pointless and ignorant comments actually research some stuff before making ridiculous claims. First off, the US-Japan alliance is very important to every Japanese, except for those poor Okinawans. All major Japanese politicians, regardless of whether they be liberal or conservative, acknowledge this fact. Second of all, Article 9 of the Japanese constitution says Japan renounces using military force completely, meaning they can't even use their Self Defense force even if they are invaded (why they have it then, is beyond me... maybe just for show?); this means the Japanese have no choice but to rely on the US-Japan alliance (and before anyone says the Japanese are forced to do this, then I would point out the Japanese can change their constitution. The fact that Article 9 was not changed proofs that most Japanese do uphold it). Thirdly, apparently the anti-American people do not know the threat from North Korea. They have been abducting Japanese nationals since the 70's (I think, or maybe it was the 80's), and have attempted to fire missiles at Japan numerous times in the recent years. Just because most of the people in the Western world hates America doesn't mean everyone else does, you know...

Aug 4, 2010 10:17 PM by guyklc

i find the choice of mangaka interesting. some of you may recall these pages:

americanophile kakunin.

also - there is nothing better than watching people declare something they find objectionable "propaganda." as if a picture could be taken from no perspective. as if rhetoric did not permeate every second of the life experience. as if the words you are reading right now were not touching you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Aug 4, 2010 9:31 PM by protoman96


It looks cute? <:D

Aug 4, 2010 4:53 PM by head-go-boom

Jonijonh said:
Onibokusu said:
JSDF are also now allowed to be deployed outside of Japan.

They were deployed even when they weren't (technically) allowed to. Mind you, I'm not saying it was wrong, since those overseas deployments were either to fight off piracy against Japanese vessels, or for humanitarian reasons.

Sohei said:
I'd just like to remind some that the JSDF isn't all that "weak". In fact, it's a more technologically advanced and powerful force than most nations in the world, including most-if-not-all european nations.

This is also true. However, the fact that they can't be used for offensive purposes limits their effectiveness; hence the US-Japan Alliance.

alwaysbored said:
I suppose the US are desperate for attention as always ...

Yeah, like they don't have enough of that already... The US is the clingy girlfriend that is always bothering you for attention. Attention Whores! :P

Edit: About Japan not having Gundams - look they don't need to. They have Tsunderes, Cat-Girls, Fantastic Air-Heads, Crazy Moe Chicks and more. Plus if things get nasty they can always send in Lucy from "Elfen Lied".
japan has goku nuff said

Aug 4, 2010 4:05 PM by XtremeEnigma

Onibokusu said:
JSDF are also now allowed to be deployed outside of Japan.

They were deployed even when they weren't (technically) allowed to. Mind you, I'm not saying it was wrong, since those overseas deployments were either to fight off piracy against Japanese vessels, or for humanitarian reasons.

Sohei said:
I'd just like to remind some that the JSDF isn't all that "weak". In fact, it's a more technologically advanced and powerful force than most nations in the world, including most-if-not-all european nations.

This is also true. However, the fact that they can't be used for offensive purposes limits their effectiveness; hence the US-Japan Alliance.

alwaysbored said:
I suppose the US are desperate for attention as always ...

Yeah, like they don't have enough of that already... The US is the clingy girlfriend that is always bothering you for attention. Attention Whores! :P

Edit: About Japan not having Gundams - look they don't need to. They have Tsunderes, Cat-Girls, Fantastic Air-Heads, Crazy Moe Chicks and more. Plus if things get nasty they can always send in Lucy from "Elfen Lied".

Aug 4, 2010 3:26 PM by Jonijonh

JadeMatrix said:
There's a reason it's called the Japan Self-Defense Force.

It's only a "Defence Force" due to Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.

Aug 4, 2010 2:43 PM by no-thanks

kodial said:
OrochiPL said:
Manga as a symbol of partnership between the countries? If it makes manga more popular in US, why not...

It's more like making US forces more popular in Japan.

Can you say Propamanganda?

lol Propamanganda... and i realy doubt this whill have anything to do with the American industry considering the specific audience is the Japanese...

Aug 4, 2010 12:18 PM by Neverarine

i don't think i like it

Aug 4, 2010 10:51 AM by Mr_Gutts

HoaRy said:
kodial said:
Can you say Propamanganda?

Pure Propaganda, nothing else.

US desperately tries to keep their bases in Japan, in case they feel like attacking North Korea one day.

feel like? china will just sit back and let that happen. the international community can barely even force NK to admit to its sinking of that ship, let alone let go of its ambitions towards nuclear power etc...

there has been numerous times where NK has done attachable offenses but everyone is always reluctant to do so. they would have to bomb a city before that happens. i would hope even NK is not that stupid.

Aug 4, 2010 10:36 AM by kisami

Anxiously awaiting doujins

Aug 4, 2010 9:27 AM by McRib

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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