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[Chapter 1:] Ichigo gets his Shimigami powers.

[Chapter 354:] Ulquiorra dies, then Yammy reveals that he is the 0 Espada

[chap 528:] Ichigo is "brought back" from the zero division to his house. The story of Ichigo's mother and father, starts now... his mother, was a quincy!
[chap 534:] Masaki has a hole in her chest from getting bitten by that hollow --is that why Ichigo has a little bit of hollow and quincy on him?
[chap 535:] The reason why Masaki and Isshin are together!
Ichigo has Hollow powers and Quincy powers from his mother who was a Quincy and was infected by a Hollow.
[chap 540:] "Zangetsu" was never Ichigo's real zanpakto, it was always Hollow Ichigo, that "Zangetsu" is truly Juha Bach, his quincy powers.
3 Manga Garbage.
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Fairy Tail
Trash — No Summary Required.
4 Manga Garbage.
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 2: Sentou Chouryuu
Trash — No Summary Required.
4 Manga Garbage.
Chapters: 1323, Volumes: 144, Days: 47.14, Mean Score: 3.7, Score Dev.: -4.19

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