TV Anime Staff of 'Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online' Announced

Director: Masayuki Sakoi (Needless)
Series Composition, Script: Yousuke Kuroda (Boku no Hero Academia)
Character Design, Chief Animation Director: Yoshio Kozakai (Kizumonogatari main animator)
Studio: Studio 3Hz
Note: The video is region-locked; click here for an alternative link.
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online's light novels are written by Keiichi Sigsawa and illustrated by Kouhaku Kuroboshi. Six volumes of the novels and two volumes of the manga adaptation have been published.
Source: Comic Natalie
20 of 43 Comments Recent Comments
ED: "To see the future" by Karen Kohiruimaki (CV: Tomori Kusunogi)
Mar 7, 2018 9:10 AM by tsubasalover
Anyway I am happy there is no Kirito in this. Will check it out. Though chances are it will be a generic action harem etc you know the rest. I really hope it is good.
Feb 15, 2018 5:59 PM by Oreomonogatari72
Feb 10, 2018 9:22 PM by malvarez1
At least Alicization will get more focus from them, and they really need to give all they got with that, otherwise it will leave alot of LN readers disappointed.
Cant wait for that arc to get the airing release date annouced!
You can say whatever you want about SAO but the fighting scenes animated by A1-Pictures are well executed.
I know, but I kinda want them to excell more at expressing raw emotion, having Kirito look more like a normal human, that suffers just like anyone else.
If they cant nail this, they will shitting on major plot points for Alicization.
Feb 9, 2018 5:43 PM by Playcool
That's it. I had the same feeling. You know, i was like "why would you tell me every single spec of a gun that won't even fire when we're simply running through the battlefield to find a safe place?" at times. And of course, there was a whole lot of character description for those who would just come in and leave right away, let alone all the "a little earlier", "before that", "in another place" and all the flashback tools that were constantly used every time he wanted to explain something that felt too random. You know, it felt like he had no real story in mind through all of his writing.
It irritated me as well. I mean, i wouldn't mind being flooded by relevant info from time to time (if that's even possible) but it was just so random I kept pushing my head into the pillows wondering if the story would ever move on, and would simply lose interst after 15~ minutes of reading. It took me around two weeks to finish something i would normally go through in 2~3 days.
I wouldn't exactly blame you. I mean this has potential. And granted it does have stuff that are interesting. The problem of the novel is how much the author throws info in and adding which makes the entire reading experience tedious. It doesn't help much because you're essentially giving a documentary on guns at this point, rather than giving actual context of the actual story which was supposed to be the conflict about a girl with height issues and wanting to fit to what she wants as well.
It doesn't help because the info dumping shallows the rest of the stuff in the source and it doesn't help given that some of the stuff in the gun explanations are irrelevant later on. I wouldn't say all from what I've read, but there's really no point in adding the information to the point where it's beyond an entertainment source, but literally reading a book from literature class. That's how I felt when reading the other chapters that I've read from the series.
I do hope again, the series can fix the issues or skim through the explanations of the guns at least some of them or translate them to visual format so that way the experience when watching it visually doesn't come off as watching a presentation. And I'm saying this because the amount of stuff it has causes the pacing to be slow, not as much compared to the novel but a chore to sit through.
And this is coming from someone who has read the original series and admittedly it has its flaws but it wasn't as apparent compared to the spin-off. At least in the original SAO novels it takes an degree of heavy breather and actually focuses on the story parts. Yes there will be points where information will be placed, but it isn't as random. It felt more natural, and in this it seems like the guy doesn't know what he's actually doing with the spin-off. It doesn't even feel like GGO a lot. It feels like something else.
I've also read the origial SAO, and yeah, kawahara's monologues feel more natural since they do add stuff to the story, even though it's still a little exausting from time to time, it's still needed for further understanding (can't say the same about the spin-off). Also, he had a poor definition of cause/effect back then, speaking of which, you can clearly see he's a much better author all through the Alicization arc.
As for the spin-off, i really want to see it being another Anime that's surpassed its original source, so we're in the same boat. And hell, it will surelly be better, unless they add something like a narrator to come up with the guns description or something like that.
PS: It gave me a little grin when i read the "a chore to sit through" part on your text.
Feb 8, 2018 2:08 PM by Ainosense
See this is an issue I had with the novel. It pretty much focuses too much on the narrative and the way its done its pretty missed. It misses the opportunity and in the end it makes the experience somewhat lackluster. That's why after 2-3 chapters of Volume 1 I stopped because despite liking the additions it didn't made me feel too interested to where I would be too invested on it.
I hope the staff can fix some of the issues the LN already had, given that the author has a love for guns but this isn't really what the series is about as a whole... It's even more unneeded info dumping than the original series, and it irritates me. There's a limitation of how knowledgeable you are with something, and there's a limit on how much you should add. If you're going to focus on mainly explaining the basis of guns for a long ass time, that's pretty bad.
Again. LIMITS.
It irritated me as well. I mean, i wouldn't mind being flooded by relevant info from time to time (if that's even possible) but it was just so random I kept pushing my head into the pillows wondering if the story would ever move on, and would simply lose interst after 15~ minutes of reading. It took me around two weeks to finish something i would normally go through in 2~3 days.
I wouldn't exactly blame you. I mean this has potential. And granted it does have stuff that are interesting. The problem of the novel is how much the author throws info in and adding which makes the entire reading experience tedious. It doesn't help much because you're essentially giving a documentary on guns at this point, rather than giving actual context of the actual story which was supposed to be the conflict about a girl with height issues and wanting to fit to what she wants as well.
It doesn't help because the info dumping shallows the rest of the stuff in the source and it doesn't help given that some of the stuff in the gun explanations are irrelevant later on. I wouldn't say all from what I've read, but there's really no point in adding the information to the point where it's beyond an entertainment source, but literally reading a book from literature class. That's how I felt when reading the other chapters that I've read from the series.
I do hope again, the series can fix the issues or skim through the explanations of the guns at least some of them or translate them to visual format so that way the experience when watching it visually doesn't come off as watching a presentation. And I'm saying this because the amount of stuff it has causes the pacing to be slow, not as much compared to the novel but a chore to sit through.
And this is coming from someone who has read the original series and admittedly it has its flaws but it wasn't as apparent compared to the spin-off. At least in the original SAO novels it takes an degree of heavy breather and actually focuses on the story parts. Yes there will be points where information will be placed, but it isn't as random. It felt more natural, and in this it seems like the guy doesn't know what he's actually doing with the spin-off. It doesn't even feel like GGO a lot. It feels like something else.
Feb 8, 2018 12:57 PM by removed-user
See this is an issue I had with the novel. It pretty much focuses too much on the narrative and the way its done its pretty missed. It misses the opportunity and in the end it makes the experience somewhat lackluster. That's why after 2-3 chapters of Volume 1 I stopped because despite liking the additions it didn't made me feel too interested to where I would be too invested on it.
I hope the staff can fix some of the issues the LN already had, given that the author has a love for guns but this isn't really what the series is about as a whole... It's even more unneeded info dumping than the original series, and it irritates me. There's a limitation of how knowledgeable you are with something, and there's a limit on how much you should add. If you're going to focus on mainly explaining the basis of guns for a long ass time, that's pretty bad.
Again. LIMITS.
It irritated me as well. I mean, i wouldn't mind being flooded by relevant info from time to time (if that's even possible) but it was just so random I kept pushing my head into the pillows wondering if the story would ever move on, and would simply lose interst after 15~ minutes of reading. It took me around two weeks to finish something i would normally go through in 2~3 days.
Feb 8, 2018 12:36 PM by Ainosense
>not A-1 Pictures
>No Kirito
This is gonna be way better than the original.
Hell yeah. I have the same thoughts too.
Feb 8, 2018 8:03 AM by MechKingKillbot
But hey Kirito-kun ain't here so that's a plus they don't fuck up the story just for him.
Feb 8, 2018 4:23 AM by OppaiSugoi
Feb 7, 2018 8:28 PM by Loathsome
Feb 7, 2018 8:23 PM by Shibusu
Feb 7, 2018 7:57 PM by facuuu92
If you're coming into this with the "oh it's kino no tabi author, it'll be good" in mind, or something among those lines, i'd like to give you a little advice:
The novels are extremely boring, period.
This guy takes his 'love for guns' (speaking of which, he talks about it in the author notes at the end of the novel) to the next level. He constantly pauses the narrative to give meaningless notes about random stuff (and guns) that...uh, you know what? Won't have any real impact in the actual story; (yeah, he does it in such a MEH way that it feels wrong to talk about guns in a story about guns) like, someone could compile the whole actual narrative, letting out his constant monologues, and it would probably feel like a decent story, though it's just annoyingly boring the way it is. It was a pain to finish the first 2 volumes and i wanted no more of this. (just in case, he does the same in kino no tabi, but since he's trying to build up something, it feels a little more acceptable).
To sum it up, it feels like Tolkien trying to write SAO, taking half a page to describe something you'll forget in the next 5 seconds.
Still up to the Anime though, since i'm sure the director/studio will make up for this author's poor writing just like others did to his previous works.
The staff is decent i guess
See this is an issue I had with the novel. It pretty much focuses too much on the narrative and the way its done its pretty missed. It misses the opportunity and in the end it makes the experience somewhat lackluster. That's why after 2-3 chapters of Volume 1 I stopped because despite liking the additions it didn't made me feel too interested to where I would be too invested on it.
I hope the staff can fix some of the issues the LN already had, given that the author has a love for guns but this isn't really what the series is about as a whole... It's even more unneeded info dumping than the original series, and it irritates me. There's a limitation of how knowledgeable you are with something, and there's a limit on how much you should add. If you're going to focus on mainly explaining the basis of guns for a long ass time, that's pretty bad.
Again. LIMITS.
Feb 7, 2018 7:46 PM by removed-user
I dunno, the source isn't that good really. As I prefer the original more due to me not stomaching the character's entire conflict which was really hard to go through until a certain point.
Also: People please don't hype up something because of the author, given how these are not usually good sign wise sometimes. That's coming from me and I read the source of the LN and I wasn't really invested to where I would really continue it.
The LN suffers from massive pacing issues, but by comparison this is much slower and even more tedious to go and read through, since the LN tends to give more information rather than actual context of the story.
The protagonist' background also doesn't help this entire thing since her prologue and conflict feels somewhat unrealistic to where there's really too damn much to where it kinda makes her uninteresting as a character at the start. The only reason why I'm not saying I hate her is because of the later parts where she acts more hyper active and energetic, but that's because she kinda solved her issue, somewhat so far.
And yeah I'm a Kirito fag but the thing is even I can acknowledge something when it's done right... but this wasn't done in the best way possible. I'd say. So I'm not going to expect much aside from maybe hoping they can fix the prologue shit, since that's probably the most unneeded thing in the novel. I swear, you can cut off the information of her and you CAN STILL get the point of her character.
Feb 7, 2018 7:44 PM by removed-user
If you're coming into this with the "oh it's kino no tabi author, it'll be good" in mind, or something among those lines, i'd like to give you a little advice:
The novels are extremely boring, period.
This guy takes his 'love for guns' (speaking of which, he talks about it in the author notes at the end of the novel) to the next level. He constantly pauses the narrative to give meaningless notes about random stuff (and guns) that...uh, you know what? Won't have any real impact in the actual story; (yeah, he does it in such a MEH way that it feels wrong to talk about guns in a story about guns) like, someone could compile the whole actual narrative, letting out his constant monologues, and it would probably feel like a decent story, though it's just annoyingly boring the way it is. It was a pain to finish the first 2 volumes and i wanted no more of this. (just in case, he does the same in kino no tabi, but since he's trying to build up something, it feels a little more acceptable).
To sum it up, it feels like Tolkien trying to write SAO, taking half a page to describe something you'll forget in the next 5 seconds.
Still up to the Anime though, since i'm sure the director/studio will make up for this author's poor writing just like others did to his previous works.
The staff is decent i guess
Feb 7, 2018 7:11 PM by kirakiii
Surprised that A1 pictures isn't doing it this time. Oh well, hopefully it'll be somewhat decent.
I am pretty sure it's announced very early that A1 Pictures are not working on this.
If you're coming into this with the "oh it's kino no tabi author, it'll be good" in mind, or something among those lines, i'd like to give you a little advice:
The novels are extremely boring, period.
This guy takes his 'love for guns' (speaking of which, he talks about it in the author notes at the end of the novel) to the next level. He constantly pauses the narrative to give meaningless notes about random stuff (and guns) that...uh, you know what? Won't have any real impact in the actual story; (yeah, he does it in such a MEH way that it feels wrong to talk about guns in a story about guns) like, someone could compile the whole actual narrative, letting out his constant monologues, and it would probably feel like a decent story, though it's just annoyingly boring the way it is. It was a pain to finish the first 2 volumes and i wanted no more of this. (just in case, he does the same in kino no tabi, but since he's trying to build up something, it feels a little more acceptable).
To sum it up, it feels like Tolkien trying to write SAO, taking half a page to describe something you'll forget in the next 5 seconds.
Still up to the Anime though, since i'm sure the director/studio will make up for this author's poor writing just like others did to his previous works.
I see. So it's like Mahouka of SAO. I hope the staff just trim the unnecessary exposition.
Feb 7, 2018 6:36 PM by AServant
Feb 7, 2018 5:13 PM by Clickbait
If you're coming into this with the "oh it's kino no tabi author, it'll be good" in mind, or something among those lines, i'd like to give you a little advice:
The novels are extremely boring, period.
This guy takes his 'love for guns' (speaking of which, he talks about it in the author notes at the end of the novel) to the next level. He constantly pauses the narrative to give meaningless notes about random stuff (and guns) that...uh, you know what? Won't have any real impact in the actual story; (yeah, he does it in such a MEH way that it feels wrong to talk about guns in a story about guns) like, someone could compile the whole actual narrative, letting out his constant monologues, and it would probably feel like a decent story, though it's just annoyingly boring the way it is. It was a pain to finish the first 2 volumes and i wanted no more of this. (just in case, he does the same in kino no tabi, but since he's trying to build up something, it feels a little more acceptable).
To sum it up, it feels like Tolkien trying to write SAO, taking half a page to describe something you'll forget in the next 5 seconds.
I hope so~
Visuals look pretty good, specially Karen (llynn) herself.
Feb 7, 2018 5:04 PM by Ainosense
Feb 7, 2018 4:16 PM by xoDamon
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