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# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags (reset filter)
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Itou Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection: Chidamagi
The Devil's Logic is in Deserter. This is one of those super short Ito stories. This one actually works quite nicely. Not much is explained and the twist is hokey but I liked it anyway. 6/10

Sword of the Re-Animator is in Deserter. Really different one but fun enough. Almost a magic/fantasy element and rather unique for Ito, although the usual tone is there. 6/10

Unbearable Maze is in Deserter. Neat horror adventure with some monks in a maze. Kind of cool but not super impactful.
- 3/7 -/1 ownpart, deserter
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Itou Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection: Ijimekko
Scripted Love (aka Love as Scripted) is in Deserter. Kind of a goofy concept- what guy would give girls he breaks up with a video like this. But it's somehow carried off very well. Unique and memorable like the best Ito. 8/10

A Father's Love (aka Heart of a Father) is in Deserter. Oddball story about a father controlling his kids with some sort of mind control. Fine. 6/10

Bullied (aka The Bully) is in Deserter. Now this one is memorable, but it's also unpleasant dealing with bullying and child abuse. 6/10

Deserter (aka House of the Deserter) is in Deserter. Neat story with a historical element. But similar ideas have also been done before. 6/10
- 4/7 -/1 ownpart, deserter
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Itou Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection: Kao Dorobou
The Hanging Balloons (aka Hanging Blimp) is in Shiver. This is a really strange and creepy idea. It's basically unexplained and has a grim ending- both of which work well. 10/10.
My Dear Ancestors (aka Honored Ancestors) is in Shiver.

Face Burgler (aka Face Thief) is in Deserter. Simple but solid concept executed well with a nice gross ending. Not sure what else I want from Ito. 8/10
- 2/6 -/1 shiver, deserter, ownpart
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Itou Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection: Michi no Nai Machi
Village of the Siren is in Deserter. Here's another weird little Ito adventure. There are several of these style stories in Deserter. They're good but not great. 6/10
- 1/5 -/1 ownpart, deserter
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Itou Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection: Namekuji Shoujo
Coldness (aka Shiver) is in Shiver. This has a great body horror element and is the making of a top tier Ito story- it feels like it could have been extended over several chapters and it's a little rushed feeling (a common trait of Ito's short stories). 8/10

Bio House is in Deserter. This is a pure gross out story, very simple but I really dig it. 8/10
- 2/7 -/1 shiver, deserter, ownpart
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Itou Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection: Nikuiro no Kai
The Long Hair in the Attic is in Deserter. Solid gore fest from Ito. Works very nicely and I'm overall impressed with the stories in Deserter. 8/10
- 1/6 -/1 ownpart, deserter
Chapters: 13, Volumes: 0, Days: 5.05, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

Chapters: 3191, Volumes: 343, Days: 18.01, Mean Score: 8.2, Score Dev.: 0.27
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