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Chapters: 19, Volumes: 4, Days: 0.26, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: -0.27 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes
1 Koten-bu Series Publishing
- / -
- / -
2 Kowloon Generic Romance Publishing
- / -
2 / -
3 Nazo no Kanojo X
4 / 96
- / 12
4 Non Non Biyori
- / 125
1 / 16
5 Tonari no Seki-kun Publishing
15 / -
1 / -
6 3-gatsu no Lion Publishing
- / -
- / -
7 Adekan Publishing
- / -
- / -
8 Banana Fish
- / 110
- / 19
9 Dengeki Daisy
- / 80
- / 16
10 Escaflowne
- / -
- / 6
11 Good Morning Call
- / 57
- / 11
12 Hibi Chouchou
- / 83
- / 12
13 I''s
- / 143
- / 15
14 Little Witch Academia
- / 5
- / 1
15 Little Witch Academia: Tsukiyo no Oukan
- / 5
- / 1
16 Sex
- / 68
- / 7