Cellphone Game 'Azur Lane' Gets TV Anime

The first year anniversary event for the cellphone game Azur Lane held on Saturday has announced that the game will receive a TV anime. Main staff members have been revealed.
Azur Lane is a military alliance formed to fight against a grotesque enemy called Sirens, which suddenly appeared in the seas and threatens humanity with overwhelming strength. Although the success of the warships made it possible to temporarily stop the attack of Sirens, differences in ideals have surfaced among the camps involved in the creation of the alliance. With each camp advancing their own motive, the girls confront an unprecedented enemy they have never faced before.
Director: Tenshou (Rewrite)
Series Composition: Jin Haganeya (Guilty Crown script)
Studio: Bibury Animation Studio
Azur Lane is a smartphone game, which is developed by Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi. Streaming website Bilibili published the game in China in May of last year. Yostar released the game in Japan in September of last year, and will release the game in English. A new PlayStation 4 game Azur Lane: Crosswave is also in the works.
A manga adaptation titled Azur Lane: Queen's Orders by Tsuchii (Girls & Panzer: Comic Anthology) has been announced to serialize via Comic REX magazine.
Game official site: https://www.azurlane.jp/
Game official Twitter: @azurlane_staff
Source: Moca News
Azur Lane on MAL
20 of 84 Comments Recent Comments
not at all want to play the game but seeing Prinz Eugen animated would be cool
Oct 13, 2018 9:01 AM by Imaishi
Also the announcement for the ps4 game by idea factory and compile heart hit me off guard today. Azur lane seems to be real popular.
I'm real curious how it turns out compared to Kantai Collection since I love both games.
Oct 4, 2018 2:30 PM by Stak-Shikikan
a cellphone game getting an anime adaptation?didn't expect that
Oct 2, 2018 1:42 PM by removed-user
in a week of playing already gotten 5 ssrs, now at 8 SSRs
Mother. Of. God.
Having been r*ped by the RNG of FGO gacha so many times (no Medb, no Ozy, no Amakusa, no Raikou, no Iskandar, no Kiyolancer), I for once welcome our new chinese overlords.
Oct 2, 2018 1:41 PM by Fabris
Kancolle chinese ripoff gets an anime adaption. Why cant Chinese people have originality. (Games are the same, actually 3 games are the same. So to those who shill for Azur Lane, it isnt better than kancolle.)
I played both, spent close to $2000 on it, still have like 100 rings left. will probably do the same on AL. Azur lane in many aspects is significantly better than Kanolle
Kancolle has RNG drop system, which Azur lane has the same. However, Azur lane is more of a gacha game, with SSR rate being at 7% compared to FGO, and you get to roll it daily for free, weekly which lets you save up to 200+ cubes which is enough to roll several SSRs
Kancolle has massive delay after a battle ends, which you have to click finish and then wait for a ship to drop which waste 20 seconds, AL is all instant
You can't farm for rare/best equipment outside of Events in Kancolle, you can in AL
It's BS how I waste 280k resources and still haven't gotten Gotland yet. Absolutely BS, if she was in AL she would be very easily obtainable
You can manually do battles in this game as opposed to RNG routing in kancolle. You cannot choose battles at-all in Kancolle, it's all RNG, and force fleet compositions
in a week of playing already gotten 5 ssrs, now at 8 SSRs
Note I hate to say this but you are giving bad rep for players playing kancolle, it's no wonder Kancolle gets attacked by Azurlane fans cuz of people like you seriously
Kancolle could, in fact, learn a lot from this game. Look they still haven't even localized the game yet, and no collab outside of Japan, which Azur lane did with World of Warships, Neptune etc
Oct 2, 2018 8:23 AM by TakunDes
honestly you're gonna just end up watching this just to see your favorite girls animated
Sep 18, 2018 6:25 PM by katsu044
Chinese cartooonssss.
*Guilty Crown script*
All hope is now lost. Will probably be better than Kancolle, still.
He has only done scripts for some episodes though to be honest still... ehhh? Not that hopeful (though I believe in Tensho for this one tbh).
Also I will never understand the dislike for KanColle aside from one thing I can kind of agree with? It's just the balance was too out of place between the SoL and actual moments of the story.
Sep 18, 2018 8:55 AM by removed-user
I hope they adapt the whole Mutsuki class in or I'll be mad. Azur Lane's Kisaragi MUST be in AT LEAST!
With this now receiving adaptation, I wonder when will Abyss Horizon get theirs lol.
Sep 17, 2018 10:24 PM by Jiharo
*Guilty Crown script*
All hope is now lost. Will probably be better than Kancolle, still.
Sep 17, 2018 3:48 PM by Fabris
Its finally here!
So who is the best girl on Azur Lane? while i get to know Kancolle more even without playing the game before the anime even exist yet, i still haven't touch many Azur Lane related stuff outside when its connected to Kancolle such as char parody and stuff
It's Belfast.
Sep 17, 2018 2:48 AM by Papa_Scorch
So who is the best girl on Azur Lane? while i get to know Kancolle more even without playing the game before the anime even exist yet, i still haven't touch many Azur Lane related stuff outside when its connected to Kancolle such as char parody and stuff
Sep 17, 2018 2:26 AM by ZBlastHistory
I was in a hurry but I edit my post to address you a better way. Yeah, my previous post is not presented in good way.
The NierAutomata and Azur Lane comparison is to address your post 62. Saying that Azur Lane is same as KanColle just because Azur Lane offer the options for auto combat is the same as saying KanColle is the same as Nier Automata just because Nier Automata also has auto combat. That's the flaw of your argument in post 62. The similarities of boats, setup of six, rng damage and ship system won't matter at all when they are nothing more than visual appearance in KanColle in which player can't control them. KanColle is the kind of game “game of praying for luck” while Azur Lane, you need skills.
In your next reply, please answer this question.
Question: Can KanColle be considered as bullet hell game?
Yes or No?
You acknowledged it yourself that Azur Lane is 'bullet hell' game. If KanColle can't be categorized as bullet hell, then you already admit their gameplay are totally different which means not the same.
KanColle don't even have combat system. It just cutscene. They can't be similar when combat system don't exist in KanColle.
Please answer the question if KanColle can be categorized as bullet hell game or not.
Sep 16, 2018 10:36 PM by Papa_Scorch
Do you even read what i post? I literally explained it all. And not only that, your dumb af comparison with auto combat shit is too far out and plain stupid. Once again, i think i must reiterate that we are talking about fucking apps, not tripple A game productions.
I was in a hurry but I edit my post to address you a better way. Yeah, my previous post is not presented in good way.
The NierAutomata and Azur Lane comparison is to address your post 62. Saying that Azur Lane is same as KanColle just because Azur Lane offer the options for auto combat is the same as saying KanColle is the same as Nier Automata just because Nier Automata also has auto combat. That's the flaw of your argument in post 62. The similarities of boats, setup of six, rng damage and ship system won't matter at all when they are nothing more than visual appearance in KanColle in which player can't control them. KanColle is the kind of game “game of praying for luck” while Azur Lane, you need skills.
In your next reply, please answer this question.
Question: Can KanColle be considered as bullet hell game?
Yes or No?
You acknowledged it yourself that Azur Lane is 'bullet hell' game. If KanColle can't be categorized as bullet hell, then you already admit their gameplay are totally different which means not the same.
Sep 16, 2018 10:31 PM by Botan-Chan45
You keep saying it's the same but where is your evidence they are the same other than the fact that Azur Lane offer an option of auto combat just like Nier Automata bullet system. Let me ask you this, can KanColle be categorized as bullet hell game? You can't because you can not control it. In KanColle, it's nothing more than visual or simulation pop out on your screen while in Azur Lane,it's an actual gameplay control by players. The gameplay are totally different. Saying that Azur Lane is same as KanColle just because Azur Lane offer the options for auto combat is the same as saying KanColle is the same as Nier Automata just because Nier Automata also has auto combat. That's the flaw of your argument in post 62.
I was in a hurry but I edit my post to address you a better way. Yeah, my previous post is not presented in good way.
The NierAutomata and Azur Lane comparison is to address your post 62. Saying that Azur Lane is same as KanColle just because Azur Lane offer the options for auto combat is the same as saying KanColle is the same as Nier Automata just because Nier Automata also has auto combat. That's the flaw of your argument in post 62. The similarities of boats, setup of six, rng damage and ship system won't matter at all when they are nothing more than visual appearance in KanColle in which player can't control them. KanColle is the kind of game “game of praying for luck” while Azur Lane, you need skills.
In your next reply, please answer this question.
Question: Can KanColle be considered as bullet hell game?
Yes or No?
You acknowledged it yourself that Azur Lane is 'bullet hell' game. If KanColle can't be categorized as bullet hell, then you already admit their gameplay are totally different which means not the same.If you think KanColle is bullet game, then please tell me how it can be bullet game when you can't control it.
Sep 16, 2018 10:22 PM by Papa_Scorch
Except Azur Lane is the same as Kancolle, it isnt touhou or even a polished game like Neir. You are comparing Neir to Azur, when in reality the boats, setup of six, rng damage and ship system, and ect. are more close to Kancolle. Just cause you can move your group doesn't mean its not a copy. Generally, its the same, a knockoff. The game play is the same if not worse than kancolle. All-in-all stop making stupid comparisons to fucking tripple A titles to an app game made by a chinese women
You keep saying it's the same but where is your evidence they are the same other than the fact that Azur Lane offer an option of auto combat just like Nier Automata bullet system. Let me ask you this, can KanColle be categorized as bullet hell game? You can't because you can not control it. In KanColle, it's nothing more than visual or simulation pop out on your screen while in Azur Lane,it's an actual gameplay control by players. The gameplay are totally different. Saying that Azur Lane is same as KanColle just because Azur Lane offer the options for auto combat is the same as saying KanColle is the same as Nier Automata just because Nier Automata also has auto combat. That's the flaw of your argument in post 62.
Sep 16, 2018 10:19 PM by Botan-Chan45
Sep 16, 2018 10:18 PM by edge13
YES! Exactly my point! Azur Lane is a bullet hell game, KanColle is not because KanColle don't allow you to control it. Keikaku dori. I been waiting for you to say this. So you actually acknowledge Azur Lane difference genre from KanColle due to one being bullet hell game, the other isn't.
LOL! Shoot 'em up genre is the same as bullet hell game. Check the genre part.
Games like Nier Automata also have bullet hell and options to auto combat, does that means Nier Automata also ripoff like KanColle? According to your logic, it seems so.
The NierAutomata and Azur Lane comparison is to address your post 62. Saying that Azur Lane is same as KanColle just because Azur Lane offer the options for auto combat is the same as saying KanColle is the same as Nier Automata just because Nier Automata also has auto combat. That's the flaw of your argument in post 62. The similarities of boats, setup of six, rng damage and ship system won't matter at all when they are nothing more than visual appearance in KanColle in which player can't control them.
In your next reply, please answer this question.
Question: Can KanColle be considered as bullet hell game?
Yes or No?
You acknowledged it yourself that Azur Lane is 'bullet hell' game. If KanColle can't be categorized as bullet hell, then you already admit their gameplay are totally different which means not the same.
Sep 16, 2018 9:52 PM by Papa_Scorch
ITS NOT A SHOOTEM UP GENRE, its a bullet hell game. it seems like your brain is the size of a fucking worm. not arguing with you anymore
YES! Exactly my point! Azur Lane is a bullet hell game, KanColle is not because KanColle don't allow you to control it. Keikaku dori. I been waiting for you to say this. So you actually acknowledge Azur Lane difference genre from KanColle due to one being bullet hell game, the other isn't.
LOL! Shoot 'em up genre is the same as bullet hell game. Check the genre part.
Games like Nier Automata also have bullet hell and options to auto combat, does that means Nier Automata also ripoff like KanColle? According to your logic, it seems so.
Sep 16, 2018 9:13 PM by Botan-Chan45
You are really stupid aren't you. Which means the gameplay is difference you idiot.
Azur Lane gameplay = Shoot 'em up genre
KanColle gameplay = not Shoot 'em up genre
YES! Exactly my point! Azur Lane is a bullet hell game, KanColle is not because KanColle don't allow you to control it. Keikaku dori. I been waiting for you to say this. So you actually acknowledge Azur Lane difference genre from KanColle due to one being bullet hell game, the other isn't.
LOL! Shoot 'em up genre is the same as bullet hell game. Check the genre part.
Games like Nier Automata also have bullet hell and options to auto combat, does that means Nier Automata also ripoff like KanColle? According to your logic, it seems so.
Sep 16, 2018 8:07 PM by Papa_Scorch
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not at all want to play the game but seeing Prinz Eugen animated would be cool
I'm going to say this now having any Prinz animated is a godsend of sorts. I mean she is drop dead sexy, is rather smug, and is the most superior form of German Engineering, and she teases Hipper a whole lot because of it too.
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