Anime & Manga News

Japanese and US Manga Publishers Ally Against Scanlations

by dtshyk
Jun 8, 2010 6:31 PM | 193 Comments
According to Publishers Weekly, 42 Japanese and US manga publishers have united to form an international group to combat scanlation and they are threatening to take legal actions against 30 websites. The publishers coalition includes Kodansha, Shogakugan, Shueisha, Square Enix, Vertical Inc., VIZ Media, Tokyopop, and Yen Press.

The spokesperson of the group said they will take injunctive measure if the scanlation sites stop their activities on their own. They have already been reporting scanlator's violations to US Justice Department and FBI. Publishers Weekly named MangaFox and OneManga as the major scanlation websites.

Kurt Hassler, the publishing director of Yen Press, pointed out the inverse correlation between the increase of the traffic of scanlation websites and the decrease of the manga sales in US.

The spokesperson said that so-called "scanlation aggregators" have transformed the fan based activities of scanlation into for-profit websites that provide thousands of illegal scans of manga and earn money by memberships and advertising revenues. Hassler said that fan scanlators had withdrawn their translations when the manga was licensed but it's no longer the case with the current "business" scanlators. "We don’t want to have to do this but publishers are now focused on this problem."

Source: Publishers Weekly, Anime!Anime!

Story by ladyxzeus

20 of 193 Comments Recent Comments

100% agree with Dandere-chan.

@Fai and spidersong
Think before you write. Getting a job is really hard, also Mangas are expensive as hell as Dandere-chan mentioned the above reasons.

spidersong said:
I'm so, so glad this is happening. It's sickening how hardworking mangaka put their passion in their work only for it to be read illegally by some stupid foreign kid.

And I'm sickening of the 12yo -5000 IQ kids who post shit and doesn't have any clue about life...


Jul 26, 2010 1:02 AM by Relunx

Such...*tear* bastards!!!




Jul 25, 2010 10:10 PM by ImNotLulexiaa

Onibokusu said:
Dandere-chan said:
-There is no shop in your city that sell manga
-The manga you want to read did not get any translation in any language you can understand.
-You do not have a credit card to buy online on shipping site (and most of the time wouln't anyway because if it's not available in your region it's most likely didn't get any translation in this language to begin with).

If you actually meet any of those conditions, you're probably a kid living with your strict parents in the countryside. As such, you probably have no idea what you're actually doing when reading manga online.

LOL no.

Jul 25, 2010 6:25 AM by Alycen

Dandere-chan said:
-There is no shop in your city that sell manga
-The manga you want to read did not get any translation in any language you can understand.
-You do not have a credit card to buy online on shipping site (and most of the time wouln't anyway because if it's not available in your region it's most likely didn't get any translation in this language to begin with).

If you actually meet any of those conditions, you're probably a kid living with your strict parents in the countryside. As such, you probably have no idea what you're actually doing when reading manga online.

Jul 24, 2010 10:20 PM by no-thanks

This witch hunt will finish as the one Music Companies started versus MP3 Download Sites: closing one and three more will appear instead...
Don't you think so?

And I agree with Dandere-chan pointed out, its not that easy to buy any manga...

Jul 24, 2010 10:17 PM by NoHeart

Cookie-tan said:
Fai said:

Onemanga shutting down makes every normal person happy.

guess im not normal...
i hope normal people like you are happy when there is a decline in people that read manga because it is not available to them

true... im never gonna buy a manga book... i know its not right, but its just not logical in my state of mind. why pay for a book that i will read one time? im not gonna start a collection of 50+ volumes... if all the scanlations stop coming in, then i will stop reading manga/manwha/manhua altogether. and i know other people that think like i do.

also as Dandere-chan pointed out, its not that easy to buy any manga... of course all the famous ones are available (like bleach and naruto), but what about the smaller ones (like hot milk and mother keeper), its hard enough to find the scanlations for these, in english.

Jul 24, 2010 9:09 PM by BlackTruth

spidersong said:
I'm so, so glad this is happening. It's sickening how hardworking mangaka put their passion in their work only for it to be read illegally by some stupid foreign kid.

Well I know that some people just don't care about paying but you are generalisating way too much.
Sometime you can't pay for manga, here's some real common exemple:

-There is no shop in your city that sell manga
-The manga you want to read did not get any translation in any language you can understand.
-You do not have a credit card to buy online on shipping site (and most of the time wouln't anyway because if it's not available in your region it's most likely didn't get any translation in this language to begin with).

Now let's say that there's is a manga available in your region that you want to buy.
The price are crazy because of all the shitty editing, where is the fairness when you know you pay about twice what you would pay in Japan just because you weren't lucky enough to get a japanese courses (which is not available in a lot of place anyway so you are mostly stuck with these overpriced release).

Yes, reading it illegaly is not good for the mangaka, I understand why the scanlation site are getting closed, I don't like it but I'm good enough to understand.

A lot of manga reader are 16 year old and younger, age is also a factor in this, 16 years old is the requirement for about every job in my country, you can really hardly get a job being younger than this, how do you expect for children to pay these overpriced manga?

Now get every existing manga in my librairy at the same price they are sold in Japan and I would glady buy everything I read.

That's why I still support the idea of a website that sell manga, pay for chapter or pay for volume in many different language. It would be far more benifical than closing scanlation site such as onemanga, the day mangafox and mangatoshokan will close there will be other scanlating site anyway.

Jul 24, 2010 7:08 PM by Alycen

I'm so, so glad this is happening. It's sickening how hardworking mangaka put their passion in their work only for it to be read illegally by some stupid foreign kid. I buy all of my manga (crazy, eh?!!) so I could care less if scanlation sites drop... I only read online once I'm caught up with the english releases, but even then I still purchase the volumes once they come out.
Once people start actually paying for manga like they're SUPPOSED to, the industry will start booming. And from a booming industry comes cheaper and quicker releases to fill the demand. We'll even begin to obtain more obscure series in a variety of languages; all of you are adament this is a void only scanlations can fill but common sense dictates that is BS. sure it's not great for publishers to be fed even more power (I always wonder how much $ actually goes to the creators??) but I for one feel better knowing I'm helping the english manga industry thrive and grow... at the end of the day it just means more manga at a cheaper price for meeeeeeeeee!
so now get off your fat ass and go to a bookstore.

Jul 24, 2010 4:47 PM by spidersong

yeah, it's like saying removing all anime from streaming website will stop people from watching anime.

Jul 24, 2010 8:53 AM by supersayen

Cookie-tan said:
because it is not available to them


use fucking Google.
there are TONS of better sites out there in BETTER quality

Jul 24, 2010 4:54 AM by smokes

Cookie-tan said:
Fai said:

Onemanga shutting down makes every normal person happy.

guess im not normal...
i hope normal people like you are happy when there is a decline in people that read manga because it is not available to them

No one prevents you from buying manga.

No one prevents you from downloading manga from scanlators and reading it offline.

Jul 24, 2010 4:24 AM by Ahenshihael

Fai said:

Onemanga shutting down makes every normal person happy.

guess im not normal...
i hope normal people like you are happy when there is a decline in people that read manga because it is not available to them

Jul 22, 2010 7:37 PM by Cookie-tan

AlexSadist-sama said:
Now OM's gonna shut down, so I guess those manga publishers are happy.

Onemanga shutting down makes every normal person happy.

Finally people will yet again:
A) Buy the fucking literature and read it away from pc like its meant to be read.
B) stop online-reading the lq scans and actually start downloading the actually good quality scanlations/be interested in wheels_inside_the_machine behind the scanlators yet again.

"online manga" sites are profiting from publishing the works they did not scan, clean, translate and typeset Your average otaku is no longer interested in the actual gears behind the process and thinks that manga scanlations grow on trees.

I for one always refused to use the "online viewing" sites and I for surely applaud on what is happening now.

Jul 22, 2010 4:23 AM by Ahenshihael

Now OM's gonna shut down, so I guess those manga publishers are happy.

Jul 22, 2010 3:48 AM by AlexSadist-sama

I don't know if I should be shocked, or appalled at how ignorant 90% of the people supporting this movement are. I'll use onemanga as an example, and reference.

Onemanga makes money via ads, this is correct, and they make money per-view, fractions of a cent per view, if the ad is actually clicked, they make additional fractions of a cent. However small the fraction is, it does stack up, especially on a site visited so frequently.
That being said, let's move on to what seems to be the most overlooked fact in this entire ordeal. Onemanga pays scanlator groups for frequent high quality updates, especially on popular titles like One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto(as examples only). How do these groups keep cranking out high quality scanlations week after week, a matter of 2 days after japanese release? Professional translators. Paid "employees" working on your precious manga updates, it may only be a side job for them, but it puts money in their wallets, it also allows you, the readers to better understand the manga unless you're particular to sloppy translations, or simply lazy? *Translators who after busting their asses don't bother to read through their work to check that it actually makes sense, or can't be worded better.* "Oh, but surely one chapters translation can't cost that much?" You'd be right, it doesn't, but almost all scanlation groups, big and small, pay Japanese citizens for high quality scans the day their made available. THIS can get pricy, groups literally fight over titles that are increasing in popularity, driving up the scan prices.
So, now that we've cleared up the profit issue, let's move on to a lighter topic that everyone seems to overlook, FEATURES.
Category searches, YAY! As much as I love Google, I'm not particular to attempted searches on finding new(to me) series to read, I enjoy manga entirely, I'm not a 2 series kind of guy. I've read more series to completion than I can remember titles, many, many more. "But you can find new series with other sites like *****blah****" Sure, gotta love sloppy tagwork(incredibly depressing series listed as comedy? only to the mentally unstable and twisted), lack of depth in description(And yes, I realize that onemanga does have many series missing descriptions, read next), no immediate preview of series(onemanga: "Looks interesting" *click chap 1, read through* "Well, that was pretty cool, I'll go find a download")

Hard copies of literature have been obsolete for years, they still exist, but are an unneeded waste of natural resources. Not to mention incredibly overpriced. Admittedly they are easier to read than a mass of words that one too many scrolls can send you searching for your place, but PDF files or even neatly made(spacing is amazing)walls of text render this moot. If Japanese manga companies offered international, multilingual digital subscriptions(Pay x amount per year, unlimited access in _____ language of manga, all titles held by that company.) I might actually agree with most of you, but the fact of the matter is, they don't. Hell, if they don't want to bother translating it themselves, endorse scanlations, and SELL MERCHANDISE for the series globally, there's your god damned revenue.

On a side note of my wall o' rant, what's wrong with streaming sites? the only difference is resolution and you're not clogging your computer with files you may never look at again, saving you the inevitable deletion, or backing up onto a disc, just to lose the disc in a collection of discs. Hell, maybe in a year having any form of scanlation backed up onto a hard media will be illegal.

Haha, look at me, I got lost in covering too many issues I forgot to complete my thought, what happens when scanlation groups lose funding from streaming sites like onemanga? Well, if they don't entirely disband, releases will likely drop greatly in frequency. Weekly updates out the damn window. Series will likely be dropped left and right, efforts focused solely on major titles like the big 3, Naruto Bleach and One Piece. Overall quality will drop, both in scan quality(Yay grainy and faded pages!) and translation(Yoda talk! On the dog, sat he did.)
"And what makes you think that will actually happen?" Logic my friends, logic. Just like when a TV show doesn't make enough money, it gets canceled. Or if a product doesn't sell, it gets dropped. Scanlation has become a business, maybe not a major one, but a business nonetheless. Money for Services, simple as that.

Jul 22, 2010 3:38 AM by Trithillion

sekida said:
it's starting folks... One manga will shutdown next week...

Good riddance, I say. Its time to go back to times where people actually would download manga to read it instead of skimming through it online in abominations like one manga ._.

Jul 22, 2010 2:38 AM by Ahenshihael

it's starting folks... One manga will shutdown next week...

Jul 22, 2010 2:06 AM by sekida

Manga-eater said:
OMG some manga on mangafox got removed becuase of this >_<

Don't worry. Other sites still have them. Plus we still have download sites.

Jun 19, 2010 12:10 AM by Drunk_Samurai

fluxin42 said:
That's because compared to the Japanese dub, the English dub sucked.

Mmmmmm, nope. I'm pretty sure that ain't the main reason.

Jun 18, 2010 11:14 PM by Hypeathon

OMG some manga on mangafox got removed becuase of this >_<

Jun 18, 2010 3:36 PM by Manga-eater

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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