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Kingdom Publishing
[Chapter 01:] Shin and Hyou are introduced. Hyou goes away. Shin sets off after Hyou's death.
[Chapter 03:] Shin meets Ei Sei.
[Chapter 04:] Meet Ten. Sei and Shin follow her so that they can escape soldiers.
[Chapter 06:] Shin decides to follow Sei.
[Chapter 12:] Shou Bun Kun meets up with Sei.
[Chapter 17:] They meet the Mountain People.
[Chapter 22:] Yotanwa joins forces with Sei.
[Chapter 1:]
[Chapter 173:] Ouki dies. Shin gets his glaive.
[Chapter 1:]
[Chapter 549:] Day 3 of the battle ends. Gyou 'un made 3 errors- basically doubting Shin and Kyoukai .
[Chapter 550:] Riboku finds out that Gyou has more food than the Ousen army.
[Chapter 551:] Messenger reports to Qin.
[Chapter 552:] YTW motivates her soldiers through food issue. They plan to eliminate the leaders.
[Chapter 553:]
[Chapter 554:]
[Chapter 555:] The Right Wing plans to take out Gaku Ei. This mission with be done by Shin and Ouhon.
[Chapter 557:] Akou fighting against the other 3 Zhao armies on the right wing. Akou's formation is breaking down.
[Chapter 558:] Akou is fighting Ba Nan Ji. Gyou 'Un is overwhelming another part of Akou's army. Shin stops his assault towards Gaku Ei.
[Chapter 559:] Gyou Un and Ban Nan Ji are overwhelming Akou. Akakin saves Akou.
[Chapter 560:] Ouhon helps save Akou. Shin kills Gaku Ei in one strike.
[Chapter 561:] Shin's strike frightened Gaku Ei's men and they choose not to attack HSU. Houken is awoken by Shin's strike is reminded of Ouki. Heki is winning.

[Chapter 621:] Kyoukia goes deeper into her 'ton' in order to challenge Houken. Houken overpowers her and Shin appears.
8 Manga Seinen, Bloody, History, Action, Well-Done.
Chapters: 0, Volumes: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: -1.01

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