Manga 'UQ Holder!' Gets Anime Adaptation
In the decade since the world became aware of the existence of magic, the world has undergone massive upheaval; however, a boy named Touta lives in seclusion in a rural town far removed from these changes. His ordinary life is highlighted by his magic-using female teacher and his supportive friends. When his tranquil daily life is disrupted, he embarks on a unique adventure. (Source: ANN)
The series is drawn by Ken Akamatsu and has been publishing since August 2013. It currently has ten volumes published. The 11th and 12th volumes will be released on July 15 and November 17, respectively. The English version has been published by Kodansha Comics USA since March 2014 and in Brazilian Portuguese by Jbc since April 2016.
Source: Yaraon
News submitted by edge13 & Zazie122
UQ Holder! on MAL.
20 of 60 Comments Recent Comments
Do you have to finish Negima to watch this? I've put Negima on hold but this is a sequel for an incomplete adaptation...
You don't have to watch the Negima anime shows before you can watch UQ. Since the Negima anime series wasn't faithful to the manga. But if possible, you should read the Negima manga to the end before starting on UQ. That will make things less confusing.
Jul 8, 2016 12:49 AM by Teckmeister
Was expected...
Wonder which studio will adapt this....Shaft? :P
Hopefully this will be a more faithful adaptation than the 2 Negima series ¬¬'
Yes, the Negima anime series (both of them) pissed me off. The earlier version followed the manga at first but then they started making stuff up by themselves later on. They spoiled the whole Negima franchise in my opinion, by making up a lame final boss.
Jul 8, 2016 12:47 AM by Teckmeister
Jul 7, 2016 11:21 PM by Magister_Jakene
Do you have to finish Negima to watch this? I've put Negima on hold but this is a sequel for an incomplete adaptation...
anime? no manga? you should
Jul 2, 2016 10:03 PM by minopop
Jul 2, 2016 9:59 PM by minopop
Never thought I would live to see the day another Akamatsu manga gets adapted. Getting pumped for the inevitable train wreck adaptation.
Jul 2, 2016 9:44 PM by FullmetalRaikou
Jun 28, 2016 2:20 AM by deckydu
Why.... I still want to know who Negi ended up with.
Then it's UQ holder you need, not Negima, since Negima doesn't answer who.
Jun 21, 2016 8:30 AM by Ahoy_NATO
Why.... I still want to know who Negi ended up with.
Then it's UQ holder you need, not Negima, since Negima doesn't answer who.
Jun 21, 2016 8:22 AM by Zefyris
Jun 21, 2016 7:27 AM by Ahoy_NATO
This!! When are they gonna animate that epic fight? It was disappointing that the OVA didn't include one of the most badass fight in the series.
It's too epic for any anime studio, that's why. Last time a studio tried, their computers exploded while tryin it.
Jun 21, 2016 5:00 AM by ToG25thBaam
I was waiting for this but shouldnt they first finish an adaptation of the original anime?
HOLY SHET I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS! Wow. I wish it was Negima who got a remake instead of this which will probably be 1 cour and only there to promote the manga, so the pacing will probably be abysmal. This series is also not as good as MSN, as far as the characters and the story go, and Touta is not as charming of a protagonist as Negi was. The world building was meh compared to MSN and its magic world concept. Pretty much everything is inferior to its prequel, and it's also disturbing that Ken Akamatsu sensei has the gall to go with some implication of
I still wish this is a success and MSN can finally get a proper adaptation it deserves. I hope it's not done by Shaft and Akiyuki Shinbou, that would suck.
I'm also still waiting for my Negi-Rakan fight.
It's too epic for any anime studio, that's why. Last time a studio tried, their computers exploded while tryin it.
Jun 21, 2016 3:13 AM by Zefyris
(Plus it starts slow as well, so there's that problem)
Jun 21, 2016 1:07 AM by Brb
I hope Bones, Madhouse MAPPA, or J.C staff over this.
I won't touch this if Pierrot, Toei or A1 Pictures gets they hands one it because I don't want to see my favourite Manga series being treated bad AGAIN!
Jun 21, 2016 12:33 AM by BlazingArata
I'm kind of glad it's moving to monthly issues, though. Akamatsu's older and seems to be getting a bit worn down from his work. Given all the details he likes to put into his art, this gives him more time to do so. Plus, longer chapters and less cliffhangers are always good.
Jun 21, 2016 12:26 AM by Zazie122
Jun 21, 2016 12:19 AM by VegeMayos
So the series is going monthly now?
The manga was pretty boring but the action scenes in it are top notch (though they lack impact because boring manga, but they are still very fluid and neat), hopefully this goes to a studio who can adapt those well.
what? idk what rumors you're hearing but UQ is weekly and will always be weekly
No announcement of studio? Don't mind if Shaft does it as long as they kept it like the OVA's but in TV format, that being a proper adaption
Can't see the anime getting very far but more Evangeline is always good.
Ewww Shaft doing UQ? Disgusting. I like Shaft, but this is not the show for them to do
Jun 20, 2016 11:25 PM by Paulo27
I still wish this is a success and MSN can finally get a proper adaptation it deserves. I hope it's not done by Shaft and Akiyuki Shinbou, that would suck.
I'm also still waiting for my Negi-Rakan fight.
Jun 20, 2016 11:24 PM by ToG25thBaam
So the series is going monthly now?
The manga was pretty boring but the action scenes in it are top notch (though they lack impact because boring manga, but they are still very fluid and neat), hopefully this goes to a studio who can adapt those well.
what? idk what rumors you're hearing but UQ is weekly and will always be weekly
No announcement of studio? Don't mind if Shaft does it as long as they kept it like the OVA's but in TV format, that being a proper adaption
Can't see the anime getting very far but more Evangeline is always good.
Ewww Shaft doing UQ? Disgusting. I like Shaft, but this is not the show for them to do
Unless another studio decides to pick it up, they're currently the likely candidate as they did all the Negima ones after the first TV series. While their orignal version of their TV series remake wasn't exactly a proper show, it was still fun. The OVA's, which were proper adaptions were great, albeit rushed because of OVAs but great for what they managed to fit in.
Jun 20, 2016 10:42 PM by Paul
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